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a system for FAQ questions that should stick around for a long time and can have upvotes and downvotes. And a less enforced system that is more discussion based that's more ephemeral
because a lot of people want SO to be quora apparently
@aaronmallen most people should get what they need by searching / reading the millions of Q&As already posted. To jump right to "I gotta ask a question" is already indicative that things are going awry
I also thought that most of the debate was that people seem to be very mean to new people who don't appear to have put in any effort to solving their own problems
@thecoshman I would say that's a distraction, in general having a system that helps them find answers faster to their questions would probably solve the problem. The issue seems to be that nobody is interested in using it.
I often find, the best way to find the answer to my questions is to start writing up my questions as if I was going to post it, then look at the suggested other questions
@thecoshman you don't buy into the sunk cost fallacy. Personally I find writing up the question helps me find the answer before I ever even consider posting it
Maybe that 'similar question' needs to be harnessed better, so that if another question is detected as similar enough, you have go through them and say "I've read that questions, and I still feel my question is distinct enough to ask"
But again, I don't know how well that would help
People may well still just click through those 5 other questions
If you search for a question that does not come with a valid answer on stackoverflow, it's usually because 1) there is something changed and you are the first one to notice 2) there is no answer to the question
on the other I'll most likely have to reimplement a few standard concepts anyway because I require less strict parameters from the users of my algorithms than the std concepts do >.>
@Feeds This is why Python is having serious issues. I don't know what the proper string solution was... but Python 3 created a heap of issues that I don't think will ever be solved
@Feeds I remember having had a shitton of problems between having two Python versions at once + another one in docker + a few virtualenvs for shit & giggles
@Morwenn long live free speech on discord, where we constantly berate the platform for being shit, not that I would dare imply this platform is anything but perfect, and I say that without any fear or implied fear. SEND HELP!!!
@Mysticial depends on how they approach it. If they approach it in crusader fashion it's going to cause major issues. If they actually slow down and listen (which they have usually done to an extent) then it will drag out but will taper off when people get bored and Shog9 makes funny jokes.
@Mgetz In the past whenever they did it in crusader fasion, they ended up driving away a bunch of long-time users. If they do that enough times, there won't be anyone left. Though I have a feeling we're already at that point.
@Mysticial Crusading tends to do that yes. Unfortunately there are always those that feel something MUST be done instead of taking a light hand approach. Honestly my preference is small change that result in big longer term impacts that nobody really notices.
@Mgetz I figure if there isn't any major contributors left and all you have is a bunch of pissed of newbies, I guess it doesn't hurt to try to make the newbies happier by further stepping on the no longer existent population of contributors.
1. Stack Exchange has a Problem
There's been a commotion on Stack Overflow since the latest blog was posted.
Too many people experience Stack Overflow¹ as a hostile or elitist place, especially newer coders, women, people of color, and others in marginalized groups.
This question Does Stac...
@Mysticial A counter argument is that some people use their rep on SO as a part of their resume don't because of the stuff I write in chat. Nevertheless, there will always be contributors .
No better place to rep whore than stack overflow
@Mysticial but I think you were spot on with the comment about having tiers of stack overflow to feed the vampires and rep whores.
In mac KDevelop doesn't work and Xcode doesn't integrate with CMake well, I have to add files manually then generate the project file. So CLion with academic license only option though my mac air gets hot in times
It drains battery too. I love KDevelop but until that or something like that works in mac what is the option for mac ?
In the grand tradition of [apple], [microsoft] and [htc] (all company tags) I give you
164 questions that don't describe the question, just the company who made the hardware.