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2 hours later…
@paul23 sneezes on paul
let's see how you handle the eastern germs.
@paul23 dude don't forget eastern germs can go KABOOM!!
@ARr0w What does that mean?
@BenFortune it means i'm middle-eastern
But why would your germs explode?
cause i've heard western comedians making jokes of we going Kaboom every now and then;
how come you people didn't understand
Are you saying you're a terrorist?
@BenFortune can't i be the comedian? :/
I mean it's not very funny
People die
that what you did is poor. Please don't do that again.
jealous peepal
walks out
@KarelG yea yea i got the point. :p
@BenFortune i just want to say .. OMG!.. alright!
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