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Hello guys,I have the reference of a MPMediaItem when user selects an audio from the iPod library. I am getting the asset url of that item by using
let url = item.valueForProperty(MPMediaItemPropertyAssetURL)
But this is not giving me the exact physical location of the file, instead it is giving me an url w.r.t iPod library.
Is there a way to get the physical url of a song from iPod library?
EDIT - actually I want to extract NSData from the physical file and send it to my backend server, so i need the physical file URL and not the relative…
3 hours later…
tmp = sscanf(str, '[%f, %f, %f],');
A = reshape(tmp, 3, []).';
one alternative
but much slower
check work first, then post...
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2 hours later…
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Q: Tampermonkey - How to set text in the google search box?

zeddexHow can i set some text in the google search box with tampermonkey? I have tried the following but no text is set: // ==UserScript== // @name Test // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.1 // @description testing // @author You // @match https://www.go...

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