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Whoever created this XML file should be shot: stackoverflow.com/questions/30844339/…
I don't think XML was designed to contain fixed-width, multi-row field values.
3 hours later…
Huh. Why would someone want seq(from = 1,to = 11,length.out = 1) to return 6?
@joran because the 1+(N-1)/2 element of seq(from=1, to=11,length,out=N) is 6 for N odd, but N=1 is an exception.
and 1 is odd. sounds like a mathematician.
@Spacedman Mathematicians are weird.
3 hours later…
Reopen: stackoverflow.com/questions/30841622/…. This question is just asking how to use quadprog to solve a constrained QP, so I have no idea why it was closed as asking for a library recommendation.
1 hour later…
Apple's next OS X update (10.11) by default blocks writing/editing to /System, /usr (except /usr/local), /bin and /sbin by all users, even root. Have to reboot into emergency recovery partition to turn it off. Awesome.
2 hours later…
i think some of the downvotes are because it's a question of the form "i'd like to do x. oh, actually i mean i want people from tag x or tag y or tag z to do it for me and [maybe] to follow it up with a bunch of further answers in the comments because i don't understand any of the tools i've tagged well enough to formulate a proper question". kind of harsh for a new user, though, yeah
@Frank Yeah, it's not a particularly good question, for sure. And tagging it with 3-4 disparate languages doesn't help. But deleting it...? That seems...excessive.
Now this, on the other hand....
Q: specify the interval - r-based

jsonIn procedure step in version backward based on a set of predictors: important, less_importand for n=1000, procedure for criterion function AIC choosed both variables to model, but criterion function BIC choosed only one variable important. Specify the interval, which must be a value 2logL(import...

@joran though the "weird voting" queation is quite clear its just a simple merge question which has been asked and answered about 1K times on SO. OP put the correct termenology in the title but couldnt be bothered to actually Google it. I think this question adds no value whatsoever and should be deleted
I think adding many language tags for some reason get a really negative reaction and tons of downvotes. Other questions of the caliber with appropriate language tags often end up answered with question score 0.

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