Albert Einstain Worried: "One Day Technology Will Spread To Entire World,and i affraid there will be lots of Ideats who will west time to use such technologies,and now things are coming true"
I've been stuck at this problem for a while on Android.
Is it possible to compare an SQLite local database from the parsed JSON objects and update the table if it's not similar?
For example, I have a pre-populated SQLite database, and someone updates the server database. So instead of deleting ...
@victor when user or some 1 update its database also update its date then when ever he wants to update its database just check date if there is updates available then update it otherwise send msg your data is already up to date
yeah i am able to insert data from json webservice and display it..But the thing is if the json string gets updated by the admin then the updated the data must be stored in sqlite @furqi
@furqi just want to disply current time in hour min and secound
Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); int hour = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR); int minute = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE); int second = calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND);
@AamirKhan hi I have a Alertdialog with a edittext inside it when I click on edittext not display keyboard .I work with api 14. do you know why it dont work correctly ?
It seems that you have multi threading issue, one thread tries to get the data while another one or more than one are trying to insert some data into your tables,because the exception is thrown from method (getCount).
Also don't forget; SQLite cursor is not internally synchronized, so if you use this cursor from multiple threads you should perform your own sync mechanism.