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good morning to all
Good morning All
Happy Navratri. All Smart Developers :)
anyone here for ios ?
Good Morning Everyone
@NareshSharma morning..
with hot tea
@Aamirkhan walikum assalam..
morning..with parata & dal Vajji :D
@SweetWisherツ assalamualikum..ji..
@shihab_returns walekum assalam :)
लाल रंग की चुनरी से सजा माँ का दरबार
हर्षित हुआ संसार!
नन्हें नन्हें क़दमों से, माँ आये आपके द्वार;
मुबारक हो आपको नवरात्री का त्योहार!
__शुभ नवरात्री!__
can't see you..@SweetWisherツ
jai mata di
Morning All
@shihab_returns Tea is enough for morning
not me.. parata is must..@Aamirkhan
@Aamirkhan then lets have party .!
@shihab_returns Great
@Strider For what?
2 mins ago, by Aamirkhan
@shihab_returns Tea is enough for morning
For this
I took my tea
@Aamirkhan ohk
But me still not getting
just now getting Tea,,,
@RoshanJha vgm
@Strider mane bhuli gayo?
@PG_Android Na re bhai hoti have aavu
i didnt see you
@Strider Ok nope. good morning
@PG_Android Very Good mOrning
@PG_Android He has memory loss issue :P
@RoshanJha Oh . good morning
gm :)
I have 4 columns in my table i want to update 4th column can i pass only 1st column and th columns values and update the table in sqlite.? @Strider @RoshanJha
@PG_Android :) GM
Good mornning
@QuokMoon Aagaya?
@QuokMoon Confuse nai honeka
ohk how are you doing ??
@QuokMoon Working
@QuokMoon Where is Silent Killer :P
@QuokMoon Keep it secret
Q: How to merge Call programmatically while other call is running (Conference call)

AamirkhanMy requirement is like this ,Say I am calling a number on that time and I want to call another number Programetically. So far what I have done is: I am able to call to particular number while already some call is going. For example, suppose I am calling on number 123 and after 1min With Alarm Man...

Any one can help out on it?
@Aamirkhan aamir saab thr?
@shihab_returns Ya
i will look your qs. for the last query, can i get the image from different masjid if available? @Aamirkhan
@shihab_returns Show me url i gave u
@Aamirkhan have "icon" arribute on json..but this is static pic.. also we have "photos" Object.. there
@shihab_returns Yes, Photo Object will work
ok. i am searching..n trying...:)@Aamirkhan
@shihab_returns Listen
"https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/photo?maxwidth=400&photoreference=PA‌​SS PHOTO REFERENCE HERE&key=PASS API KEY HERE"
@shihab_returns Use this
it works
@RoshanJha @PG_Android @Aamirkhan How to make design for all device in android ? (Button, Images backgroung all picture etc)
@shihab_returns It's public place :P
@Strider use weight property
tu kamal kar diya,...done..@Aamirkhan
@Strider While making layout, change layout in xml
and thus you can check layout design for all resolutions
@shihab_returns glad to help
@PG_Android Are designer ko bolna hey .. bananeke liye par usko pata nai hey how to make for mdpi, ldpi, xdpi and all things so
@PG_Android For hdpi i done all things
@Strider This is very simple question
@Aamirkhan then ans in simpal way
Q: Which screen resolution should i consider while designing an android application?

Archie.bpgcI have searched for a while, to know which screen resolution i should consider before starting to design an android app. I found these things: xlarge screens are at least 960dp x 720dp large screens are at least 640dp x 480dp normal screens are at least 470dp x 320dp small screens are at lea...

