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11:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@Suyesh developers.google.com/web-toolkit/doc/latest/tutorial google's official tutorial
3 hours later…
@jozefg how was your seminar?
hey Lewis
didn't realize this was your room :-P
Lewis? :(
@It'sYourFault Not mine. Just room owner xD
my bad....Lews
guess I need glasses
Lol nah
Easy mistake :D
how's Java treating you?
It really sucks lol
like its b-word....eh
it's okay
nnnnnnnn sorry eating here
it's more like a mistress for now
Oh who's the mister?
Java's ALWAYS the man
As a Java room owner I probably shouldn't be saying that :D
lol.....might get you in trouble?
No idea.. doubt it.
Someone actually made another Java chat room :S
really? why?
he could as well have joined this room
and help us newbies out :)
Yep, no idea why :(
It is empty now
it's never empty
and even with its state, it still manages to help ppl
People leave happier
lol.....or more confused :)
A group of computer science majors were listening to a lecture about Java programming at a university. After the lecture one of the men leaned over and grabbed a women's breast.

Woman: "Hey! Thats private OK!?"

The man hesitated for a second looking confused.

Man: "But I thought we were in the same class?"
that's classic :)
Lol yeah
maybe I'll use it in one of my classes :)
Is there a Hash class?
hopefully, it's as funny in real life :)
you can create one
@It'sYourFault Rofl, hopefully don't get a slap.
or get sued
Yeah, the slap sounds nicer.
well, I'm hot.....so, it might lead to something nicer
The room tag is so boring.
Any ideas?
but yeah....as developers
always prepare for the worst
@It'sYourFault Lucky you!
Ignore that.. cleaning keyboard
Any ideas for the tag?
is it possible to remove some of the starred messages?
Maybe. Why?
just wondering
maybe you can add Android to the tag also
I can.
I like Android
room topic changed to Java: People leave. New people come. Memory remains. But we have to wait for the garbage collector to be able to use it. [android] [java]
how did you do that?
Beneath the tags, info and edit.
I'm the moderator of another dead room
Java isn't so great either.. Which room?
Weird, thought that'd be popular
owner abandoned it......I got picked last week to be the new moderator
How were you chosen.
unfortunately, I'm still a beginner too
Brb have to change rooms
So learning python?
not at the moment
school's tough :)
You in college or school?
but Python was supposed to be a side thing
Oh right.
What year?
though much of what I'm doing seems more like
2nd yr
Cool, you will know a lot then :)
lol....not really
just a tad more than a high schooler....lmao
So I guess Java is the main language?
Really? Weird
goal's to separate the languages into their respective functions
PHP for web
Java/Android for all other software dev
Python for scripting and security
Ah right.
at least, that's the goal
So you use the three in a big project?
lol....remember, I'm still learning
so, currently using PHP, playing with Java and Python for now
Looks like you are doing good :)
really wanna seize this opportunity to start Android
lol.....how do you know?
you haven't tested me yet
I prefer to believe in people :D
@It'sYourFault I heard Android isn't as hard.
I'm thinking of objective C
I know....it uses Java
I'm not even gonna discuss Obj-c
Lol why not?
you know how Java solved the platform portability issues, right?
I'm thinking that if I'm good enough, maybe I'll solve it for the mobile also
deploy a JVM on any mobile, and you can run Java apps on it
without using Obj-C
cause I hate Apple
but I like all their clients
I know Apple sucks.
That's a good project :)
lol.....I see many uses for Java
which is why I love reading about it :)
I'm a Java-ite :-)
You should learn .NET
I'm taking C# at the moment......but that's only because it's required
Q: How IT Executives handle the increase of Digital Data Explosion?

KombuchaI'm sure our IT executives are on the watch for this more so than average workers.

