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12:10 AM
@Natty tp
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 200 Rep: 10 Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Piled symbols - ???; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I am not sure what the auth.html is??? Is there a node js example? Sounds like you are referring to ASP? If worse comes to worse, I will implement a asp.net
implementation, but I would prefer node js. 5.0;
12:41 AM
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 194 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - this plugin; Low Length; No Code Block; IntelliBL - -0.4; Low Rep; Body Starts With: \[woocommerce display products by category\]\[1\] 4.5;
@CheckYerFlags alive
@Thunder You doubt me?
1:11 AM
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 203 Rep: 26 Contains Blacklisted Word - any solution; Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; IntelliBL - 0.3; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Not enough to comment this one only => './ajax-loader.gif' 6.5;
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 203 Rep: 1 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Getting get-spouser : Access denied. You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource. 4.5;
1:40 AM
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 348 Rep: 31 Contains Blacklisted Word - any solution; Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; IntelliBL - 0.3; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I've installed imagick with brew and pecl on MacOs Mojave. 5.0;
1:59 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in body (97): Odd delay when making service-to-service calls on Google Cloud Run by Anri Digholm on stackoverflow.com
2:13 AM
Getting ready to feed
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 128 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - But not working; Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - 0.3; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Team, I put the code in DashboardPage.cs and then it's no any error but not working, could you give me a complete source
please? 7.0;
Post Flagged Automatically - Added comment: NAAlowrep on this post
2:53 AM
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 108 Rep: 11 Contains Blacklisted Word - i have the same problem; Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Contains Salutation - Thanks; User @Aanal Mentioned; IntelliBL - 0.1; Low Rep; Body Starts With: @Aanal Raj Basaula 8.0;
Post Flagged Automatically - Added comment: NAAlowrep on this post
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 995 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - does anybody know; Contains ?; Low Length; IntelliBL - 0.3; Low Rep; Unregistered User; Body Starts With: Neither of the previous solutions worked for me. My solution for a responsive galleria panel was to size a responsive container element
and fit the panel attributes to the container: 4.0;
3:11 AM
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 85 Rep: 31 Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Body Starts With: working properly with mysql 'update books set TotalBooks = TotalBooks-1 where Id = ?' 4.5;
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 457 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - i need; Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Contains Salutation - Thanks; Contains Whitelisted Word - try to; IntelliBL - 0.0; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I know this is an old post and it was answered, but I'm in a similar
situation. I need to use a 3rd party method, but I can't use "browser.call" because I'm on the "OnComplete" method in WebDriverIO, 5.5;
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 49 Rep: 810 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Starts with Keyword; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Can I also send in just numbers as the parameter? 6.5;
3:38 AM
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:NO NaiveBayes:1.00 OpenNLP:0.32 Perspective:0.37) comment
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 93 Rep: 8 Low Length; No Code Block; Non English Post - da; Low Rep; Body Starts With: order for website in just 5$ and get 1 free logo design 5.0;
3:59 AM
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57601761 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57601656 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57601636 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57601586 ne
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly punctuation marks in answer (45): How to get the version of ionic framework? by Jitendra Dhadavi on stackoverflow.com
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 7 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:(?i)\b(troll(ing)?)\b NaiveBayes:1.00 OpenNLP:1.00 Perspective:0.50) comment cc: @Shree
4:10 AM
@Queen nc
4:26 AM
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 183 Rep: 1 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: this is all about conditional color 4.5; @Shree
@CheckYerFlags alive
@Thunder You doubt me?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer, potentially problematic ns configuration in answer (88): Binary Tree to HTML list by Dharam on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Repeating characters in body (71): scrollview dynamic height in xamarin ✏️ by ARS VISIONS on stackoverflow.com
