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and/or that json isn't an alternative
brain donations are now officially accepted in this chatroom.
agreed. it's pointless to argue with people who are stuck in the past and closed minded to new things
so i'll stop right there
thanks hakre, i'll pass on accepting your mustard seed donation though
appreciate the offer regardless!
@ChrisClower i think you should have stopped before 3-4 hour....
@Database_Query This coming from no one, much appreciated but I'm enjoying myself quite fine
@ChrisClower You are the first person I have ever chosen to ignore. I just can't take the crazy illogical arguments anymore. Also, I think you struggle with learning given your 10 years using WAMP and not even being able to understand how to turn on error_reporting.
ignore me then please as you said you would 3 hours ago. much appreciated, thanks!
@ChrisClower See, I am using Json. But I am not a fanboy and I don't need to bash XY because of that. I appreciate Json for what it offers me, but I found it's not a replacement for XML. Like I said, try to build a Hypermedia API with Json. You can, but it's easier with XML. It's all about picking the right tool for the job.
i habve never even used json lol
not once
so i'm not a fanboy
i9've never used xml before either
@ChrisClower well, if you are not a fanboy, then you are a troll
than how cold you judge
i'm only reiterating popular media
@ChrisClower I didn't say that. Which is another reason for the ignore button to be pressed now.
i've also never used php
i've never written code
@ChrisClower yeah, we got it now. Please stop.
i just like to read
no i'm serious
@ChrisClower Me too. Please stop it now.
no i'm seriously tellign the truth
i've never done anything with code before
i just like to read tech manuals
and like RC car manuals
i've never coded, isn't it obvious?
i've never tried xml for like years and then json or anything and seen any difference
i only know what the liberal media says
so i reiterate it
@ChrisClower work on these thing instead arguing with experts
Sep 29 at 13:58, by Gordon
@hekko if you want to become an expert programmer, google SOLID, buy GOF, buy POEAA, buy Clean Code, lookup GRASP, DDD, CQRS, DCI … but dont ask for PHP books. That's the most reasonable suggestion I can give you when you ask for Expert PHP books really.
@Database_Query Thank you, fellow non programmer, I truly appeciate the advice
really, i know you've never programmed before and your rep is a perfect demonstration of that, so i can totally relate
@ChrisClower i am trying to be a programmer ...for that i am working on skill instead of arguing here so please
i was in your position totally when i was 4, so it's all good
@ChrisClower <- chat addict
I've been reading this whole time....
wasting my time to be more exact
xml sucks
json rules
that is what you say...
didn't see your ugly ass mug in here before about 5 minutes ago, joining the troll army, so fire away
@ShyamK dont feed him, please. just ignore the guy.
@Gordon point taken
If something is offensive, just flag it.
i came here, helped a bunch of people and got bashed for trying to help while everyone else here went silent every time a question was asked, but one little slip and the trolls come out! i see how this place works. a lot of "i'm so awesome! but i can't answer questions because i just like to troll and pretend i'm too 1337 for that"
flag me. ban me
please. fucktard trolls. flag me
awww... cool down.
no, they want to flag me, so flag me
go ahead
i don't care
I'll counterflag. But I do understand your frustration.
@ChrisClower try
vote all my answers down, flag me, ban me, i don't care. i came here trying to help people and got flamed by all these ass fucking faggots
i came here with a positive attitude wanting to help people and learn
and all i got was a bunch of flaming
so i don't care anymore. get me banned. SO is a shit community as far as i'm concerned at this point
every time a question was asked, everyone went silent except me trying to help the OP for 10 minutes
after a few more minutes, all hell broke loose again
you people are a bunch of dicks
72 messages moved from PHP
you don't help anyone who comes here because half of you don't know shit and just want to troll
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2 hours later…
Any one help me out with this question ! ?
@sehe stackoverflow.com/questions/12743946/… any solution for this :?
2 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
Q: Aero drop - shadow on a borderless form?

Hemendra SharmaI tried the following code to override the CreateParams. protected: virtual property System::Windows::Forms::CreateParams^ CreateParams { System::Windows::Forms::CreateParams^ get() override { System::Windows::Forms::CreateParams^ cp = Form::CreateParams; ...

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9 hours later…
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