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GM all.. have a great day :)
can i show forward arrow without using images
in textview
@ErumHannan i guess not, why dont you use any icon as drawableright to textview? does it not work? or you need something else?
no it will work but i dnt have designer right now
thats why trying to do using unicodes
i dont think there is another way, you can find any particular image from google
or may be here
i have done using code
<string name="fwdarrow">></string>
but it not looks good
thats impressive (y) btw
What is it? is there alignment issue or what?
its quite small in size now i have set 40sp font size its better
one thing more
but failed to show toast from adapter class
i have one issue
i m showing custom toast that working fine in activity
how are you initializing your adapter?
inflater = getLayoutInflater();
/*View layout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.custom_toast,
(ViewGroup) findViewById(R.id.custom_toast_layout_id));
public class ListViewAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<SystemAppsBean> {
using contructor i m initializing and i m passing contxt to adapter as well
which context?
the activity who is going to bound with adapter that activity's context
hi @Gajini
the above second line is giving me error and everything is working fine
@MysticMagic hello
@ErumHannan show me where are you creating object of adapter like
adapter = new ...;
Mrngs all :)
@Gajini Yello :)
@Gajini hali
ListViewAdapter systemAppAdapter;
systemAppAdapter = new ListViewAdapter(this, R.layout.listview_item,
@MysticMagic can u pls see issue ?
@ErumHannan can you try initializing inflater like this
LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
i have done like this
inflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);
this line is creating issue
View layout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.custom_toast,
(ViewGroup) findViewById(R.id.custom_toast_layout_id));
when i m trying to show custom toast
what does it say? any exception or compile error?
do it like this and try again
View layout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.custom_toast, null);
and then find your custom_toast_layout_id in it
this is the eror
The method findViewById(int) is undefined for the type new View.OnClickListener(){}
try above and let me know
@ErumHannan use layout.findViewById()
yes i got
i have done lets see result
hello all
thanks @Yousefkhan i have done and one more thing i have used progressbar that will move automatically i will just hide and show in onPreExecute and onPostExecute but it not looks good i want to show dashed lines boundry how can i ?
@ErumHannan u welcome. i didnt get you completely, do u want to use dashed line boundary on progressDialog?
on progress bar not progress dialog
i have done with this code but it still not giving good UX

and what is drawable/dashed_progress? is it an image or custom drawable?
have a look here, it may help
Hi All
@SweetWisherツ Hi, how to design android application for support multiple device and tablets.
@Yousefkhan its custom drawable
Q: ActionBar AppCompat change Tab indicator color

SunI have seen many posts and answers but still not clear to me, what to do if i have to change Tab indicator color without using Android Asset Studio public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity implements android.support.v7.app.ActionBar.TabListener{ private ViewPager tabsviewPa...

@SweetWisherツ i searched for google but I couldn't understand that one. So that I asking here. Anyway thanks your response buddy.
have anyone worked on chatting app or android wear?
oks @SweetWisherツ
A: TabWidget current tab bottom line color

MCeleyThe color of the tab indicator is being set by a selector drawable which can be found here and looks like this: <!-- AOSP copyright notice can be found at the above link --> <selector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"> <!-- Non focused states --> <item android:st...

while String textColor = "#fffff";
but its giving me error
12-10 11:31:47.228: E/AndroidRuntime(4655): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown color
12-10 11:31:47.228: E/AndroidRuntime(4655): at android.graphics.Color.parseColor(Color.java:216)
define in color.xml
but if i want other than white then ?
cant i pass directly ?
Yes u can
without using color.xml file ?
i have applied let see
weccummsss :) @SilentKiller
@ErumHannan you are passing wrong color. there should total 6 alphabates or digits while you are passing only 5
what would be the best way ?
@SweetWisherツ thanks
@Sun best way to create custom style for tabs
A: How to set the text color of TextView in code?

NanneYou should use: holder.text.setTextColor(Color.RED); For a sanity check, I just tried it, because I had a project open anyway, and yes, it's nice and red ;D You can use various functions from the Color class to get the same effect of course. Color.parseColor (Manual) (like LEX uses) tex...

@SilentKiller actually bro i don't wanna use any drawable i just want to use color code for tab indicator
yes @SilentKiller good catch this was the issue
nd I WILL :/@SilentKiller
@MysticMagic you sleeping here ?
anyone know how to use compactor to show 3 way result. like past/prest/future
compactor comparator
hi there
anybody know any alternate way for caching in .NET?
Hey guys any one know about Worklight
@erumhannan did u find any thing for custom progress bar? btw why are you using "android:indeterminateDrawable" instead of "android:progressDrawable" ?
any Alternative instead of Caching data in memory?
Q: How to set Navigation Drawer icon on right side using AppCompat V-21 Toolbar Widget

DoryI have been working in material design using the latest Toolbar Widget provided in AppCompact-V21, with the navigation drawer. My concern is How can we set the navigation drawer icon on right side of the toolbar. Although we can open the navigation drawer from right by setting the android:layou...

