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life is shit
Any part in particular?
@WhatsThePoint stuck at some point?
good after noon guys
\o @ARr0w
had my car vandalised again last night
@WhatsThePoint that sucks
@Shaneis hello , what's up
fucking piss take
Shit, sorry man
bought the car in feb, broken into and stuff stolen in june, now wing mirror ripped off in october
anyway @ARr0w mind helping me with a default selected value with a dropdownlistfor? it either duplicates what i want selected or just doesnt select it at all
sure, duplicates?
NC.SelectedSeverity = NC.severities.First(x => x.Key == 4).Value;

@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.SelectedSeverity, new SelectList(Model.severities.OrderBy(x => x.Key), "Key", "Value", Model.SelectedSeverity), new { @class = "form-control" })
"Key", "Value", Model.SelectedSeverity
you are telling it to set the default value
if it matches the list, it selects that
and if doesn't it by default sticks to first.
its not working?
no it just selects the first one
@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.CategoryID, new SelectList(ViewBag.Categories, "Id", "Name", Model.ServerCategoriesId), "Select Category", new { @class = "form-control" })
and if i do it like this @Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.SelectedSeverity, new SelectList(Model.severities.OrderBy(x => x.Key), "Key", "Value"), Model.SelectedSeverity, new { @class = "form-control" }) it duplicates what i want as default prntscr.com/pr0ubv
what i pasted is from my web environment
and it works fine.
like if Model.ServerCategoriesId is null, then it defaults to first. Else matches the ID and picks that
, Model.SelectedSeverity, <-- this is the place-holder (first default selection value which we usually choose as "Select" or "please Select")
if you see, in my dropdown, you'll see "select category" where your setting ur model.SelectedServrity.
you have to give your (not null) within your SelectList() object that you are initializing
maybe its not finding the value to set it
and it must not be null in order to be selected
and must be of same type.
@WhatsThePoint yes
but im not sure why
maybe due to type?
selectList has both string types. try converting ur Model.SelectedSeverity as string?
my severities is a dictionary so i will try using the key
using the key worked
that's bad.
its best when it is a object of list
dictionary will cause issues
later on as well
i like using dictionaries, i find them easier deal with foreign keys in tables
use them on serverside
when its cshtml, i'd prefer you should directly create selectlist and passit to viewbag
and then assign that to your dropdowns
i read once that viewbags are bad practice
if they are bad practice why was it provided?
however, if you are not comfortable with viewbags, you can pass selectlist type to your viewModel.
but viewbag and viewdata are not bad practice else microsoft wouldn't have introduced it.
that's just someone getting angry with something they didn't get along
and if you believe so to, as i suggested, you can create a separate viewModel for that View and pass your stuff on it after getting all your prerequisite
every person has his/her opinion with everything bro.
to give you more knowledge about viewbag.
viewbag is the "ExpandoObject" in C#.
it works just as same like we use objects in javascript.
var obj = new ExpandoObject();
obj.Abc = "as";
^ compiler on runtime automatically creates the property for obj called Abc with a string type value "as"
you don't have to initialize the object or write a class for it.
so viewbag is ACTUALLY a ExpandoObject
you just create its properties and assign stuff to that. which lives until it renders the page.
if that's slow then whole javascript is slow which is the future of browsers..
ive never used expandoobject either
well food for thought
Asp.net used to not focus on performance before
however, since they realized they have released core and going open source with focus on performance
so i'm sure Expando Object must be in the list as well
maybe, i might look into it if i have time
Morning o/

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