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Let's look at the 'no smart' glove on my pet chook!
I am a firm believer that constant good petting is essential for affectionate pets. But what if your hands are busy with other things, say, some keyboard and mouse? Then maybe you need some hand like thing on your pet, say an 'intelligent' glove. </Trollololo>
7 hours later…
@sehe "Never code in a hurry.", that's a good one.
2 hours later…
I wonder this pandemic has lowered general public's morality. Laws are there to create certainty, when normality changes frequently and there are many loopholes, people who used to behave and acting according to the rules will also change.
Maybe the change in mentality caused by this pandemic will last for years, 3-5 year at least I will say ...
2 hours later…
@StackedCrooked I thought that was almost trite. But on industrial scale it does have guiding power. Just watched Scott Meyers DConf talk from 2017 and it basically echoes the same
This really is an eye-opening answer. I share your scepticism as far as std::execution::paris concerned, but std::execution::unseq sometimes produces jaw-dropping SIMD code. — user1095108 3 hours ago
And my work is done for the day ;)
@sehe std::execution::paris seems a bit french... it will probably ask for documentation before it executes ;p
Do French people have a thing for formality? That sounds German to me.
@sehe The stereotype is that to get anything done with French bureaucracy, you need to have all your forms filled out ahead of time in triplicate with documentation you needed to do it in the first place. The german stereotype is the form is there just fill it out and you're done.
Unless you're in bavaria in which case if you're not part of the majority they look at you weird while doing it
2 hours later…
... is there a way to recursively search directoriesw/ C++ for header files?
i've inherited something where the original programmer didn't create a Makefile (apparently he just ran gcc from the command line with a bunch of -I )
but all the header files are ultimately in the same root folder (or subdirectories of it)
i don't want to keep spamming gcc + locate to manually add in a bunch of -I directives
@AmagicalFishy you could write a CMake script to add all the directories to the include paths
but in the long run it'll probably be best to just fix the include directives to be relative to one or a few root directories
that's what i'm doing now yeah; the problem is that there are a few different libraries being used so i'm ending up with waaaaaay too many -I
@Mgetz hihi
@AmagicalFishy just use a compiler (e.g. "gcc +"-m" generate dependencies")
Oh if the include paths aren't given, you can shoot with spray bullets:
find -type d -exec printf '-i%s '
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
@Mikhail Wow. suddenly green overload
Turns out the effect is from DarkReader. But the original is equal amount of eye-sore. I can't read a thing there. Why do people keep doing that.
Sigh. people have too much time, and too little respect for the planet or merit

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