I didn't do the downvote, but probably it's based on the way you ask the question. What have you tried out? You don't mention anything - so that's bad news. At least you should tell us you've tried something and what you have found. Have you at least gone through these Form Tutorials? You'll want to look at the Doctrine Tutorial as well. — Alvin Bunk 41 secs ago
No , it will execute by onResume method in the main activity. for example when user press home button and then a few seconds later comes back to the application — A.S.R 58 secs ago
It's not clear what you're asking. And while it's fine to have a link to your code, you should always post your code in the question as well — Nitzan Tomer 2 mins ago
Thanks now it compiles however the code doesn't work at all as expected. I am trying to understand how to properly control input so that the input beyond 5 bytes is not outputted to the terminal upon exiting of the program and how would I test to ensure only a string is entered and finally in the last scenario, only a double is entered? — Kevin M. Thomas 2 mins ago
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