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7:23 AM
1 hour later…
8:32 AM
@Shaneis C0ff3e sl@y3r
I LIKE it!
you'd like it off-course but after few mods done to it; like make it SIMPLER with plain alphabets!
I'm listening...
8:49 AM
oh that was it.
I'm still listening while I drink more coffee
my last coffee, La Casa de coffee
etc etc.. bla bla.. hmm .. mm .. umm
9:06 AM
The house of coffee?
9:23 AM
Hi all
9:36 AM
morning guys
@MwBakker o\
I reached 4k yesterday !!!
\o/ @AndyK
And I've started to learn Rust
very much like c++
1 hour later…
11:00 AM
Wait, you are?
also, wait you know c++?
11:42 AM
@Shaneis did some training a while ago. why?
@Shaneis yes I am
@AndyK I'd be tempted cause it appears fast AF!
But also seems really easy to get things seriously screwed up if you don't know what you're doing
@Shaneis fast , probably as much as any compiled language. You should have a go. It is teaching me a few things , here and there
@AndyK You know what, I'm in isolation, may as well give it a go
try that tutorial
VScode or Clion IDE with rust plugin
Have a look at the second one, it is the most useful
and you should be able to do real multi threading
one command line cargo fmt
the most useful command line
you saying use Rust or C++
11:55 AM
@Shaneis Rust
Rust is really like C++
Hi could someone help me with a little thing?
how can i fix this
forecast.Transfer ft
JOIN (SELECT * FROM SplitForecastTransferValues(@TijdstipBerekening)) ftv on
ft.Id = ftv.forecast_transfer_id
JOIN forecast.Run ftr on ft.RunId = ftr.Id
JOIN forecast.Batch fbs on
fbs.BatchNumber = ft.SourceBatchId
and fbs.unitId = ft.SourceUnitId
and fbsr.[timestamp] = ftr.[timestamp]
JOIN forecast.Run fbsr on fbs.RunId = fbsr.Id
I'll try Rust so
i want to do a join with a column that is not yet been made.
if this is MSSQLServer then I'd say you're looking at CROSS/OUTER APPLY
so fbsr.timestamp does not exist yet because i JOIN in in the next line
11:57 AM
       SELECT *
       FROM   splitforecasttransfervalues(@TijdstipBerekening)) ftv ON ft.id = ftv.forecast_transfer_id JOIN forecast.run ftr ON ft.runid = ftr.id JOIN forecast.batch fbs ON fbs.batchnumber = ft.sourcebatchid
fbs.unitid = ft.sourceunitid
fbsr.[timestamp] = ftr.[timestamp] JOIN forecast.run fbsr ON fbs.runid = fbsr.id
^^ also works
but i need fbs because otherwise i cannot join met forecast.Run
@AndyK Thank you very much !
@SeppeGeerinckx your friend dpriver.com/pp/sqlformat.htm
ow yh sry i did not formatted it
@SeppeGeerinckx no worries
@Shaneis I haven't touched a sql query for ages
12:02 PM
@AndyK You don't forget mate :+1:
@Shaneis true. ha ha
12:17 PM
@AndyK are you sure this is correct syntax ?
@SeppeGeerinckx nope I just did the formatting actually
your syntax is complex, we need a model to play with
uhmm i am not sure i can share that completely
i can give a piece of it for sure
try to do a mock version of it
so you want a diagram om the db ?
and tell us what you are expecting
@SeppeGeerinckx dbfiddle.uk
12:20 PM
these things come from reporting (PowerBi)
and i am doing several Joins
@SeppeGeerinckx you have tables, correct ?
i have
even in power bi
yh the datasource is a SQL DB
@SeppeGeerinckx can you try to give us a few tables with a few insert, pls ?
12:22 PM
yh i can try to do that
@AndyK does this clear it up a little ?
@SeppeGeerinckx better
@SeppeGeerinckx @Shaneis there is a fiddle
i try to join a table which column does not exist. i need to Inner join something in a that the column to join is available at the time the other join tries to execute.
@AndyK this one is the most relevant , i missed out on a timestamp column
"i try to join a table which column does not exist" <-- Why?
12:37 PM
@SeppeGeerinckx what is your expected output?
also, your Name column in the ForecastTransfer table should be length 10
@Shaneis i need to update the report query it is nor my decission on structure or code
but look a the snippet
fbsr.timestamp does not exist yet
untill i do JOIN forecastRun fbsr on ...
but i need fbsr.timestamp before the initial join
how can i fix that
i can send you the whole syntax maybe that will clear things up
SELECT ftr.timestamp,
       si.omschrijving AS s_installatie,
       ps.productnr    AS s_productnr,
       ps.productnaam  AS s_productnaam,
       di.omschrijving AS d_installatie,
       pd.productnr    AS d_productnr,
       pd.productnaam  AS d_productnaam,
FROM   forecast.transfer ft
       JOIN (SELECT *
             FROM   Splitforecasttransfervalues(@TijdstipBerekening)) ftv
@SeppeGeerinckx ah fair enough, we've been there before
3 hours later…
4:15 PM
@Shaneis yes, you are the house of coffee. Maybe i should look for the word swimming in spanish instead of house (Casa)
alright guys im off.
@ARr0w see ya!
off too

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