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quick question:do you know a good source of basic datasets to teach biostatistics? ideally with an overview of their content like here archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets.html
1 hour later…
@baptiste have you seen opendata.stackexchange.com
none particularly biostats-centric
and then of course there's BRFSS, NHIS, etc.
or just googling around for a replication dataset
maybe find a funder who requires them and look at what studies they've funded
@AriB.Friedman Thanks! I've been asked this question by a friend of a friend, and I don't know anything about the subject. I'll pass on the info.
hope it helps
Please put a bullet in this one.. stackoverflow.com/q/19519715/1478381
@JoshuaUlrich Ah, sorry, didn't know it. Thanks for fixing it !
@juba No need to apologize; I'm just spreading the word.
1 hour later…
Where can one find the secret CRAN package checker that the CRAN overlords use?
@Andrie Winbuilder
Whenever I submit a package update to CRAN, I always get a mail saying they have found errors that I don't get on R-devel.
@JoshuaUlrich Yes, probably you are right. Build from scratch.
@Andrie That seems to be the case with many people.
@JoshuaUlrich I confirm that. Even with R CMD check --as-cran...
Disagree. I build R from SVN every couple of days or weeks, and have a few options set in in ~/.R/check.Renviron all of which were documented in the R Internals manual, and which are mostly subsumed by`--as-cran`.
That just works for me. Generally no surprises.
But yes, using win-builder with an upload to its R-devel directory is also a nice trick.
@DirkEddelbuettel Except when your submission is rejected because of a change to R-devel after you uploaded the package, right? ;-)
Right. Special case.
2 hours later…
@DirkEddelbuettel Same here, as long as I am up-to-date with R-Devel and use --as-cran

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