I'm for open source
How do you find C#?
Java imitator......yet, not as good
What C# you learning?
4.0 or less
I think 3.x.....can't verify though until I check the textbook
You use Linq?
Delegates, lambdas?
My I see why you think it sucks.
lol....it sucks because it's part of the .NET platform
if there's one thing you need to realize about .NET, it's this
once you latch onto one .NET technology, you'll be forced to incorporate the rest
unless you don't really want to be that good
I like working with .NET.
Very handy libraries
so, I don't hate C# because it's C#; I hate it because it's part of a broader stack
lol.....yeah...those handy libraries
too much abstraction
You should with C/C++
how many of those libraries can you explain how they actually work
how many of them can you replicate?
have you tried working in ASP.NET?
@It'sYourFault I can explain a good few. If I don't understand how it works I make sure I know.
they've got controls for everything
drag, drop, click
@It'sYourFault Yep and it is brilliant!
@It'sYourFault I don't use that.
bingo.....u've developed an application
Nah, I prefer getting dirty. You have that option.
lol...where's the option?
everything's built into VS
I use MVC rather than ASP.NET
I never use the designer
was C# your first language?
Nope. C was.
cool.....you are safe then
if your first language was C#, 90% chance that you'll just click and drag
and it's simply easier
and faster
Yeah that isn't me.
That's why I asked if Java was your first language.
Java also abstracts a good bit.
one of the first things you are taught in Java is how to run java from the commandline
you know why? because there's no single IDE for it
but with .NET, it comes with VS
just download VS, and boom.....you can solve the world's problems with a click
But you can run .NET apps from commandline.
And program in Notepad++
You don't have to use VS.
@jozefg Hey
Its true but with large frameworks VS's intellisense is way helpful
its hard to memorize everything
hey Jozef
that's true
but we are programmers........or learning to be
it must come easy
we need to understand how it works
I know a handful of code up there.. But there is no need for that.
Understanding very essential.
that's like giving a child a calculator before being taught how to add
after working in C# for about a yr, I moved to PHP.......I spent about a month configuring the Apache server
it was frustrating
but when I completed it, I was happy that I understood how to do it
what made it work
That's why I many colleges teach C.
Teaching C# or Java first is not the best idea.
It doesn't mean C# is bad either
exactly :)
I learned with C++
holy god I was confused for 6 months
Confused for 6 months? Impressive.
I'm still confused.
then, I got suckered into using Silverlight.....before realizing you need to know XAMP....which was part of WCF and WPF.....and then companies want you to understand SharePoint and TeamServer
all just because you wanna play with C#
You could try using Mono, ive heard it kinda limits .NET, you might like it. Or just use C, almost 0 standard libraries
open source............ sweet mama;
I'm using Mono
I'm still steering clear of .NET; got my Java
Java has some nice shiny standard libraries
all of java.net kinda makes me smile compared to boost.asio
ever use HipHop? @It'sYourFault
lol.....what's that?
PHP compiler, facebook uses it
lol....I'll look into it
but let's talk about Java :)
you should ive heard its pretty cool. Hmm heres a problem for you
I have to read in a text file, and parse it (its in a 3 column form with some whitespace in between) and return an iterator to it as fast as possible. How would you do it?
HipHop converts PHP codes to C++? why?
What the hell is it with Java's checked exception?
I used a bufferedreader to avoid direct system calls, a precompiled regex, and a mutating iterator for fast iteration without temps.. still not terribly fast..
what about it? @LewsTherin its just so that if try with resources throughs multiple exception while closing everything odesn't go to hell
its very very nice i think
It is horrible.
I hate how it forces you to have a try catch block.
how large is the text file?
@It'sYourFault 7M lines
Holy Molly
Big data :D
after parsing it, what else do you want to do with it?
@LewsTherin For try with resources?
store it in a file again?
@jozefg ?
@LewsTherin Do you not like how java forces you to catch have exceptions in general? or just for try with resources
@It'sYourFault it gets shoved into an algorithm which makes suggestions for user ratings (recommender system)
In general. Checked exceptions suck.