@Strider just create for mdpi and xhdpi
xlarge screens are at least 960dp x 720dp

large screens are at least 640dp x 480dp

normal screens are at least 470dp x 320dp

small screens are at least 426dp x 320dp
not like that @Aamirkhan
@Strider tell your designer for only 480x800 and for 720x1280
@PG_Android but i have 5 device resolution
@Strider If you put all images of 720x1280 to xhdpi folder then it will be adjust in normal screen 320x480 , 480x800 , 720x1280 resollution automatically
@PG_Android give me your gtalk id
@Strider its on SO profile
@PG_Android ok thanks
check gtalk
@Strider I will but not now because TL is front of me
@PG_Android ok free then tell me
@Strider Use graphics for all resolution contact your designer
Anyone worked with Universal Image Loader ?
@RoshanJha Yes
@PG_Android While downloading images I need to show one default iamge
@RoshanJha you can set stub image for it
@PG_Android How and where ?
@RoshanJha are you using DisplayImageOptions??
@PG_Android Yes
@RoshanJha then you to check in that like .showStubImage() something like this
@PG_Android No I dont know abt that
chk it
@PG_Android r u there
@RoshanJha checked?
Q: Android WebView ignoring target="_blank" when added WebViewClient

MysticMagicI am facing a strange issue. In my application, I need to load a static html file based on clicked button in a WebView from assets folder. Now among 5 html files, one html file contains 15 static links. These links need to redirect user to the mentioned url in a mobile browser. I have used ta...

@PG_Android Nope there is no such method
is it possible to zoom edittext while click the edittext
I need a help.. I have to implement a call record feature in my app.. it will start the record whenever a new incoming and outgoing call happend..it will always run in background... any help or link for that? @MysticMagic
Q: In my application I need to record every incoming and outgoing call

Gurpreet singhBelow is the code of receiver class package com.example.crecording; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.os.IInterface; import android.telephony.PhoneStateListener; impor...

@Avijit see this, and I am bit busy, so can't look more into it..
@Avijit If you have any idea about this, let me know when you are free..
A: How to record phone calls in android?

pratikOk, for this first of all you need to use Device Policy Manager, and need to make your device Admin device. After that you have to create one BroadCaast receiver and one service. I am posting code here and its working fine. MainActivity: public class MainActivity extends Activity { private ...

I have gone through the link
but didnt help
again its about webviewclient... :(
i dont have much idea in webviewclient
Ohk.. no problem
@MysticMagic still inappbrowser plugin is may be helpful in your case
@Avijit native android. Not Phonegap..
oh i c.. so you want to open the link within the app right?
No. It IS opening within app. I want to open them in default browser.
Intent internetIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,
internetIntent.setComponent(new ComponentName("com.android.browser","com.android.browser.BrowserActivity"));
No.. I have already used Intent, which is working.. :/ need a reason and other workaround, if any
@PG_Android hi
@RoshanJha yes
@PG_Android I need to reduce uploading image size without loosing quality
My problem is that I am passing file path in uploading function
And directly uploading from that path
but this file size is large
@RoshanJha uploading image to server?
@RoshanJha Then when you selecting image from sd-card then decode that image and upload it ti server without losing quality
@PG_Android but I am passing path of that file
@RoshanJha hows you uploading image means using multipart entitiy?
@PG_Android Yes
multipart.addFilePart("file", uploadFile1);
this uploadFile1 is path of file of selected image
@RoshanJha yes but it doesn't throw any problem. because i have also uploaded image of large but it was uploaded properly without losing its quality.
@PG_Android But it is taking time when I am fetching from server, it takes a lot time so I want to upload low size image
I am also not facing issue I just want to make this process faster
@RoshanJha from server side you can set how maximum size image able to upload
I do one thing I get bitmap from file path, compress this bitmap and then take byte array and instead of passing filepath I will pass then byte array
what you say ?
Good noon all :)
Good noon
@RoshanJha yeah its also a better option and while converting to bitmap you will able to decode that image as per your requirement.
@Spark Wc
@PG_Android Yes
tq :) @PG_Android
i'm trying the following code but i'm unable to take picture from camera @RoshanJha @PG_Android @maven
Navratri celibration going on in office ^_^
Seeking for good android app idea, if any one have , than they can share
@Aamirkhan hi
need a help...
not finding any solution
how to detect a outgoing call has been answered and hang up?
Q: Detecting outgoing call and call hangup event in android

user669231I have a requirement wherein I want to detect two kind of events related to Calls in Android Whenever an outgoing call is made, my application should get to know this along with the called number When the call is hanged up(due to success/failure), my application should get to know this along wi...

