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hi @DavidB This is a room, which is different to
7 hours later…
if I write:
`For Each cell in ws.Range("A1:A500")`
Is this ok?
` If cell.value = ""`
or do I need
` If ws.cell.value...`
within the loop, if that wasn't clear
It's just cell.value. Using ws.cell.value won't work as cell is a variable.
ah ok, asking cause I'm going through a code base and trying to make everything as explicit as possible/needed because I overwrote some data earlier this morning... lol
There is way more ActiveSheet in this code then I thought I'd write
Anyone got a better source than msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/… for 32-bit vs 64-bit VBA compatibility issues? I've got a workbook that crashes Excel when a particular userform opens and I can't find anything relevant in the docs
when you're stepping through userform initialize what command crashes excel?
Loading a listbox through a property:`Public Property Set searchResults(results As CHSearchResultCompany)

    Dim company As CHSearchResultItemCompany
    Dim x As Long

    For Each company In results
        Me.ListBox1.List(x, 0) = company.company_number
        Me.ListBox1.List(x, 1) = company.title
        Me.ListBox1.List(x, 2) = company.description
        x = x + 1

End Property`
1 hour later…
@MacroMan Oh, sorry. If I may ask, what is the difference? I always thought they were the same exact thing. Also, is there a vb.net room?
VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is a sub-set of Visual Basic specifically designed for Microsoft Office Automation. A lot of the syntax is similar but it's essentially a scripting language, closer to VBScript than VB.NET
In terms of specific rooms I have no idea I'm afraid.
4 hours later…
I first learned to program with Microsoft's QBasic. Could this be the cause of the vague feeling of fondness that I get when I look at VBA code?
@Brandin probably - a few guys at our place still program SuperBase applications which was very close to QBASIC

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