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 125 Rep: 1 Low Length; No Code Block; Contains Salutation - Thanks; Low Rep; Unregistered User; Body Starts With: I was wondering if you cold give me a copy of that program you made that converts files from binary to hexadecimals. 4.5; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 67 Rep: 3 Contains Blacklisted Word - were you able to find a solution; Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - 0.4; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I am also having the same problem.Were you able to find a solution? 7.5; @Shree
Post Flagged Automatically - Added comment: NAAlowrep on this post
4:58 AM
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57602291 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57602300 tp
@Gemmy quota
Gemmy is dead @g00glen00b
5:16 AM
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 111 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - were you able to figure out; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - 0.5; Low Rep; Body Starts With: @Shiraaz.M were you able to figure out a solution for this. i am facing the same problem with the IntelliJ IDE. 5.0;
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 115 Rep: 11 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: \*\*Installing older Version SDK worked for me:\*\* 4.5; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 164 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - this article; Low Length; No Code Block; IntelliBL - -0.2; Low Rep; Body Starts With: This article very helpful. I use the 5th option. 4.5; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 121 Rep: 6 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: This is more of a comment rather than an answer: 4.5; @Shree
5:31 AM
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57602576 tp
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 442 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - please help; Low Length; No Code Block; IntelliBL - 0.5; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I have configured my valid redirect URI as "http://localhost:4200/\*" as below 4.0; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 135 Rep: 64 Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Contains Salutation - Thanks; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Thanks Dmitry. I had the issue and later found I have a mis-typed column name from the table when using OleDbDataReader / SQLDataReader 4.0; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 598 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - I have same problem; Low Length; No Code Block; Piled symbols - !!; Contains Salutation - Thank you; IntelliBL - -0.2; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I have same problem 5.5; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 120 Rep: 6 Low Length; No Code Block; Contains Salutation - Regards; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Could you share the full code and vertexshader. I have the same issue but I can not find where my mistake is. 4.0; @Shree
@Mithrandir, Rob approved the review... you can merge it whenever you're free. Remember to update the date.
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:(?i)bullshit NaiveBayes:0.00 OpenNLP:0.00 Perspective:0.77) comment
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 161 Rep: 1 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; Low Rep; Unregistered User; Body Starts With: Best practice : \[separate inventories per environment\]\[1\] ! 5.0; @Shree
6:00 AM
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 44 Rep: 1 Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Contains Salutation - Thanks; Low Rep; Body Starts With: could you explain a bit ore on bots, thanks! 5.0; @Shree
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:NO NaiveBayes:1.00 OpenNLP:0.92 Perspective:0.33) comment -tp
@Queen tp
@Queen tp
6:06 AM
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 108 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - can you tell me; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - 0.5; Low Rep; Body Starts With: nts, can you tell me how did you add the sqlsrv extension on WAMP server. However I tried I couldn't add it. 5.0; @Shree
Hiya o/ (Tag wiki monitor - random edition)
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 297 Rep: 44 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: \[This is the most complete solution\]\[1\] 。It will help you . 4.0; @Shree
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:NO NaiveBayes:0.93 OpenNLP:1.00 Perspective:0.53) comment -tp
6:16 AM
@Queen tp
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:(?i)\barse\b NaiveBayes:0.00 OpenNLP:0.37 Perspective:0.55) comment
@Queen tp
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 91 Rep: 1 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; User @julio Mentioned; Low Rep; Body Starts With: @julio I’m looking for the solution for the same question you had. Did you find a solution? 6.5; @Shree
6:20 AM
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57603047 tp
@double-beep I think "Me too" would have been the more helpful comment."