Folks please help
@SilentKiller was in meeting
@MysticMagic ote
@SweetWisherツ checking
@SilentKiller no :|
Phonegap ?
sure if i can
Any one here face issues while playing audio in ios
App is freezing while playing audio from a url ?
in phonegap ?
using audio plugin
working fine for small files what for large file app is freezing until it loads (I think) complete audio file in memory
which one ?
check link/ share link of your plugin
A: Phonegap/Cordova - media api - when play audio from URL, UI freeze a few seconds

jonasWe're currently developing an app that streams some music and we had the exact same problem. We decide to go with the HTMLAudioElement. You can use it just like this var myAudio = new Audio("http://123.com/xyz.mp3"); myAudio.play(); This doesn't freeze our UI while loading and I even think it...

yes but its not working
plugin that i used
the link you shared is asking to use html5 audio tag
using this audio is not playing in background mode
that is when phone is locked
any idea ?
@SilentKiller :)
hi all
View layout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.custom_toast,null);

View layoutNew =(ViewGroup) layout.findViewById(R.id.custom_toast_layout_id);
i m using ths now how can i change gravity_top to my main layout
whose id is custom_toast_layout_id
and its relative layout
using for custom toast
Relativelayout layoutNew = (Relativelayout) layout.findViewById(R.id.custom_toast_layout_id);
and then change its gravity
lunch time
anybody here?
need help urgent
Q: android imageview scaletype not working for AnimationDrawable

sharathI have a imageview that fills my entire screen and i downloaded images from url into my sdcard, I am using AnimationDrawable to show these images as slideshow in the imageview. But however I try my Images are loosing their aspect ratio, the images appear stretched. I have tried all the scaletype'...

guys anyone having experience with 301 redirects in webconfig ?
@sharath what is the resolution of downloaded image ?
2048*1536 @SweetWisherツ
i have build an app for current location gps cordinates in phonegap and got ipa , apk & xap.. It runs perfectically on iphone and android but in case on windowphone it says Check internet connection. Can anyone help why i am getting such error?
@AmanSingh id internet connection available ?
@sharath sure ?
@SweetWisherツ absolutely
I downloaded it into my sd card and checked the resolution
took the link in the browser and tried also
same result
put the image in drawable and check it once
@SweetWisherツ yes internet connection is available
i am klling runing processes and after killing getting less number of processes than previous one it means killing process has released some memory
but my available memory still same
Good noon all :)
@AmanSingh can you get the line where it fires this error ?
Afternoon :) Shadow
@SweetWisherツ now i cant get that as i am running it on just emulator. and the error occurs as the app starts
@AmanSingh getting error in device/ emulator ?
on emulator
try it on device once
brb lunch time
@SweetWisherツ so no way to help me?
am klling runing processes and after killing getting less number of processes than previous one it means killing process has released some memory
but my available memory still same
44 mins ago, by SweetWisher ツ
put the image in drawable and check it once
@MysticMagic (Y)
hi all. i have an issue of switching in tab using [fragment pager adapter(http://www.truiton.com/2013/05/android-fragmentpageradapter-example/). I am in first position of tab, which i need to switch over to second tab on button click
any idea?
@Shadow what about setItem(2) ?
object of adapter?
method is not displaying
sory, use setCurrentItem with ViewPager @Shadow
this is in case of fragment activity but i am using in fragment where layout been designed.
wait i wl show code
OKie show
@SweetWisherツ hi
@Shadow you can call a method of Fragment activity from Fragment only like ((YouActivity)getActivity()).callMethod()
here any one for android developer ?
got it? or need to show u in ur code ? @Shadow check this
@Pans yes
@SweetWisherツ i can run the android appliction in emultor , but i can not able to run mobile why ?
@Pans is device attached?
where is @DroidDev today
thinking the same :|
@SweetWisherツ i configure the IP address in log in screen
@Pans WHAT ?
okay trying and let u know @SweetWisherツ
wll kilBackgroundProcess really release memeory
@Shadow namaste
@Gajini back
hellow @Gajini
@SweetWisherツ i can able to set the IP in mobile ?
@Pans i am not getting you
@SweetWisherツ in my log in screen i have a button called config in that i have IP andress and Port number , in emulator its wrk fine in my mobile also i give same ip but not working wt to do ?
can you define not working?
what are you doing after entering IP? (I mean code of button click?)
And is there a crash? If so, show logcat.
@SweetWisherツ i got it
@sharath How?
i was setting the image as background
so when i set it as source the scaletype works
nobody noticed it
in the queation
i myself found it
@MysticMagic see i emulator i can give my system ip , i put my apk into my mobile is getting error ?
@Pans what error ?
@SweetWisherツ anyways thank you
@SweetWisherツ unfortunaly project has stopped
@sharath post your own answer and accept it.. so it can help someone in future :)
4 mins ago, by MysticMagic
And is there a crash? If so, show logcat.
Check logcat
@MysticMagic hello im run the project in mobile i m not debugging
@Pans can't you run with connecting to machine?
So that it shows error in logcat?
Or is there some hidden clause you missed to tell till now?
@MysticMagic ok ill do it
@MysticMagic im my project i used java web and android
i servlet page i can access the android code
i m making method static and inside method i m using ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager)getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
now this line is giving me error
Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method getSystemService(String) from the type
welcome @Prince :)))
@ErumHannan can't you understand Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method getSystemService(String) from the type
yes but i m using context.getSystemService
still this is not working
show whole method
Thank you to you too mam :-)
@Prince heheh hws ya ?
As usual. Fit & awesome dowesome
@ErumHannan hi. My string is not being concated.. domain name is not being appended.. Due to it, I am not able to login. can you help?
where u r getting this erro r?
in SO ?
public  static void getMemorySize(Context c) {
		ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager)c.getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
no. in my app
pass context @ErumHannan
but where r u trying to login ?
@MysticMagic whats up
in my app only.
@Prince up is terrace ;)
@Prince throwsome :P
any ways, Erum, you solve yours, I ll solve mine... :|
@Pans ok. good
b2w :)
Lols here ups is fourth floor
Work load ?
@Prince me dong some R&D task :/
everything is high priority except developers' life
Don't expect anything..it always hurts. So always Order :P
I think you both busy:-/
hurt Will never come again shadow.
:) :)
to both. take 1 each :P
heheh taken
app hanged :P
Mind hangged
heart bangged :P
Then Drink Tang
Cya ~ on a break ;P
Dishhhh break enjoy :-P
@MysticMagic sure
I have integrated swipeRefreshLayout in 2.3, but initially it doesn't show refresh image. I've added setRefreshing(true) though it doesn't work. @Prince
Q: How to use SwipeRefreshLayout in app targeting API level 14?

