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which is the best way to insert textfield inside the custom table cell without effecting memory heap
i directly draged the text field inside the custom xib but the memory is not clearing when popping back
im using arc
if(indexPath.section == 0){
UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:cellIdTitle];
if(cell == nil){

[[NSBundle mainBundle]loadNibNamed:@"agreementTitle" owner:self options:nil];

cell = self.agreementTitle;

self.agreementTitle = nil;

self.agreementText.text = textSample;
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response---2013-02-06 12:17:39.209 TesseractSample[2530:c07] RESULT=====» N ‘ . ~ """'4==;= .-- ~ A >-
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4 hours later…
I'll prepare for visa interview and mug up all possible question's answers
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gd eveng
@Appu If you have any doubts regarding endlessadapter ask to sameer he is in Androidpeople now.He is good at that concept
@Harish I don't think so he could exactly help me on this, because I have seen him times giving unrelated answers in SO.
Delete my message above one.
1 message moved from Android and html5 beginner
1 message moved from Android and html5 beginner
1 message moved from Android and html5 beginner
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user image
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8 hours later…
Q: Repositioning divs via nth-child for different browser widths in jQuery

DyckI found a simple method within jQuery that allows me to add divs after other divs, based on the viewers browser width. So what I do is tell the browser to insert the "test5" div after the 30th "inner" div, if the browser width exceeds 500px. Then I also tell it to remove this div if the browser w...

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3 hours later…
And whn I lg th otpt i h th rght vl..(&lt;dv clss=&#39;fltr ftrthr&#9; nm&#39;dys#39;&gt;&lt;l id=&#39;dysLst&#39&gt;&lt;l d-nm=&#39;sndy&#39;gt;&lt; clss=&#39;rght#39; ..) i thr any rsn why it&#39;s nt prsng i a a html
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