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 76 Rep: 43 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: This Youtube Video is helpful:: 5.0; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 70 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - were you able to figure out; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; User @user012 Mentioned; IntelliBL - 0.5; Low Rep; Body Starts With: @user012 were you able to figure out why the password was not changing 6.5; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 306 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - please give me; Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Contains Salutation - Regards; IntelliBL - 0.4; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I have the similar situation of data in column D,E,F,G,H, and I. 6.5; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 65 Rep: 1 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Piled symbols - ??; User @user012 Mentioned; Low Rep; Body Starts With: @user012 could you figure out why the password would not update?? 7.5; @Shree
Post Flagged Automatically - Added comment: NAAlowrep on this post
6:33 AM
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57603158 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57603159 tp
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 196 Rep: 92 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I removed only the \*\*GlobalSection\*\* of my .sln file and Visual Studio no longer asks me to bound to source control. I think there is no need to remove anything from .csproj
files. Am I right? 4.5; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 206 Rep: 8 Contains Blacklisted Word - please help; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - 0.5; Low Rep; Body Starts With: @viktor-camp The script you shared above doesn't seem to be working when used on a protected sheet. I am trying to read data from
a protected sheet and write it to a new sheet. Can you please help 5.0; @Shree
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:NO NaiveBayes:1.00 OpenNLP:1.00 Perspective:0.76) comment -tp
@Queen tp
6:46 AM
[ TagWiki Edit Monitor ] Tag wiki link 4447389
A tracked post has been edited: stackoverflow.com/a/57603378 @RaiTalhaRehmanKhan @Shree
6:59 AM
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; 3.5;
@GenericBot Good edit by Yunnosch . Retract.
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 87 Rep: 1 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I'm in the same situation right now .. can you tell more on the idea of your solution ? 5.5; @Shree
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57603665 tp
@GenericBot untrack
Shree, you won't be notified on any further changes on that post
7:02 AM
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 157 Rep: 280 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Visual and easy: \[Java VisualVM\]\[1\] 4.0; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 91 Rep: 118 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Body Starts With: This was fixed in version 0.52: github.com/JetBrains/ideavim/blob/master/CHANGES.md 5.0; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 378 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - How can i; Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Contains Salutation - Thank you; IntelliBL - 0.4; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I am starting a project with STM32F469 and a 1280\*320 LVDS display. I am quite
new to MIPI and LVDS, and looking around I found your interesting post. Did you finally succeed in your intent ? As 7.0; @Shree
Post Flagged Automatically - Added comment: NAAlowrep on this post
7:05 AM
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57603665 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57603665 tp
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 63 Rep: 11 Contains Blacklisted Word - any solution; Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - 0.3; Low Rep; Body Starts With: would you have any solution about this? I have the same issue.. 6.5; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 409 Rep: 1 Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Contains Salutation - Thank you; Low Rep; Body Starts With: All of us were expecting at good answer, a solution to the problem. If I have an old source code which was using stubs in java 1.5 what we have to do to make the compilation for
dynamic stubs in java 4.5; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 302 Rep: 1 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I am getting weird behaviour of NAT table , If I used to get property from component in sorting , NAT Table shows correct order , but if i am directly passing value of property in constructor of 4.0; @Shree
7:13 AM
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57603842 tp
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 836 Rep: 113 Contains Blacklisted Word - I have the same question; Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; IntelliBL - 0.4; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I have the same question because of following scenario where it can be (probably) worth. 4.5; @Shree
7:17 AM
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57603913 tp
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title (197): Infinity Boost Review: Improve You Night Life by user11960971 on stackoverflow.com
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 1308 Rep: 13 Contains Blacklisted Word - i have the same problem; Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Contains Salutation - Best Regards; IntelliBL - 0.1; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Disclamer: This might not be perfect place to put this, but i believe that this is better than
