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Good Morning All
Good Morning
Good morning :)
Good Morning All
Q: Highlight text on a PDF

Chirag PatelI have compiled MuPDF correctly and have been able to run the sample app without an issue, but; Problem: I want functionality like highlights,underlines, sticky notes, arrows, lines, ovals, rectangles, freehand drawings and text boxes on which user long pressed by his finger, as in RepliGo PDF ...

whats the topic of the day
how are you guys?
Great buddy..!!! what about you...???
@AdilSoomro I'm fine, thanks
what about you?
@AdilSoomro Hi
@RobinHood Hi
@RobinHood I'm cool too.
@SHIDHIN.T.S hello
how we can pass array object to soap request??
@AdilSoomro I am cool too
Please help me
what sort of help?
@Abhi great.
Winter time so everybody is cool and vibrate .
did you integrate android SDK with eclipse? @SHIDHIN.T.S
i have created one object ReferalEmails
then whats the issue?
any error?
java.lang.runtimeexception cannot serialize ksoap android
cool! now paste this error inside Google and check what sort of info you get.
ReferalEmails is array
i need ReferalEmails array inside friends tag
am adding the object to request as
Request.addProperty("Friends", friends);
friends is ReferalEmails[]
A: java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot serialize: [] ----KSoap android

Raghu NagarajuTo serialize any object, you should implement Serializable. Try implementing Serializable class for FarmClass.

A: KSOAP2 java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot serialize

TheoI figured it out... This is inside an AsyncTask<>() if it wasn't already obvious with the Override doInBackground() method. The input parameter is a Integer... type. protected SoapObject doInBackground(Integer... branchNumber) I don't know exactly what the ellipsis does exactly, but I know...

@hotveryspicy I have three activities A,B and C.. Need to use some variables from A in B and C, so its better to make them static or create object of A and access it
@MiteshAgrawal use Static variable in non-activity class or go with Application class
Thanks @hotveryspicy
@RobinHood those details are correct
my class is like
public class ReferalEmails implements KvmSerializable {
the other functions are working

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