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03:00 - 11:0011:00 - 16:00

@Alice morning morning
@SilentKiller Morning :D
@Alice everything all right always laughing..???:P:D:D:D:D
@SilentKiller @Alice Morning
@SilentKiller :P nope i am happy thats why
@CapDroid @SAHIL Morning
@hotveryspicy very good morning
Good Morning All
@Alice morning aLiCe
@Alice ohhh then whats the good news...???
@SilentKiller cant say here :$
@Alice ohhhhh... then how can i ask party for that reason which i don't know..:P:P
@SAHIL ohhh Philosopher..
i am not , yar Philosopher Robinhood hai
@SilentKiller yeah you cant so dont ask :P
@SAHIL then who are you?
kuch nahein bus aap jaisa ek developer
@SAHIL No, I don't praise anyone
@Alice but i'll ask...;);)
@SilentKiller :P
leave it , @hotveryspicy
i want to know that , andriod project runs smoothly in device or simulator?
@Alice @SilentKiller hello
@SAHIL device
@SilentKiller andriod app running very slow in simulator , its taking too much time to open the application
is there any thing to make it more smoother @SilentKiller
@SAHIL try and check in device instead of simulator
Good Morning :)
does it not show the intelligence while writing @SilentKiller @hotveryspicy
any php guy ?

plz answer it
Good Morning
hi good morning hardik
if ( isset($_SESSION['User_name']) )
// then operation
@hotveryspicy see this
@hotveryspicy is it for me
@hotveryspicy lets see what does it do
@Alice given answer is correct and also OP saying semi-transparent then it must not used any special filter i.e multiply, highlight, soft, darken etc.. of Photoshop.
@hotveryspicy just showed you because you know it better :P
good morning people :D
Q: Highlight text on a PDF

Chirag PatelI have compiled MuPDF correctly and have been able to run the sample app without an issue, but; Problem: I want functionality like highlights,underlines, sticky notes, arrows, lines, ovals, rectangles, freehand drawings and text boxes on which user long pressed by his finger, as in RepliGo PDF ...

@BomberMan hello Bomby
Good Morning All
@M.J. :D
@all Good Morning
@chintankhetiya morning
@Kumar morning
@M.J. hello, how are you?
@BomberMan upto what?
Q: Tablet "drawable" qualifier

hotveryspicyA Titanium project for both Mobile+Tablet, completed mobile version perfectly but facing some complexity when coming to Tablet design. Below is the Matrix of qualifier which supports by Titanium but 'm not able to find any qualifier which targets Android-Tablet I found that you can forcefully...

@Alice @hotveryspicy Ignoring you guys :D
@BomberMan Good morning
@M.J. haha ignore but type chat here :P
@Alice :)
@M.J. Okay
@M.J. :)
@M.J. very good morning
@hotveryspicy had tea with Cigarette?
@Kumar having already
ohh good
@All Hey..Good morning
@codebrain Mornings
@Kumar : Morning :-) 's
Any BB10 developer here ?
@CapDroid BB10?
@hotveryspicy I knew you are not..
any magento developer here
morning ....

guys anyone have any little project on php ... i have made project in asp and now my professor refuse to take it ..he told i must have to do in php and there is only tow day remaining to submit .. demo
@user1879104 what kind of simple project you need?
@JJPA thankyou
i need a php website
@BomberMan @hotveryspicy i did it
A: How to play video as live wallpaper android?

HardikAfter spending 3 days Finally I run this project in eclipse. Now I share steps how I solve it So that other may help this. First one of the most important thing is that Your project path and ndk path not contains spaces It will give you problem in steps. I also face problem with it so please re...