opening new question with the same topic. I would put this text in comment, but unfortunately I can't. 5.5; @Shree
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:(?i)this\s*(\w+)?\s*spam NaiveBayes:0.96 OpenNLP:0.01 Perspective:0.05) comment
7:39 AM
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 140 Rep: 1 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: \[html-webpack-static-assets-plugin\]\[1\] might work for you. 4.5; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 74 Rep: 1 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I have the same setup as alvin\_raj. Did you ever find a solution to this? 5.5; @Shree
7:53 AM
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 118 Rep: 1 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Check out this link for SSRS 2017 setup with backup and restore. 4.5; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 168 Rep: 1 Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Contains Salutation - Thank you; Low Rep; Body Starts With: is there some update about --skip-worktree option in Egit? 5.0; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 553 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - Please let me know; Low Length; No Code Block; Contains Salutation - Thanks; IntelliBL - 0.1; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Thanks first, Dan. 4.5; @Shree
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:NO NaiveBayes:1.00 OpenNLP:1.00 Perspective:0.46) comment
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:NO NaiveBayes:1.00 OpenNLP:1.00 Perspective:0.64) comment
8:13 AM
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 129 Rep: 11 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Body Starts With: See this \[guidance on using npm with Jekyll\](medium.com/@allizadrozny/…) 5.0; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 57 Rep: 1 Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Unregistered User; Body Starts With: Math.hypot(x1 - x2, y1 - y2) should perform a bit faster. 4.0; @Shree
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, potentially bad ns for domain in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (88): Translating from cpp to java by visawills on stackoverflow.com
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 316 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - please help; Low Length; No Code Block; IntelliBL - 0.5; Low Rep; Unregistered User; Body Starts With: Invalid capture filter "CallingPartyNumber=16317918378" for interface rpcap://\[\]:2010/SignalingNoMedia. 4.5; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 80 Rep: 998 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Also here some examples that may helps: 4.5; @Shree
API-quota rolled over at 2129
8:29 AM
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57605039 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57605051 tp
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 59 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - i have the same problem; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - 0.1; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I have the same problem, I'm using ag-grid enterpsie 21.1.0 5.5; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 199 Rep: 93 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Nice answers, but it works only if the table is empty. How to deal with existing data if you create foreign key, that is not null? You should fill reference field before adding foreign
key, isn't it? 4.5; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 148 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - help me; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Starts with Keyword; IntelliBL - 0.4; Low Rep; Body Starts With: can anyone help me onit i have also facing same error and infrastructure is also same. Just we donot have https
only http. so what could be solution 6.5; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 94 Rep: 1 Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Unregistered User; Body Starts With: Is it possible to keep the powershell window closed while the powershell script is being run. 4.0; @Shree
8:48 AM
A tracked post has been edited: stackoverflow.com/a/57604300 @Shree
@CheckYerFlags alive
@Thunder You doubt me?
9:02 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, repeating words in body (136): blank blank blank ✏️ by Arun on stackoverflow.com
I need help please
Hello ?
I am wondering about how to store the data in the computer for just one year interval and erase the other data in the computer from the previous year? Is there any hint to store the data for just one year?
@senshinakamora Wrong room. Question about database may be answered in this room.
any Quick hint
9:06 AM
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 226 Rep: 1 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Body Starts With: For me, bin folder is not created itself for the Maven project. Even in the build path, the output folder references: DataDrivenDevelopment/target/classes only and there is no bin path here
also. 5.0; @Shree
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:(?i)\b(troll(ing)?)\b NaiveBayes:1.00 OpenNLP:0.12 Perspective:0.08) comment
@Queen nc
9:12 AM
@house 20 b
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 98 Rep: 1 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Would it be possible to add another feature which displays the organization behind the repository? 5.5; @dippas @Shree
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57604914 fp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57604861 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57604581 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57603731 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57602759 tp
@Queen alive
9:18 AM
Sure thing buzzing around
@Queen [css] dupes
