@Dharmendra: I have one custom arrylist name MyList in this i have 2 variables like date and time both are strings now i want to sort that arrylist datewise i am using the below code but i want both time and date ,how it is?
@Richa i have 2 dates now i want to findout the daynames of between those dates like 20-01-2012 To 20-01-2012 Now i need 20th dayname like monday 21st name 22nd date name like this... any idea?
public class CustomComparator implements Comparator<Photos_info> { @Override public int compare(Photos_info lhs, Photos_info rhs) { return lhs.getdate().compareTo(rhs.getdate()); } }
I can install an apk file stored in sdcard using folloing code
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
intent.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(new File("/mnt/sdcard/downloads/Sample.apk")), "application/vnd.android.package-archive");
How can I ...
I'm using the org.json.JSONObject to parse some json being sent to my servlet by an iphone. I was stuck for a while by why I would be getting an error message at all. The error message was:
org.json.JSONException: Unterminated string at 737 [character 738 line 1]
After printing out what I recei...
I am performing a simple rotate animation on a textview. Animation is performed as required but transformation is not applied.
My Animation Code:
Animation animation = new RotateAnimation(0.0f,90.0f,Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF,0.5f,Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF,0.5f);
Check the xml for icon tag...parse it and compare if its der in res folder....if not download and save locally and set it as the required icon...................next time....first compare locally if not exists then download
has anybody here worked on couchdb? i know this isn't really the place to ask cuz it's android discussion room.. but kindly let me know if anybody has..