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Good Morning Mates
gm all
GM All
@SweetWisherツ Assalamualikum
@shihab_returns walekumAssalam :)
@Lakhan @user1838846 access granted
@SweetWisherツ Thanks
When a new user come to this room, what i have to do? i got notification. @SweetWisherツ
@shihab_returns u need to click on the room name, u'll be redirected to grant access page
then click on orange arrow and click on "write access"
@shihab_returns gotcha ?
after come a new user maybe clear.. i got the options @SweetWisherツ
Good morning all :)
@Shadow morning...
@Shadow gm
@shihab_returns yeah :)
i follow this example
my app is running
but not getting markers
and any one in android
u mean custom marker?
yes like output what they giiven
not getting
when i select busstation
its not showing nearest bus stations
or else i select atm
or any other option from spinner
it display nothing
followed everyting ?
show ur map
i ma runnig in device
wait let me create virtual
take a snap shot n share
good morning to all
i am working core_bluetooth. i have one bluetooth devices .i connect bluetooth devices to my iPhone .now i need get data form devices
We tried like this
Please guide me any one
Q: didDiscoverServices and didDiscoverCharacteristicsForService never call

user1838846We have one bluetooth devices.We using core_bluetooth.framework.Bluetooth Devices have data.We need to Get Data for bluetooth Devices to my iPhone.We tried like this -(void) centralManager:(CBCentralManager *)central didDiscoverPeripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral advertisementData:(NSDictionar...

Please guide to us .
when i touch in map
green marker is there
but red marker s not there
5 hours later…
@SilentKiller There ??
@PiyushGupta Hey

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