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@Sport @kathir @all VGM...
3 hours later…
gm @Aravin
GM @Sport @Aravin GM all
@Aravin @shantha.kumar
am not able to create AVD
can u check what is missing here
Hey @Sport
I have override the fucntions like console.log = _log;
check my issue
i want to remove this nd want it to behave normally
need CPU @Sport
Q: Creating a new AVD- CPU/ABI field show 'No System images installed'

Varun DasI was onto creating a new AVD. I created one with the ARM CPU image. But it won't boot up even after about 45 minutes. So I deleted it and downloaded the Intel x86 Atom image. On creating the AVD the field to select the CPU became inactive and shows 'No System Images installed for this target. H...

@SweetWisherツ hi gud mrng
@Sport any idea abt mine ?
please wait
i am solving my
if(window.console && console.log){
var old = console.log;
console.log = function(){
Array.prototype.unshift.call(arguments, 'Report: ');
old.apply(this, arguments)

u want to override
right ?
i already overrdiden @Sport
nw i want to remove it
can u add code in fiddle
yes wait
but not whole
this fun writes all connsole.log statement to a FILE
i want to on/off this functionality from ma project
that's why when user switches it OFF, i want to remove overridden fun
any idea?
i am not getting exact solution
it will help u
OK checkng
Hello dear
i am new in phonegap
any idea about database in phonegap
Hey @Sport
does location.reload(); restart ma app ?
@SweetWisherツ @Sport please tell me database in phone gap :(
@Sport havnt u used ever ?
@Sport Thanks for
ur blog ? @Sport
there is nothing spl
with phone gap sql
if u used in android or iOS same thing here
use this
run and check
@Sport which
sory not for u
@SweetWisherツ this is not my blog
@Sport hi
2 hours later…
i went for lunch
@Sport bro have u worked in swift
1 hour later…
anyone up for help ?
@shantha.kumar yes bro
what is issue current project in swift
@Sport bro i have tried to create uitableview im getting some issue inthat
what is issue
tell me
@Aravin where r u
type viewcontroller does not conform to protocol uitableviewdatasource
ur code
add delegate
i have already added everything bro
its not working i have refered
that is error
delete and try one more time i hope it will work
have downlaoded
check this machi
have refered that code i have added
bro r u thr @Sport
wait checking
show me full error
type viewcontroller does not conform to protocol uitableviewdatasource
with some other also
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
var cell:UITableViewCell = self.mytableview.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("Cell") as samplecell

cell.textLabel.text = self.items[indexPath.row]

return cell
try like this
func tableView(tableView: UITableView!, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath!) -> UITableViewCell!
let cell:UITableViewCell=UITableViewCell(style: UITableViewCellStyle.Subtitle, reuseIdentifier: "mycell")

return cell
Q: UITableView Using Swift

PREMKUMARMy TapCell1.swift This is Custom UITableViewCell View import UIKit class TapCell1: UITableViewCell { @IBOutlet var labelText : UILabel init(style: UITableViewCellStyle, reuseIdentifier: String!) { println("Ente") super.init(style: UITableViewCellStyle.Value1, reuseIdentifier: reuseIden...

bro still its showing same
see this
copy the error
class ViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate
in this line only its showing the error
bro if u dont mind can i have ur mail id or skype id
@Sport sorry bro...went outside bro..
@Sport there?
@Aravin have u checked @SweetWisherツ
i think u can solve
@Sport nope..now only i came bro..
@Sport you can send email when needed immediatly..
tell id
got it..
@shantha.kumar where r u
check this
@Sport bro areyiu solved ur avd issue
then which one i need to check..
not for me @SweetWisherツ have issue with jquery
@Sport What ?
have u solved @SweetWisherツ
@Sport oh ok bro...
@SweetWisherツ hi..
i think you solved ur issue..
@SweetWisherツ are u using jquery mobile..i have one issue..
nop..not slved
btw which issue ?
@Sport sorry bro i did't see ur mail id can please
once again
@SweetWisherツ can u tell me if i know i will help...
@Sport r u there
ya got it thanks
@Sport @SweetWisherツ Sport mentioned jquery issue
@Sport bro have sent the sample to your mail can please check once wt it is main issue
@shantha.kumar now i can't able to check night u will get
after 9 sory
in office
its ok for u
tell me bro
no problem just check when have time enounh
please check this
its small issue
ok bro
ya i know that to i have tried everything bro its not working
i want to relaunch ma app after changing the db. but when it restarts, it becomes unresponsive
when i directly relaunch it, it wrks prerfect
@SweetWisherツ in phonegap or native..
i used location.reload();
unresponsive means? and also directly relaunch?
its takes some loading time nd then button is not clickable to redirect to next page :/
nd one more prbm : check box change event is fired twice.. this might be causing this issue
give the code hint..
js maybe called twice...or any other functions called twice...
 'change #checkbox_enableLog': 'changeEnableLogSettings'
 changeEnableLogSettings : function(event) {

    	if(event.target.tagname === "LABEL")

		alert( $("#checkbox_enableLog").is(":checked"));
i m usng backbone.js
start all function after device ready document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
i dono backbone.js..
ur code seems gud.
it wrks good in fiddle too
6 mins ago, by SweetWisher ツ
nd one more prbm : check box change event is fired twice.. this might be causing this issue
any idea abt this
OK, it finally hit me what was going on. For anyone who is running into a similar problem, be careful what the ID for the el in your view is. I was using the same ID for the el in multiple views and this was causing no end of problems especially since I was not removing the el for new popups but rather the children underneath the el in the DOM. The result was the views and events were still hanging off the el and were accumulating every time I opened the popup again with a new view since the view had its own events that were added to the previous ones. — AlexGad Mar 29 '11 at 3:02
I dnt have same ID

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