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A: Run Kurento application

igraciaTutorials can be installed to run as a service in your Linux box. If you run mvn clean install, you'll get a zip file in each tutorial's target folder. Unzip that file and execute the script. There is a file that goes inside the zipped file with some instructions.

i executed,but there is an error /etc/init.d/kurento-one2one-call-recording: 92: kill: No such process
which port output the page?
You can see the port in the project's pom, or you can execute sudo netstat -pant | grep java and that should show you the port where your Java app is listening.
This showing only tcp6 0 0 :::8888 :::* LISTEN 17413/kurento-media no other ports.why?
The started service automatically stops in few seconds
But you must surely get an exception. Perhaps you can investigate that.
How to trace the exception?
In your console log
Norhing shows in the browser
But the server is stoped

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