dippas scanned 2000 questions between Aug 10 06:00 and Aug 22 11:17 filtered and ordered: 13 in batch 2721
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 373 Rep: 8 Contains ?; Low Length; Piled symbols - ??; Contains Salutation - Thanks; Low Rep; Body Starts With: do you know how to redirect to home when not exists the route ?? 5.0; @dippas @Shree
9:26 AM
@Queen done
dippas Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 13 questions, I counted 13 (100%) close votes and 13 questions closed
o-o 13 gold hammer :D
ahahah :) thanks, I guess :D
now time to back to work , see you guys later o/
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 51 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - i have the same problem; Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - 0.1; Low Rep; Body Starts With: did you solve your issue? I have the same problem.. 6.5; @dippas @Shree
9:30 AM
(I'll try to be more present in the chat)
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57606199 tp
See ya :D
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 364 Rep: 31 Contains Blacklisted Word - i have the same problem; Contains ?; Low Length; Contains Salutation - Thanks; IntelliBL - 0.1; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I have the same problem, (Ubuntu 18.04.2 lts) but the missing library seems to be there when inspecting with 6.0;
@dippas @Shree
9:33 AM
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57606240 tp
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 82 Rep: 26 Low Length; No Code Block; Non English Post - af; Low Rep; Body Starts With: werwertwerjfsdfsdfg 5.0; @dippas @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 128 Rep: 1 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Wanted to comment, but don't have enough reputation points. 4.5; @dippas @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 85 Rep: 13 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: This is in swift, checkout this link : 5.0; @dippas @Shree
A tracked post has been edited: stackoverflow.com/a/57606197 @Floern
9:42 AM
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; 4.5;
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in body (60): How to convert json to csv using mule 4 dw 2.0? ✏️ by pat ch on stackoverflow.com
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 186 Rep: 461 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Has anyone found out a way to check whether Folder Access Control is enabled on a computer and how to programmatically open the defender setting for the user to allow the program access?
4.5; @Shree
9:46 AM
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57606495 tp
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Length; No Code Block; Low Rep; 2.0;
9:55 AM
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Length; No Code Block; Low Rep; 2.5;
@Dharman Question ask for ref link. Dont flag them as NAA. VTC for question . I give tp for natty but not flagged.
Ok I missed that part. It should be probably edited from the question
ok closed now...
9:58 AM
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57606612 tp
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 241 Rep: 1 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Body Starts With: If a job is in running state and suppose repeat interval is 2 mins and that range is crossed in that case job is not triggering. It is waiting for running job to complete. Is there any way to
trigger 5.0; @Shree
Getting ready to feed
10:15 AM
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:NO NaiveBayes:1.00 OpenNLP:0.82 Perspective:0.22) comment
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 168 Rep: 1 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Body Starts With: hello I want to hide an image in this form with extras but this is not possible because the selection area is square and I want to shape the selection area like myself? 5.0; @Shree
10:33 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in answer, potentially bad asn for hostname in answer, potentially bad ns for domain in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (95): Camera access through browser by andrew898 on stackoverflow.com
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Low Rep; 3.0;
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:NO NaiveBayes:1.00 OpenNLP:1.00 Perspective:0.61) comment
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 102 Rep: 24 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Body Starts With: And if I want to storage this images with DiskStorage and not into a base 64 string? There is any way? 5.0; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 175 Rep: 11 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Piled symbols - ??; Starts with Keyword; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Can a better explanation be done please? Because from my knowledge, you work on expressions from left to right. So : 7.0; @Shree
Post Flagged Automatically - Added comment: NAAlowrep on this post
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 84 Rep: 6 Contains Blacklisted Word - How do I; Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - 0.4; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I am getting exactly same error with latest version of ionic. How do i resolve this? 7.5; @Shree
Post Flagged Automatically - Added comment: NAAlowrep on this post
10:54 AM
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 32 Rep: 1 Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Unregistered User; Body Starts With: SELECT StoreId FROM StoreClients 4.0; @Shree
A tracked post has been edited: stackoverflow.com/a/57606329 @Shree @Dharman @RaiTalhaRehmanKhan
A tracked post has been edited: stackoverflow.com/a/57606197 @Floern @Dharman @Shree @PetterFriberg
@GenericBot deleted/undelete so no need to retract flag.