I do like exception safety to some extent but yeah boilerplate sucks
hmm......it would be unwise to load all the data at once
so, I'm thinking of reading about 100 lines at once,
Yep thats kinda how buffered reader does it, shoves it into a buffer, fill when empty
splitting them into a 2-d array, process that, shove it into the algorithm needed,
and pick the next 100 lines
yeah.....but since reading from files are slower, I wouldn't wanna read line by line
or what do you think?
I avoided splitting it, I created a "cursor" object, i left it general so you can process it however you please
modularity and all that
cause how you represent a matrix (adjency table vs list) is not universal
the text file won't always contain 3 columns, right?
um it will but the delimiter can vary
its always space though
okay, and each row is still on a different line?
its foobared sparse matrix format
I don't know what that means....:)
It looks like this
Row Col Val
foobared sparse matrix is an actual format, right?
nooo sparse matrix is, the foobared is is my way of saying twisted sparse amtrix format haha
let me check out what that means.....it still seems greek to me
In the subfield of numerical analysis, a sparse matrix is a matrix populated primarily with zeros as elements of the table. The term itself was coined by Harry M. Markowitz. If the majority of elements differ from zero, then it is common to refer to the matrix as a dense matrix. {| class=wikitable align=left width=240px style="margin:3px 15px 5px 0;" | Example of sparse matrix   [ 11 22  0  0  0  0  0 ]   [  0 33 44  0  0  0  0 ]   [  0  0 55 66 77  0  0 ]   [ &nbs...
Yep thats the one
gee.....thanks for giving a newbie an advanced question to solve
how did I do?
Not bad actually, At least you figured out not to read the whole damn thing into an object... someone in my lab tried to do that (facepalm)
load 7M rows at once?
Yuuup... really 14 Mil longs, 7mil doubles... ohhh dear
that's not gonna be good
what class was that?
yeah... oh this was at my job. Its not complicated code, but with big data you have to balance being clear with being fast enough to be practical
I thought you were 16
I am, I work down at the university part time, free time is overrated :P
nothing's free
Phew, damn display set to Portrait
@LewsTherin whatcha working on?
Spilled Yazoo on my laptop. How stupid am I
@It'sYourFault Nothing yet. Still have to get the project approved
So setting the layout.
the layout for the project?
See ya guys!
@jozefg ever thought applying to FB/Google for a job?
@jozefg Bye
Is it bad if I hate lecturers?
Is it so hard to reply?
lol....they probably wish they are not teaching you either
so, I guess the feeling is mutual
100% true.
1 hour later…
@It'sYourFault Some people only do things because they're paid...and I just think that's sad. :)
@LewsTherin Hey! It was awesome!
@LewsTherin I can't wait for the full book
Hello...oooo...oooo. Anyone home....oooome....oooome.
It's probably a good thing that this room is empty. I might get some coding done.
@BryanH lol.....that's true
@BryanH but that is sometimes the price of being responsible
almost everyone would wanna live by the beach and drink from coconuts everyday
@Code-Guru I had to go home.
It was brilliant wasn't it? :D
I wonder if the title of the next chapter is Tomorrow
ah! somebosy is here!
Yep there's always 2. 1 to be the master and one the apprentice
there's always someone here :)
Hey @It'sYourFault
yup I am new here! so probably you guys are jedi here
@jozefg hey.....I asked you a question before you left :-P
Oh sorry I missed it, lecture ended haha, hmm google or such? ive thought of it yeah, definently the R&D at google would be flipping amazing
or FB.....well, since you don't use PHP
but still
Actually they have C++ people :D
and java i believe
@ngoa lol....there aren't jedis anywhere......we just do it by trial and error :-P
and chat is erlang which is way cool
@ngoa bahhaa like programmers know what their doing
hehe!! true... true...
we keep patching it till itworks
"if it ain't broke you're not testing hard enough" -Google Test Team
@jozefg nice probably we will also use it here!
Oh! is that copyrighted stuff... Who knows!!
Nah I doubt it, it was on their blog so i doubt they'll care
plus they like SO just like everyone else :P
Hmm i should find some good java blogs... to the interwebs
anyone working on anything good?
Am I the only young person here?
it's not bad
I'm already swamped.....and older than that :-P
Are you in Uni?
And so am i... but MIT loves open source software
11:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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