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04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 14:00

Leaders don't create followers, they create more leaders.
@Dharmendra: Hi Good Morning
Morning Guys....
@Richa: can u help me
yes sure
@Dharmendra: I have one custom arrylist name MyList
in this i have 2 variables like date and time both are strings now i want to sort that arrylist
datewise i am using the below code but i want both time and date ,how it is?
@all good morning
can you please help me
how to display timepicker in android like weel type?
@pinki L u can either sort by datewise
i have 2 dates now i want to findout the daynames of between those dates like 20-01-2012 To 20-01-2012
Now i need 20th dayname like monday 21st name 22nd date name like this...
any idea?
or by timewise
@Richa: i am sorting date wise using below code
public class CustomComparator implements Comparator<Photos_info>
public int compare(Photos_info lhs, Photos_info rhs)
return lhs.getdate().compareTo(rhs.getdate());
@Pinki @Richa
please help me
i am new to android
i need ur support
@Richa: i have two valuse on the same date but different times ,i nedd to sort that time also?
@pinki : code is proper
@All good morning
@all any help please
morning @jitendrasharma
@Richa how are you doing?
@Richai have two valuse on the same date but different times ,i nedd to sort that time also?
@Richa: did you understand my point?
@Pinki Make a string like "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm" from date and time fields of your object and then compare these two strings.
@Pinki you can specify any condition you want in method compare
actually i have date and time as individual strings @Dharmendra
return lhs.time1.compareTo(rhs.time2);
@jitendrasharma This will not work for string comparison
@Dharmendra string1.compareTo(String2) wont work?
@Dharmendra: Yes your code is working fine.Thank you
gm Suriji
Q: Android how to install apk file stored in assets folder

SandyI can install an apk file stored in sdcard using folloing code Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(new File("/mnt/sdcard/downloads/Sample.apk")), "application/vnd.android.package-archive"); startActivity(intent); How can I ...

Hello All
can u help me @RobinHood
In which case?
I have array of all contacts
i want to create list same as contact app display the contact list with index section
@RobinHood can u help me?
53 mins ago, by jitendra sharma
This will not work
@Dharmendra ok, that time, I just understand date1 and date2 are Date objects, or long
@Dharmendra can u help me on above issue?
@Pinki There?
Q: org.json.JSONException: Unterminated string at 737 [character 738 line 1]

JoeI'm using the org.json.JSONObject to parse some json being sent to my servlet by an iphone. I was stuck for a while by why I would be getting an error message at all. The error message was: org.json.JSONException: Unterminated string at 737 [character 738 line 1] After printing out what I recei...

I am getting special character in response.
i need an idea
whoz free ?
coz its long katha
@Richa have idea about contacts list?
i dont want contact list
already done that
@Stack ask your query, what do you want to ask about contacts list?
how to pass values from one activity to another in tab ?
@Richa I have array of contacts and I want to make a list same as default contact app in android
aaya karam ka jala...ahahahhaah
@Richa for these type of data use Application object instead
means ?
I think you are implementing some global data across application
@LalitPoptani : have u done that
i think u have done it
@Richa yes there are several ways for doing that.
and best way to handle these type of data is using application object
@Richa got my idea?
pass data between activity in tab
@Richa Use Application class/ Create a setter getter class.
any example ?
yeah just a minute.
@LalitPoptani This is new for me also
didn't use Application class?
Use but not for this reason.
lalit i have little idea
Share your idea.
a class which extends Application
that class is having getter setter
is it so ?
@Richa not necessarily
so putting values in one activity
@Dharmendra @Richa have this simple example.
and getting it in another tab activity
you just define variables which need to be shared in this class
and use these variables anywhere in the app
bt @jitendrasharma the case u r talking is
i need to declare public static variable
which i dont want to use
@Richa not static
just class fields
@jitendrasharma : u have any example the idea u r talking abt /
@Richa as I already mentioned you, I dont have a single line of code as example
but if you face any difficulty, I can help
I too :D
Thnx anyways
@LalitPoptani : u have to
hehe :D
coz u have done it in earlier projects
i know
@Richa another is just a simple getter setter class that implements Serializable :D
that i know
bt i havent use any application level data
But I had use with putExtra in my project :P
you remember?
whn u were sitting besides
and u were assigned very 1st project
i dont remember name
yeah I do remember, but I am not sure that I used Application class to pass data between Activities.
i will manage
but I gave you a link that will help you out.
Any Idea to get all Media available in SDCard??
@LalitPoptani @Richa are you in same comp
we were collegues...
@Richa good
@Richa also don't mention someones name, that would be better. :)
@LalitPoptani also don't mention someones name?
Jitendra - not for you.
but if it is some kind of advise, I will take care also
yeah its because this is a public chat room, so its better to remain away from personal matters.
nothing to be that much serious :P
@LalitPoptani ok, thats fine
no issue
HI friends
hood mornig
just woke up
how are you @jitendrasharma
@PinkCandy I am good, how are you
just tired
its really cold here
temp is -3 celsius
-3? Awesome, jalsa che :P
Italian mate :P
@PinkCandy same here, not -3 but very cold
my bf is also with me
do any body know JS
I am loading html pages to my webview in android while doing vertical scrolling
if i want to book mark a certain page
i click on the book mark button
when i click how to get the id of the tag displayed
ok you can :D
@LalitPoptani hello how are you?
@LalitPoptani ha ha ha
i need your help.
please help me
can you help me @jitendrasharma
@Venky Are you there?
@all here many android developers are there but no one give support to me
@HelpMeToHelpYou wats the issue
ok you want to fetch tag on which you are clicking, right
i want tto get the id of the tag displayed when i click the button at the bottom
may be the first id of the html page
first title id
Solu da
@PinkCandy how to develop a date picker like a wheel view
and button is outside of webview, is it?
@jitendrasharma u got it?
button is outside
@Venky Someone's calling you in Android people
i have done all that stuff
Q: Applying Transformation after rotation animation of textview in Android