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10:59 AM
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Shree, you won't be notified on any further changes on that post
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 149 Rep: 1 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; Low Rep; Body Starts With: This post explains on a working example how to use Clean Architecture on iOS: 4.5; @Shree
A tracked post has been edited: stackoverflow.com/a/57606197 @Floern @Dharman
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 84 Rep: 21 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Is there any other way to get the rate information for rhel Linux without usage Ali? 5.5; @Shree
11:02 AM
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57607860 tp
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 49 Rep: 1 Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Unregistered User; Body Starts With: I was changed parent version and its working fine 4.0; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 104 Rep: 37 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I faced with this problem too. What of mounting mode do you use fro DOM testing - shallowMount or mount? 5.0; @Shree
11:09 AM
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 1316 Rep: 10 Contains Blacklisted Word - could you please; Contains ?; Low Length; Contains Salutation - Thanks; IntelliBL - 0.3; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Am I the only one who thinks, that the accepted answer is wrong on Line 4 ? 5.0; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 121 Rep: 81 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Using boto3, check this code sample boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/guide/… 4.5; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 154 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - did you figure; Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; IntelliBL - 0.5; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Did you figure out the solution for this issue? 5.5; @Shree
11:14 AM
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 82 Rep: 1 Contains Blacklisted Word - i have the same problem; Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - 0.1; Low Rep; Body Starts With: I have the same problem, but i'm using VS 2019 :( there is any version for VS2019? 7.5; @Shree
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[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 97 Rep: 11 Contains Blacklisted Word - help me; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - 0.4; Low Rep; Body Starts With: i tried every thing but i can not place order with color and size can any body help me please.... 5.5; @Shree
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, mostly punctuation marks in body (118): Change structure of an array inside array ✏️ by Malinki on stackoverflow.com
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:(?i)\brude\b NaiveBayes:1.00 OpenNLP:0.85 Perspective:0.36) comment
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 148 Rep: 1759 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; One Line only; Body Starts With: In this post, there is a nice explication here on what responsibilities it has: tech.olx.com/clean-architecture-and-mvvm-on-ios-c9d167d9f5b3 4.0; @Shree
11:44 AM
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57608374 tp
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57608586 tp
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 141 Rep: 1759 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; One Line only; Body Starts With: In this post, there is a nice explication here on how MVVMs communicate: tech.olx.com/clean-architecture-and-mvvm-on-ios-c9d167d9f5b3 4.0; @Shree
[ Heat Detector | Hydrant ] SCORE: 6 ★★★☆☆ (Regex:NO NaiveBayes:1.00 OpenNLP:0.59 Perspective:0.42) comment
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 166 Rep: 1596 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; One Line only; Body Starts With: \[Here is a rather detailed walkthrough\](docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/…) 4.0; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 30 Rep: 146 Contains Blacklisted Word - did you solve; Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - 0.5; Low Rep; Body Starts With: How did you solve this error ? 7.0; @Shree
Post Flagged Automatically - Added comment: NAAhighrep on this post
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 147 Rep: 1759 Low Length; Possible Link Only; No Code Block; One Line only; Body Starts With: Best architectural approaches described here in detail with a working example: tech.olx.com/clean-architecture-and-mvvm-on-ios-c9d167d9f5b3 4.0; @Shree
11:48 AM
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 80 Rep: 25 Contains Blacklisted Word - did you solve; Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; IntelliBL - 0.5; Low Rep; Body Starts With: Hey did you solve this problem? I am looking for a similar issue resolution too. 6.5; @Shree
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 105 Rep: 5 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Starts with Keyword; Low Rep; Body Starts With: where to put it at ? at producer or at consumer? If at producer then in which file this code to be added? 6.5; @Shree
A tracked post has been edited: stackoverflow.com/a/57602759 @dippas
11:58 AM
@Natty feedback stackoverflow.com/a/57608813 tp
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post BodyLength: 32 Rep: 786 Ends with ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Body Starts With: did you find anything for this ? 5.0; @Shree
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