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GM all
@NareshSharma seen 20s ago, talked 3d ago :O
GM @SilentKiller
good morning all
@Erum subha bakhair
@SilentKiller GM
@SilentKiller GM
GM @SilentKiller
@SweetWisherツ Good Morning
GM @Maid786
Good morning all :)
@Shadow Mrngs :)
@Shadow Good Night
Good morning :) @SweetWisherツ @SilentKiller
how r u?
A: How to embed VLC media player to my Android App

MarukuYes, if you already have the vlc-sdk.7z (libVLC for android), here is the sample project to embedded VLC into your android apps. If you do not have libVLC, here are the steps to build one. (After "sh compile.sh" finished, "make vlc-sdk.7z" to create the vlc-sdk.7z and unzip to the demo project. ...

good morning @SilentKiller
@Leena Very Good Morning...!!! Hws ya ?
hi madam welcome :) @Leena Good morn
i m good @SilentKiller
thank you @Shadow
hi @SweetWisherツ :)
Ohh hiii :)
Hws ya ?
@SweetWisherツ i am good
Good Morning Everyone
Hello All
I have one small issue :D
I need to set title of action bar in center
I have done that
bu I do have Navigation Drawer left side
so my title looks little left space + center align
any idea on this ?
@RoshanJha have you tried custom action bar ?
@SilentKiller Yes doing the same
in activities where navigation drawer is not there
it looks exactly in center
A: How to center align the ActionBar title in Android?

AhmadTo archive having a centered title in ABS (if you want to have this in the default ActionBar, just remove the "support" in the method names), you could just do this: In your Activity, in your onCreate() method: getSupportActionBar().setDisplayOptions(ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_CUSTOM); getSupportA...

but in which navigation icon is there
there is problem
then it must be your XML issue
show your xml
I found this one but not feeling comfortable with this
This does not help either
Q: Add Weekly Event to Calendar

SunI would like to add an event to native Calendar, here i want to repeat this event on every Tuesday until 31 December 2015: btnWeekly.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub ...

@dro is silent from 3days :P
2 hours later…
@SweetWisherツ there ?
yes now
@SweetWisherツ That's in my nature
@SweetWisherツ can you help me ?
@DroidDev Ohh really :P
@Sun will try
@SweetWisherツ what if I told you that @SilentKiller adopted that name after getting silent training from me :P
lolzz, honestly i wont believe
That's the thing with the people. You tell them there's a guy in sky who is looking at 7 billion people all at same time, they'll instantly agree with you. You tell them paint is wet and they have to touch the wall to believe it.
hello all. how to use headers in webview for post request?
@DroidDev O_o
Q: Android - how to intercept a form POST in android WebViewClient on API level 4

manishaI have a WebViewClient attached to my WebView like so: webView.setWebViewClient(new MyWebViewClient()); Here is my implementation of MyWebViewClient: private class MyWebViewClient extends WebViewClient { @Override public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) { ...

check this one
ok will check it
I am trying to add jar file in android studio. I added that jar in libs folder. and in build.graddle I added the line compile file 'libs/volley.jar'.. But its not working .. Any more step left to do here?
please help me someone.
I've problem in dropbox ios sdk
here is my code and output for upload video
Can anyone suggest a good library for online video streaming?
3 hours later…
byee all
5 hours later…
posted on June 01, 2015 by Reto Meier

Posted by Peter Lubbers, Senior Program Manager, Google Developer Training We know how important it is for you to efficiently develop the skills to build better Android apps and be successful in your jobs. To meet your training needs, we’ve partnered with Udacity to create Android training courses, ranging from beginner to more advanced content. Last week at Google I/O we announced the A

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