@Avijit This may help you , check this
But its for incomingNumber
I need for outgoing call
Q: Fetch dial number while calling.

StriderWhen I enter any number in keypad and after when I press call button before the phone make call, I want to get that dial number in logcat. See below Image for understand. Can I get the number at the time of calling, if yes then How can I?

@Avijit That question is for out going call only
check title , or check Strider's Answer, That may help
@Strider I am not asking for the no which I have dialed
I am asking to get the state of the outgoing call
I want to detect if a outgoing call has been answered or it is hang up....
any solution? @Strider
@Aamirkhan String incomingNumber = intent.getStringExtra(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_INCOMING_NUMBER); this one is only for incoming nomber
where as I need it for outgoing call
@Avijit Using same method you also get outgoing number
when i am calling
its force closing the app for outgoing call
Q: Detecting outgoing call answered on Android

Alex KiselevI know this has been asked many times already, with no answers, but I still hope that someone has finally solved the problem. The problem: I have a non-rooted device running Android 2.3. I need to create a service which: makes a phone call; waits until the call is answered; hangs the phone ...

where as its working for incoming call
@Avijit I am not sure if it's possible to detect out going call event or not
i think it's not possible
@Aamirkhan yap I also didnt get any solution yet :(
@Aamirkhan >> ye he this man i was talking abt >>> :) @Avijit
@shihab_returns i see :)
@shihab_returns what it is? I am avijit.. And i am not a terrorist...
লুল ।
@Avijit : was taking abt u earilier to amir khan.
oh I am a lucky person then
I am facing a problem from two days can anyboday help?
@Mubeen1992 Ask Query
I am showing list of all mobile contacts in my app
but problem is if someone saved a number twise in his mobile it shows two times
@Mubeen1992 That's the problem?
In which array are you storing your all numbers from contact?
Means I don't want to any phone number two times in my list
one min
@Mubeen1992 What is data type of allContacts?
String, String, boolean
@Mubeen1992 Show me that class
Are You displaying contact on listview?
Please give me any perfect answer
@Aamirkhan yes
@Mubeen1992 Show me entire class where you are assigning data to listview
@Mubeen1992 in get view class , just check if entry is duplicate than don't assign that
Q: How do I remove repeated elements from ArrayList?

user25778I have an ArrayList of Strings, and I want to remove repeated strings from it. How can I do this?

Read this
@Aamirkhan there is not any method to pass group by number in query
@Mubeen1992 You can check it manually
for example
`Cursor contacts = cr.query(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI, null, "1) GROUP BY "+ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER+" (", null, "DISPLAY_NAME ASC");`
ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
// add elements to al, including duplicates
HashSet hs = new HashSet();
Do like this @Mubeen1992
Directly do it in array list , not in database query
okay one more thing
@PG_Android there ?
if i have two phone numbers under one name
Anyone worked with SlidingDrawer ?
it selects that name two times
i want to select it just one time so what about that
@Mubeen1992 You should take only one number
I means to say that
i have a contact in my list with name "ALI"
and I have saved two numbers for "ALI"
number 1 "xxxx-xxxxxxx" number 2 "xxxx-xxxxxxx"
then in array it selects ali two time and show both numbers
am i clear?
@RoshanJha yes bhai
but i want to select ali ony one time
@Mubeen1992 How are you fetching name for perticular number from contact list?
@PG_Android can you look at my issue i am stuck on this for two day?
@Mubeen1992 For example if "Aamir" Has two number , than in contact list each and every contact name is having unique id, so no matter if "Aamir" have two number but contact_Id will be same for both , so you can manage things with Contact ID,
yes thats why I was asking there must be anything in query to select only one phone number with same id or select only one phone number
@Mubeen1992 Ya Go for contact id :)
there is not any way to do this in query?
@PG_Android I am using sliding drawer with fragment, when I click item of drawer I call mDrawerLayout.closeDrawer(mDrawerList); but It lags while closing drawer
@RoshanJha what is it?
@RoshanJha btana kya problem he?
when I click item of sliding drawer it lags
this is only problem
@Mubeen1992 No
Q: Managing video stream buffering in Android VideoView

Venkat VakitiMy requirement is: 1. Get the video mp4/3gp file from url(web service call) 2. play the video continuously without buffering while playing. for this what is the best process? i have two ideas i.e 1. Download the full video into sdcard, then read it and play using Android VideoView. 2. Stream th...

