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@ClassicRanch I would be surprised if there aren't a few hiking trails within 2 hours public transport + 90 minutes walking from where LandonZe lives. Cruising in ones backyard or neighbourhood is not what most consider traveling.
I do what I consider as 'controlled suffering', such as go on bushwalks/hikes that are rated as hard or extreme, or studying more subjects than anyone else in the same year. My philosophy is that: without lows, there wouldn't be highs. It matters whether you get high first, then pay later (in the extreme case, taking drugs) or prepay with selective controlled suffering, and get high later on. Prepay is almost always the cheapest way to get the rewards.
@TelKitty I'm glad that works for you. Are you an accountant, or something?
Yes Accounting is one the subjects that I have studied in uni, but I have majored in economics, finance and electrical/telecommunications engineering.

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