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wonder if the stl has something like a flatten function, aka std::vector<std::vector<T>> to std::vector<T>
A: Merging/flattening sub-vectors into a single vector c++ (converting 2d to 1d)

seheThe word for this is concatenation or flatten: std::vector<int> a { 1,2,3 }, b {9,0,-7}; std::vector<int> c(begin(a), end(a)); c.insert(end(c), begin(b), end(b)); Or, indeed simpler: auto c = a; c.insert(end(c), begin(b), end(b)); c now contains 1,2,3,9,0,-7 You can gener...

I think we all know how to do it, the sad part is that we'd expect their to be some stl function
2 hours later…
@Mgetz So yes, the telescope is capturing mostly the infrared & near infrared spectrum of the light.
Looks like most of the telescopes are capturing the visible to microwave spectrums of the light. I thought there would be more radio telescopes, but maybe radio telescopes are mainly based on earth.
Also can't get bluetooth to work on my rpi 4b :/
Why does QML have a Grid, a GridView and a GridLayout that seem to all be doing the same thing?
The view doesn't even seem to be a view.

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