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Good Morning...
morning, room
good morning
good morning all
@Kaushik why so serious
very good morning all
@Rahul xD
is that true @MrNarendra
Good morning..
Hi guys please help me with my problem
My android studio is not starting which had worked fine on past but not now .Java is working fine.what is the issue.I have googled but didnt got good effect
please help me
it gets stopped working forcefully ?
did you change any hardware like RAM etc ?
it is not starting NO @AnshulTyagi
I didnt do anything related to RAM Except I have installed composer
But after composer installlation it had worked.but not now
can't say
@Kaushik lol no
2 hours later…
@Roshnijain I also used Expandable Listview
n I handled everything
@Ish ?
@AnshulTyagi then help ShutterSoul in it
@Rahul tell me
@IshitaSinha create one class which has all header property
like name, code etc
I don't know what header properties will be there
the CSV is dynamic
an author can upload any CSV they want :(
show me code
I don't have any code yet :(
what do you want?
first create one Model Class
which has header value as property
show me response i'll tell you
the first row is the header
Company Name,Category,ISIN,NSE Code,BSE Code,MM Stock ID,MM Industry,Exchange
make model class
use them as property
? :/
ok wait
hmm... :(
is there any to get that csv file ?
ha ha ha ha
arjun broke his head over it as well
okay tell me
cdn url
or base url of api
it has 448 entries if that's what you're looking for
"file-name": "all_stocks.csv", i need this file
now tell me CDN
url like image
tell me if you get it
why do you need the CSV?
ok nvm wait
@Rahul should I just use an ArrayList? :(
but isn't this memory inefficient too? :(
why ?
List of Map [eyeroll]?
doesn't that cost more memory than my array?
@IshitaSinha okay use model class then
also, I have to sort the data
model class?!
model with array list
do we need to complicate it that much?
never mind... I'll figure out something
then you refactor my code
i thing that will give faster way to find element
base on header values
like hashMaps.get(pos).get('Company Name')
I don't need that kind of search
check that page ^^
that's what I need to make on mobile
what about in adapter
search and pagination and everything
@Rahul check that page and tell me what you think I should do
it's paggination
they are displaying 10 values from array first
ya...10 or 25 or 50 or 100 etc
hey @Rahul you know Reto Meier, right?
no i don't
Jun 12 at 6:54, by Rahul
seet Reto Meier
you know who Reto Meier is, right?
turns out, he is a BSC CS, too (like you) ;) :P
how to get current foreground activity from lollipop
you should start a medium page, too :P
                ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
                List<ActivityManager.AppTask> tasks = activityManager.getAppTasks();

                for (ActivityManager.AppTask task : tasks) {
                    Log.d("SplashActivity", "stackId: " + task.getTaskInfo().baseActivity);
I am using this
@Kaushik can't you simply use onResume for that?
I need it for push
out of my league
if that activity is already open then I will send data only otherwise generate notification
@IshitaSinha use that code
then from array use 10 element
which code?
@Kaushik I use onResume for that
@Roshnijain ok i'l
I don't know if it's wrong, though :/
@Rahul getRunningTasks isn't working in post JB
    ActivityManager manager = (ActivityManager) applicationContext.getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
   List<ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo> runningTaskInfo = manager.getRunningTasks(1);
  ComponentName componentInfo = runningTaskInfo.get(0).topActivity;
            return componentInfo.getPackageName().equals(myPackage)?componentInfo.getClassName():"none";
@Kaushik I use a boolean isActivityVisible in my Application class and turn that on or off from onResume and onPause in my activities
that's how I track if the activity is in the foreground
@Kaushik this code has me reeling :(
how you generating pending intent
PendingIntent.getActivity ?
@Kaushik pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, generator.nextInt(), notificationIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); like this?
@Ish content provider for that :p
I do have a content provider
and Cursor Loader
no cursor loader
I do some other stuff with the db
Intent i = new Intent();
i.setClass(this, MessageActivity.class);
startActivity(i); don't use this
don not use those
if you want message in foreground
use broadcast receiver
basically in base activity
if you want display a popup on each screen
for starting Activity from notification use pending intent
yeah like that
> App has been suspended and removed from Google Play as a policy strike because it violates the impersonation policy.

