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9:16 AM
@NickAlexeev What's wrong with that? I'm a cup of java worth $100,000 and I have no trouble finding companies willing to pay my price.
9:41 AM
more wind
Jewus fcking christ, what s up with those firms not signing contracts
One of my clients agreed 2 months ago to extend my contract untill end of the year. We are now 2 weeks away from the end of my contract and they still have not signed the extention
How the fck are you not able to sign a document in 2 months of time
bunch of retards
9:49 AM
Because they use earliest deadline first scheduling. There are other things that need to be handled that cannot wait 2 weeks, so they do those things first.
send them that exact text in an email, I'm sure they'll respond to you really quickly
not necessarily in the affirmative, but the matter will be resolved
@PeterT didn t know this is how people proceed in Bochum
@nwp They already lost 30% of their sw engineering team.
Today we are only 4 sw engineers, 3 left in 1 month
@traducerad I wonder what made you generalize to the city instead of the company or the country.
9:51 AM
@nwp I could have gone for the company. But I know this is not necessarily how they proceed in other cities in Germany
They are hesitant maybe. The tenant for the house that hosted prostitutes took 2 months to put a deposit on the property.
We had 3 bunches of guests staying there in between.
@TelKitty in that case I d just choose another tenant.
I thought it was only governmental agencies that were slow and non-efficient
Oh boy, I was wrong
@TelKitty Install hidden cameras. Make extra cash on pornhub some other site.
9:53 AM
@traducerad That's like saying in that case you will get another client.
@TelKitty Yes, I might
they just cleverly kept on delaying the signature
but that means no income in the meantime
@nwp You never know how powerful their prostitution syndicate is ...
@traducerad For the future consider adding a date for such things. If they know they have to sign until X they will get it done by then, at the last minute.
9:57 AM
@nwp you mean adding a clause saying smth like "if the client is interested in an extention, he shall inform the subcontractor at least 1 month before the end of the current contract, otherwise +30%"?
Sign the contract, pay on time & getting 10% off.
@traducerad That doesn't help, they already informed you that they want to extend to the end of the year. "The contract can be one-sidedly extended by the company until 28 calendar days before the end of the contract."
You'll have to replace "one-sidedly" with whatever the correct legalese word is.
If they don't do the extension it's back to negotiating.
Maybe letting them extend the contract without your say means giving up too much power, not sure.
@traducerad What's the penalty if they rescinding the contract after signing it and how do you get paid during contract period?
10:16 AM
@nwp Good idea, didn't think of that
@nwp no prob' I got the gist of it (y)
I usually subtly let them know that there are other companies reaching out to me for work and that I like having my work year planned out (#NotAdvice).
Contracts signing usually becomes a top priority at that point. It can backfire so have backup options.
5 hours later…
4:23 PM
@CupOfJava Does that suggest that the price is too low?
I just don't want to have to move
Move from where?
4:54 PM
lol, what if you opened a gitlab issue about your contract. Or instead of email try slack.
5:36 PM
@NickAlexeev Florida
@Mikhail That's hilarious
5:59 PM
So I tried to use clang-tidy's automatic fix option for style issues in my code. Absolute disaster.
One interesting thing is that it will apply multiple fixes that conflict in ways the produce invalid syntax: for example

struct A{

struct A{
unknown_member{}{};//not valid syntax
6:12 PM
@Mikhail hi-la-ri-ous
I must say you have quite an "unusual" sense of humor @Mikhail
6:28 PM
glad that a decade in some of America's most precious clown colleges has brought a smile to your weather worn face

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