?????????? @RoshanJha @Aamirkhan @PG_Android @MysticMagic @SweetWisherツ
@RoshanJha HB @Strider
@TopCat HB. good evening
@PG_Android hb. Gd eve
@TopCat started work with Wear and L
Cool :D
@PG_Android ok dost thanks
@Strider have u seen? helpful to you?
@PG_Android i will see that
@Strider Ok nope
@maven :)
@maven HB
hehehheee thnx mates
he hee :D
@PG_Android busy ?
no no free
ha ha.
@PG_Android @TopCat does app description matters in showing the similar apps on google playstore?
@maven i don't thinks so its not
@PG_Android @TopCat pls check this stackoverflow.com/q/25973373/1761003
@Aamirkhan u too
@PG_Android @Aamirkhan @TopCat what u guys say?
If You like please Review this application Photo Flicker @maven @PG_Android @TopCat @Strider @RoshanJha @Mubeen1992 @Avijit @Harish @Spark @QuokMoon @sanjeet
@Aamirkhan baby is osmm :P
@Aamirkhan have you implemented it?
@Aamirkhan is it urs ?
@maven @PG_Android Ya
Thanks :)
@Aamirkhan its really great. I have implemented once such type of App
Please review it if you like it
@Aamirkhan cool
@Aamirkhan nice
I need to do marketing of it :)
ok i will
@maven @PG_Android @Mubeen1992 Give some ratings :)
5 star :D
@Aamirkhan 5 Star :)
@NarendraPrajapati Thanks :)
@Aamirkhan i don't have cell right now so can't give any review :(
@Mubeen1992 it's ok buddy
but nice ap
what is the image path of drawables
in android
@guys any one
@Aamirkhan right now no device will do from home
@PG_Android ok
@Aamirkhan but its great. i have also implemented such type of app using Canvas
@PG_Android Cool
BYe bye All :) TC.
@TopCat too early friend?
@PG_Android to 6pm only
ok bye bye TC
@PG_Android The new RecyclerView does not yet work in Studio. We are working on a fix. (Open Issue 72117, Show Exception)
TC. bye
@TopCat Yeah u r right
C u 2moro all
ok bye
@TopCat bye
@PG_Android there ?
@PG_Android Stub image issue in Universsal Image loader ?
Any idea ?
@RoshanJha what issue bro?
I need to show default iamge till images get down;loaded
I found one method in UIL, let me check whether it is working or not
@RoshanJha ha to mene bataya tha na bhai
@PG_Android kaha bataya tha
tumne kaha aisa kuch hoga
@RoshanJha how to stop a function after 3 minutes?
@RoshanJha now got it?/
@PG_Android whose method is this ?
@Avijit Like ?
@RoshanJha in DisplayImageOptions()
@PG_Android Hmm, I am trying this showImageForEmptyUri
@RoshanJha like I am recording... after 3 minutes I will stop it automatically
@Avijit Use countdowntimer
Can't you directly set recording time out ?
timer.schedule(doAsynchronousTask, 0, 3000); like this one right? @RoshanJha
@RoshanJha how to set a time out?
its not ending at all
@Avijit how you record your video ?
@PG_Android Its done :) thanks
@RoshanJha Good bro
I am recording audio at the time of outgoing call @RoshanJha
Hello guys i need some help regarding expansion file
I already have app with expansion file on store, now i want to update apk. Do i need to upload the expansion file again? Do i need to change the version code in obb file?
Good night :)
Any one having work for Eye blink detection in Android.
hi every one :P
can any one help me in android

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