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1:50 AM
2:45 AM
So, I was thinking of good way to write in a "expiration" feature into one of my codes. Basically, I want somebody to rebuild the software every year, for reasons that involve getting fucked over by my code being used for commercial purposes. Is there some good way, easy to use api, to get the date over the internet?
Maybe this
2:58 AM
What will happen if someone disconnect the internet and wind back the clock on local PC/Laptop?
Anyone else have lost sms/emails before? Senders and a few others in the group told me they have sent me sms/email/my email address was on the list. But I received nothing :/
they get in trouble for false testimony?
More like "do this work for free"
@ABuckau That means extra code, Mik's too lazy to test that feature even if code was written for the provision.
oh maybe i should have read the entire chat :p @Mikhail into the compilation process?
@Mikhail are you asking for an api to ntp? You are sarcastic for sure.
3:12 AM
okay, okay, I figured it out: lettier.github.io/posts/…
ok gl hf.
How are you planning to test it?
Write code is not hard, but thoroughly test it is.
4:04 AM
You put a large pile of leftover pizza for the omnivore birds, they get scared by the sheer volume of the food ...
3 hours later…
6:39 AM
Booming A.I. of 2019 = low accuracy calculated decision making on 1 variable ... maybe 2.
Is subconsciousness similar to background processes??
Imagine you have a fleet of 'A.I.' cars like this on road ...
3 hours later…
10:09 AM
Hey there. Anyone have experience building WinRT components (Winmd) in C++? I'm trying to make some changes to an existing package and I find there's some automagic in there that I haven't unraveled yet (what actually builds the .winmd file) that I would appreciate some pointers for.
10:28 AM
> Would allow more elegant abuse of language
Welcome to C++
11:20 AM
In other news I want to eat something with onions
2 hours later…
12:54 PM
@ABuckau So if one camped in a Canadian national park in summer, how likely is one nipped by a bear?
No idea.
1:14 PM
Not likely it seems en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
Those were fatal attacks, you don't necessary die from every altercation with a bear.
Besides, if you die alone from a bear attack and no one knows, it's probably not going to be recorded.
Seems like frequently you do not die from them
@TelKitty depends on if you follow bear protocol or not
Do let people know when you visit so that the bear poo can be checked if you go missing.
@Mgetz The whole 'looking bigger' thing?
1:21 PM
Different things for different bears? The main parts are avoided attracting the bear to start with aren't they? I am in the UK. Badgers are smaller here.
@TelKitty no, carrying a bear bag for food and clothes you eat in. Hanging that up well away from your tent at night etc
Grizzly bears generally won't mess with you unless you get between them and their cubs
Bear in mind that it's dangerous
black bears will go for easy pickings for food
they don't care about you
but they can smell better than a dog
see the part about discouraging bears
that's about 90% of what you need to do
@TafT I wonder whether they actually check the poo for DNA. And even if one's DNA is present in the poo of certain animal, there is still no firm evidence one has died from attack by that animal, the animal could just be scavenging on a corpse.
1:25 PM
@Mgetz So sacrifice the food for your own safety? Because bears can climb ...
@TelKitty they can... which is why you don't hang it from a single tree, but suspend it from multiple
see the second link
Sounds easier than done, bears are generally taller than people so ...
either way... the bears are more interested in your candy bars than you
they are looking for calories
and sugar is just that
Sure, candy bars can't run and they can not fight. If I was a bear, I would love low hanging fruits too.
it's literally about calories, bears generally don't attack humans unless they see you as a threat
so if you walk between a sow and her cubs you're dead
to be fair... you'd probably smell both before that happened
1:32 PM
Once I camped in a remote area with only 1 other camper (in another tent) and there was a wild fox in the neighbourhood. I was scared. I fear a small fox.
@TelKitty foxes and racoons will dig into your gear if you don't protect it
again... easy food
They could also bite your throat while you are asleep
@TelKitty they wouldn't
not unless they are rabid, and even then you're in a tent
@TelKitty I think they check the poo for shoes, cellphones, watches, wallets and bones.
@TafT not bear poo
cougar poo
1:36 PM
Come to France where we got rid of all remotely menacing wildlife (except humans)
Ok, we got some wolves back and maybe one or two bears
You still have a few bore
big pigs
Honestly here in the US I'd be more worried about pissing off a pig than a bear
oh right, we've got tons of wild boars
but unless you annoy the youngs you shouldn't have any issue
I haven't even seen a wild boar in my whole life :x
i've encountered bears many times in the woods-- they pretty much always run away, they are very scared of humans. Exception being in National parks where they are protected and not afraid.
They are down right nasty here
1:39 PM
And I'm really sad that wild boar pâté contains mostly pig and not wild boar ç_ç
I am sure they are on the list for adding back to the UK. Starting with some wild cats (size of large house cats)and got a few beavers now.
Meanwhile Indian and Pacfific islands think about getting rid of cats altogether
@TafT you actually need wolves... your deer population is nuts
When I visited the USA I did see bears but only at a zoo. Saw chipmonks and racoons too :-)
@Morwenn invasive species
1:41 PM
We partly farm and hunt the dear though. Most of them are introduced for hunting
In the Kergelen they destroyed a good chunk of endemic bird species
@TafT we basically had to reintroduce wolves, the deer and elk can't be effectively culled by humans as we look for larger males generally
wolves can cull the weak
and prevent the deforestation issues we were seeing
2 hours later…
3:55 PM
My sorting algorithms library is mostly visited from a post on a Russian website nowadays, go figure
> char abc1D()[3] { return {'a','b','c'}; }
And that's why we use trailing return type
@Morwenn Huh, that's not legal, is it?
@StackedCrooked It isn't, but we could return arrays that would be the "natural" syntax x)
And people still ask me why I keep using the trailing return syntax everywhere T_T
Like, almost literally every time I share some code on CodeReview
Someone even fucking opened an issue on my library to ask why before spending hours arguing I should not do that and it's dumb
As a result I eventually changed every function in the library to use trailing return type, even the ones I didn't write
4:34 PM
@jcoder Modern C++ with constexpr could initialize even mor complex objects at compile time, if I'm not mistaken. What would effectively prevent that would be run-time dependent data in the initialization code, probably effectively anything that could not be declared constexpr. — Peter A. Schneider 5 hours ago
lol a comment on my nearly 5 yr old question
2 hours later…
6:22 PM

C++ Questions and Answers

Solve problems and approach solutions. Just ask and lurkers wi...
2 hours later…
8:46 PM
President of Nintendo USA is retiring
new guy has the last name Bowser
9:22 PM
When working heavily with data or data structures, are there any good problem-solving heuristics one can follow?
Like when do you know to look for a pattern, ignore the noise, or solve a simpler problem etc..
or is it all just intuition that comes from solving lots of problems :\
9:44 PM
@Rick depends on the problem?
That's like saying "When there is a bug.."
well yes... but what's the bug
@Mgetz let's say there are 100 containers with all 5-gram pennies and only one container with 9-gram pennies. how would you find the 9-gram pennies container by weighing only once
@Rick I'm not an algorithms person, I'd look it up
I absolutely detest those interview questions
I hate them too.
but I was hoping that maybe there was a strategy to break these kinds of problems down quickly.
for people who solve these kinds of problems all the time
Normally I try to find an end goal and work back
then solve corner cases
tbh that sounds like the duplicated number problem
but I don't think you can use xor
10:00 PM
@Mgetz to me it sounds like a missing number problem
because you know what that missing container would be if you remove that container entirely since you have the total
but I'm not really concerned with the solution, as much as how to quickly break it down.

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