Next Steps

Read through the Impersonation article for more details and examples of policy violations.
Make sure your app is compliant with the Impersonation and Intellectual Property policy and all other policies listed in the Developer Program Policies. Remember additional enforcement could occur if there are further policy issues with your apps.
Sign in to your Play Console and submit the policy compliant app using a new package name and a new app name.
still trying to find out the exact reason
@MrNarendra content rating
i think
Its saying that impersonation policy is violated
as well as the app came to playstore last night
but suddenly disappeared
along with the suspension mail
@Rahul ooh you got another upvote! :D
@MrNarendra lol
@MrNarendra can you show screenshots you provided in google play
and also app icon
@MrNarendra happened to me once because the client had two accounts and we uploaded the new app from the other account rather than the existing account with the app
@Kaushik ok sure
@IshitaSinha so, it resolved by that?
also app got rejected if you have any famous cartoon character's image in screenshot or app icon is similar to any other famous app icon
@Kaushik this may be the case
one of the screenshot
this is ios screenshot
I picked it from design
I didn't take screenshot manually
is iOS screenshot the reason of suspension?
don't put that image and check
no idea
@MrNarendra is there any read message on Play Console
email them
discussed with them on chat
and call
as well
but no satisfactory answer yet
@Kaushik you mean to say, to upload the app again, without that screenshot?
take screenshots from your android phone and don't take that screenshot of that grid
Next Steps

Read through the Impersonation article for more details and examples of policy violations.
Make sure your app is compliant with the Impersonation and Intellectual Property policy and all other policies listed in the Developer Program Policies. Remember additional enforcement could occur if there are further policy issues with your apps.
**Sign in to your Play Console and submit the policy compliant app using a new package name and a new app name.**
read the last step
@MrNarendra it got resolved by the client later on when they deleted their old Google Play account and continued with the new one we created
does that mean, I have to change app name and package name as well?
delete everything and upload again
@MrNarendra could be...that may also be held as impersonation
the app automatically got deleted
because of suspension
@MrNarendra lol
poor you
as well as 2 of the screenshot contained the dummy text
lorem ipsum blah blah...
can that also be the reason?
dude why are you always in trouble
trouble always finds me out
@Rahul bcz u r der; our trouble shooter ^_^
i'm not from it department
TextView mNumberRooms1,mNumberRooms2,mNumberRooms3,mNumberRooms4,mNumberRooms5;here, how to identify which texview is clicked
by id
@theremin are those dynamic textviews?
nope, static one
@MrNarendra lol no, dummy text won't be the reason for impersonation policy violation
yes, I think so
@theremin use a flag
yeah.. ok
@Rahul I have a problem
the recycler view doesn't extend beyond the boundaries of the device even if I set width to wrap_content
and each row in the RV has more values than can fit into the device width
what can I do?
show me screenshot
or xml
I'll give you both, wait
I need both horizontal and vertical scrolling on this RV is what I'm trying to achieve
and make row element width static
@Rahul how? and why?
see? the elements wrap to multiple lines
I want them all on a single line
it's not on a grid layout yet, though :(
@Rahul @MrNarendra my Interstitial ad (Full screen) ad not working but same id is work banner ad any idea
see kind of your layout
@ish Take HorizontalScrollView
TableLayout?! 😱
Is that even a real thing?
Thanks, I'll check
but you have make width static
other it will jumble
TableLayout is simple you can make it scrollable by using ScrollViews
aiyo I wasted so much time creating adapters and layouts -_-
you can use that adapter to
make 6 textView horizontally
I have 8 fields
you mean 8 textViews, right?
can you add textView dynamically
in HorizontalLinearLayout
what are you getting at?
each row should Contain LinearLayout
add all textView dynamically in that LinearLayout
okay let me go through that wordpress article
@Ish that easy
don't delete adapter
okay, I won't
now tell me how my layout look like
it has 3 text views with 100 dp width
side by side
yes what what's requirement ?
@IshitaSinha if i make those textView dynamic
like String[] value =header.split(",")
ya okay
for(int i=0;i<value.lenght;i++) linear.add(textView)
like that
what will happen
i hope you are thinking to add text to on that
it will add the textview, no?
yes horizontally
doesn't make that grid
if i add 3 linear layout like that in List
@Rahul I also have to implement searching on this. Will that be possible with a table layout?
first create your grid
then think about search
but if searching is not possible with this, my grid would be a futile effort
I'll have to create something else all over again
confused guys
I'm always :(
@IshitaSinha create layout first
[eyeroll] fine
I take it you know what you're doing
is my layout
this is terrible!
instead of LinearLayout use List
aiyo I have to leave
I'll try to sit with this at night
they need it by tomorrow's stand up :(
and wait one minute
this one is listItem
in that add your textView that's it
it will create same layout like mine
but shouldn't I use the table layout? :/
no don't use
fine, can you help me tonight?
I'll leave now
bye all
@Rahul how fast u finish ur task [eyeroll]
@ShutterSoul have you finished your app ?
@AnshulTyagi no :/
@ShutterSoul don't know
@Rahul huh!!
3 hours later…

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