FarhanI am performing a simple rotate animation on a textview. Animation is performed as required but transformation is not applied. My Animation Code: Animation animation = new RotateAnimation(0.0f,90.0f,Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF,0.5f,Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF,0.5f); animation.setDuration(200); an...

yaaru da
make a javascript, and call loadUrl("javaScript");
but stuck with JS part, how to get the id of the first title or para in the html
@Venky check there
ya on button click i m doing that @jitendrasharma
but what funtion should i write in JS
i dont know js
@ all. hi...
@PinkCandy tag means a normal html tag?
on vertical scroll
i will have a title on top of the page
i want to get teh id of the title displayed
do tag name is constant
or known
the html is here
i want to get the id of the p tag in this
@LalitPoptani : it gives me classcast exception
time whn i setting values
show me the code stuff.
Times myApp = ((Times)getApplication());
this is the first tab
where i m setting value
Times myApp = ((Times)getApplication());
int variable = (myApp.getHour1());
Times is your Application class?
Hello @LalitPoptani
Second tab
public class Times extends Application{

private int hour1;

public int getHour1() {
return hour1;
public void setHour1(int hour1) {
this.hour1 = hour1;
this is class
@Richa did you add class name in the Manifest file?
@RashmiB hello
which class need to added ?
this Times ?
did you add it in the Manifest file?
its not activity
thn how to add it ?
as what ?
in the application tag you have to add it.
where ?
Manifest Application Tag.
@LalitPoptani have u worked on fetching an image from server and downloading it and saving it locally
@jitendrasharma let me see
got it
learn new thing from u
Color kari nakhyo thanks kai ne :(
@LalitPoptani : thanx to kehvu pade
not to friends.
@RashmiB what problem you are facing in that?
no I havent worked on it before
I have a requirement from client.
Check the xml for icon tag...parse it and compare if its der in res folder....if not download and save locally and set it as the required icon...................next time....first compare locally if not exists then download
so try it, not that much difficult.
why do you want to store image in res folder
instead you should store new images to assests if you want to store images only private storage of app
store in res?
@jitendrasharma yes
@Dharmendra you have used service binding right?
I have no clue abt it
@RashmiB you want to download image and save in your res folder?
storing in res is not mandatory
ok, then save in sdcard or assets folder
if in res then better else somewhere on sdcard is also fine
In res you can't, in assets you can't.
on button click i am calling
@PinkCandy ok
@jitendrasharma save in assets? you can't AFAIK.
what would come inside getBookmarkValue() fn
do you want to show bookmark, or save bookmark on a particular position in page
Can someone give me an example of how can i implement floating menu like in andry birds in android...
@jitendrasharma @LalitPoptani assets also not possible?
has anybody here worked on couchdb? i know this isn't really the place to ask cuz it's android discussion room.. but kindly let me know if anybody has..
Never Heard.
get the id and save in db
@LalitPoptani: ok.. thanks..
i just want the JS funtion to get the id
@RashmiB I am not sure about assets but in res, no
You can't write anything in Assets Folder
so I feel sdcard is an option
alright then I will research something on it
@venky r u der?
@PinkCandy use var attributes=document.getElementById("title").attributes
var id=attributes[0].id
@jitendrasharma thanks for that
but title will not be same
when ever i scroll it will change
its like bookmarking a new page everytime
Solu pa
so onclick i have to get the id of current views first tag
hope u got my point?
@venky enga poitinga ale kanom
Ila konjam work athan
@Venky Hey.
@venky do ve any idea abt background services
@RobinHood Hello mate
Service not used much @asha
@venky wat i cant understand
@Venky You work with JSON?
Haven't used Service much yaar
@Ghost Hello , how are you?
Yeah mate @RobinHood
I am getting " (Double quote) in response, which creating a problem while parsing.
@Venky: I'm good.. how about you?
Like this 3"H × 2"W × 2"H•@Venky
Yeah good yaar , thanks
I can't get you
@PinkCandy is your html page have div tags
2 mins ago, by RobinHood
I am getting " (Double quote) in response, which creating a problem while parsing.
@Venky @jitendrasharma
Oh Double Quote ah, I think @Šp Faced same issue two days back ask him
yes there wil be
@RobinHood hi, then remove quotes
If I will remove then It will remove from all places.
can you paste a sample format of response on pastepin
@jitendrasharma 3"H × 2"W × 2"H•
@RobinHood oh ok
@PinkCandy Hope you learn the behavior. :)
ok, going to lunch
will see after lunch
@jitendrasharma will wait for you
Hi guy any body aware of back ground services in android
1 hour later…
Hi @RobinHood
Good Afternoon
@maya hi how are you, after many days
ys fine
What about you
How is going work
@maya everything is fine
Agey bhi Abhi piche bhi Abhi :D
@maya Good Noon
@LalitPoptani uper bhi Abhi neeche bhi Abhi
Hehe Hindi :D
ha ha ha
@PinkCandy hi
hi, anyone know how to change text spinner text color? I have try with the xml textcolor it does not work ?
1 hour later…
@Dharmendra status?
1 message moved to DUST
04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 14:00

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