AndroidSlingerGoogle recently added the SwipeRefreshLayout to the support library. What's the most straightforward and proper way to be able to use this in an app that is targeting API level 14 that has previously been using the regular APIs for things like fragments?

Hi @droid_dev m not sure but just found this. Seen ?
And see if this helps @droid_dev
Q: SwipeRefreshLayout setRefreshing not showing indicator initially

unknownI have a very simple layout but when I call setRefreshing(true) in onActivityCreate of my fragment it does not show initially. It only shows when I do a pull to refresh. Any ideas why it isnt showing up initially? Fragment xml: <android.support.v4.widget.SwipeRefreshLayout android:id="@+id/swip...

Sometimes cell can also searched good results. But hard to find ;-)
hehe hmm
i am alive
me too..
@MysticMagic @Prince setRefreshing(true) doesn't work but when i pull it starts refreshing and setRefreshing(false) dismiss the refresh. Why initially it doesn't work
> SwipeRefreshLayout indicator does not appear when the setRefreshing(true) is called before the SwipeRefreshLayout.onMeasure()
Checked that answer Prince gave?
He has shown three workaround... check if any works.. @droid_dev
@MysticMagic Worked!! @Prince Thanks!!

Hello World

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most popular room an year back
used memory should be released by 330mb
@SweetWisherツ can u pls tell me i m killing processes and its showing that there are 330 mb is released but still when i m getting used memeory its same
anyone has idea how to use banners adds in android
getting error
12-10 16:50:49.232: I/AdvertisingIdClient(16091): at com.google.android.gms.ads.identifier.a.c(SourceFile:275)
@MysticMagic hi
@MysticMagic i got solution thanks
@Pans great.
2 hours later…
@droid_dev Great buddy... Then give me a treat ;-)
3 hours later…
posted on December 10, 2014 by Android Developers

Posted by Wayne Piekarski, Developer Advocate We’re pleased to announce that the official Android Wear Watch Face API is now available for developers. Watch faces give users even more ways to express their personal style, while creating an opportunity for developers to customize the most prominent UI feature of the watches. Watch faces have been the most requested feature from users and devel

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