@Hardik sounds great, congrats
@hotveryspicy welcome... but sound not play with video... not that is next task
@Hardik ok, its note not not ya
@hotveryspicy what ????
@Hardik ohh just ignore that sentence :)
@M.J. thanks
@Hardik not note that is next task
ohhhh thank @M.J.( god )... First time i understand your sentence....
@Hardik you should thanks to me
@Hardik rather I explained someone 1st time
@hotveryspicy ha ha
@hotveryspicy ohhhh congrats
Dec 11 '12 at 12:55, by hotveryspicy
People who write "ha ha ha" instead "hahaha" are suffering from textual asthama...
still apply
ohhh Dont show it to me again and again ..
i know that
@M.J. ignore kar
study about to over
@hotveryspicy I can understand you have a exam tommorrow . Break a Leg !
@M.J. Really?
@M.J. for? why you become to much expressive?
when some one wish you good luck then what should be your reply
@M.J. whats there in wishing, after all I have to perform
Break a Leg -> Fateh kar or good luck
@M.J. is it sometime you said and it will happen (be) same?
What are you trying to say is going above the head.
@M.J. above head is tends to Bouncer
@hotveryspicy yellow yellow dirty fellow sitting on a buffalo :P
@M.J. Next time be prepare
I am Always , dont want to compete with childish mind like you :P
@Alice no-one dirty..mind you
@M.J. sour grapes
@hotveryspicy dont do this
@Hardik LOL
awesome by @SilentKiller
@Hardik dont worry he just picked it up which was on ground and showing thats it..
@Alice ohhh you know more than us... :P
@Alice it mean you agree with this is HVS..
@Alice Mind you damn
@Alice That's you can pretend
@hotveryspicy :P :P
@hotveryspicy nice pic.. no teeth in middle,
@hotveryspicy where is your 4 tooths
who broken it ?
@CapDroid LOL, you are of mah kind Liked it...
@BomberMan :D
@CapDroid fall down so broken
@Hardik is in my pocket
tooth fairy will come :D
@hotveryspicy where & why ?
@CapDroid LOL
ye to ek hi he.. baki k kaha gaye?
@CapDroid forget in pocket itself, now four perfect na?
@hotveryspicy keep it below your pillow before you sleep.. tooth fairy will come :P
@CapDroid punch
@Alice you can't..
@Alice what will that fairy will do? is a girl?
@Alice it mean you punch HVS and that teethes broken.???:D::D
hello guyz
@BLOB yes Binary
@BLOB yes Bitmap
@BLOB yes byte
guys.. what is http response text in android?
I mean.. If my app were to retrieve a data from my website.. what procedure do i need to follow?
@CapDroid @Hardik @hotveryspicy ?
@BLOB Http Post or Http Get, make HttpConnection, setTimeout, call Url. check Internet status if avails check response (200 ok) parse response
what is this 200 and how is it significant? I hav used ajax before and it used the same 200 thing
what does 200 mean? A link will do just fine
200 is the response code if the response if correct
sorry for the noobish nature of my questions
so android http stuff works similar to Ajax?
The following is a list of Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) response status codes. This includes codes from IETF internet standards as well as other IETF RFCs, other specifications and some additional commonly used codes. The first digit of the status code specifies one of five classes of response; the bare minimum for an HTTP client is that it recognises these five classes. The phrases used are the standard examples, but any human-readable alternative can be provided. Unless otherwise stated, the status code is part of the HTTP/1.1 standard (RFC 2616). The Internet Assigned Numbers Au...
@BLOB your time over, now status(response)=busy
oh.. so i should stop talking?
@BLOB No, informing or asking?
@hotveryspicy ... thanx for ur help.. back to work!
@BLOB Get Lost (Binary)
@hotveryspicy y u so rude? sob
@BLOB you really mean?
jk lol
hi guyz
@prashu132 hola
i'm very new to this chat
so all the guyz here are Indians right?
guy from Pluto (Me)
me BLOB :)
@hotveryspicy : i was talking about guys
@prashu132 gave answer to guy only
@prashu132.. I am new to chat too :)
@prashu132 sup?
@hotveryspicy : thats y i responded
@BLOB : juz goin on bro
From which state you are?
Bangalore, Karnataka
@prashu132 Okay. Good
@BLOB : good, i'm from Kerala. :)
Right now in Malaysia :)
wow.. u into android?
no, in web platform, mainly in Ruby & PHP
also lil bit in Java too
How to retrieve specific data like list of facebook friends using PHP alone?
let me be more specific.. Say I want to retrieve the top comment from youtube and display it on my webpage.. what is the way to achieve this?
any help guyz?
hey dude.. i don't have much experience , i'm new to chat and also new to web programming, only 1 year 11 months experience of which major part is in ruby
i joined stackoverflow for learning new things, not to teach.. coz i'm not that much expert
me too..
we need to be helpful for each other then, what u say
in b/w whats ur actual name
we should work on a website or something... j

check this for your first query
it uses fb api
i guess i need to start learning fb api too
yes really
But my question is more general.. It need not be facebook.. It can be any data from a webpage.. Like latest comment on a youtube video
each apps like fb, youtube, gmail, etc will have their web API to share the data to external world
yeah.. I was thinking something adventurous and doing all the stuff myself using php alone.. can it be done?
i guess you may need a lil bit help from js too
ya.. with its help.
hm then its ofcourse possible
if that particular website provides API
without api?
youtube have their API
how can you access another websites data without their permission
say i want to retrieve the latest msg on my inbox of my facebook account.. only by using php
then whats the security of data in that website
@BLOB Jsoup parse HTML response
@hotveryspicy interesting
@BLOB interesting? (me not )
not u.. Jsoup
Hi guys ..
@hotveryspicy get Lost
I have a strange problem
posted it here
@testwork hello MIC testing hello 1 2 3 MIC testing
@prashu132 I will login to my fb account using php alone and then try to retrieve data...
can any one hlp me out
@Alice status?
@M.J. @M.J.
@hotveryspicy downloading Jsoup
@BLOB so dance
@hotveryspicy had a small nap
the only dance i know is the dance of standing up
@hotveryspicy can you help me out
sorry to disappoint u @hotveryspicy
@testwork if yes then already did, but I can't
@hotveryspicy cant say :P
@M.J. power nap??
@Alice :D yup
@BLOB good, loved it
@BLOB its ok, better luck next time
ok :(
@M.J. Publicity
@BLOB Why dont you do comdehy
@Alice pretends
Always Doing :)
@M.J. no, earlier you were not
@hotveryspicy As Always :P
@Alice no, earlier you were not
@hotveryspicy earlier you wer wrong
@BLOB ok (:
@Alice 'm always wrong (irony do wrong)
3 mins ago, by hotveryspicy
@testwork if yes then already did, but I can't
@hotveryspicy LOL, you can't help .... @Alice @M.J.
@CapDroid hi
@hotveryspicy but that only will the displayed html data right? we cant access websites internal datas.
@M.J. hi 2..
is there any php expert developers here
@prashu132 surely agree, the data which you see on HTML page can extract
i have a doubt in php
@CapDroid Achievement?
@hotveryspicy decrement...
@hotveryspicy @CapDroid @M.J. @Alice : any expert php developers
@prashu132 me not, may be @hotveryspicy
@prashu132 i think around here are almost android developers
@NullPointer but with Null values
@M.J. what?
03:00 - 11:0011:00 - 16:00

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