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@GManNickG How dare you insult perfectly decent shit that way?
Oh damn... it's even got Peter Mortensen's AV on that as the editor.
@JerryCoffin You're right, I'm sorry, Shit.
@Mysticial I think that was a nice touch.
The "I agree" button in the corner and the Career ads are nice too.
Safari is ok but I prefer Chrome.
@StackedCrooked Lynx FTW. :-)
sep guis
open playlist, press "Search", type song title, pick song from results => removes everything from playlist, puts selected song in. Why is every music player completely fucking stupid in some way.
hai @R.MartinhoFernandes @Mysticial
I won't be here for long though. Gotta head out to a group dinner in a few min.
It appears Cat++ is working for Apple
user image
@R.MartinhoFernandes Make your own terminal based player :P
echo 'gst-launch playbin2 uri="file://${1}"' > ~/bin/play && chmod +x ~/bin/play && cat myplaylist | xargs -I {} play {}
Works for me.
Q: Who knows Unknown error in a different programming language keyword

qqlovingWho knows Unknown error in a different programming language keyword For example, in c + + is Unknown error             c # is unhandled exception        In other languages ​​unknown error indicates what key words who knows?

damn I wish SO looked as nice at work as it does at home...
@Borgleader my cousins said I remind them of that cat
@LuchianGrigore could you screenshot that for the lowly <10K's?
Does ideone have boost?
I wanna write something with stdin but Coliru doesn't have it and LWS has been down forever
screenshot for unreputable users like me?
Does the wording of the question seem odd to anybody else?
It was hard to read, yes.
Ah right. Cool.
But ideone allows you to manually put in input
Isn't it manual enough on Coliru? :)
I mean like um
ideone.com/qRGloi down there
there's "upload with new input"
So you just use your input and it does it for you.
It's nifty.
I know you can do that but I don't fancy it.
It's the only thing I like from it.
Q: Bootstrap typeahead autocompletion with the source loaded only once on pageload

XHotSniperXI want to load the whole source data via jquery from the server but only once on pageload. I want to store it in a variable. The jquery part works but the input does not autocomplete. It does nothing. It works only if the source is written like source: ["blablabla","dadadada"]. This is my Javasc...

SO is under CC though, right? So it's legal to copy it's content?
lots of SO copies on the internet
Hmm, the whois's don't return anything
@CCInc I see no attribution nor link back.
So, Tony Stark is the creator of the Iron Throne?
@CCInc If there's no link-back or attribution, then report it here:
Q: Report high-Google-ranking SE content copiers here

Popular DemandThis tweet by Jeff was posted in chat: for those of you seeing scrapers rank above #stackoverflow can you reply with your exact google query terms? (plain text only, no urls) Tweeted by codinghorror on December 9, 2010 at 7:59 AM Since some of us don't use Twitter, I thought it'd be helpf...

Ping me tomorrow and I'll do it
I won't be around much for another 4 days.
I just ralized that you get so much passive rep that if I was rep whoring, your reputation would still increase faster than mine =/ I envy you
Jon Skeet doesn't come to the Lounge
Or I would have directed that comment at him ;)
Can you do sql queries on the so database?
@StackedCrooked For the most part yes. Obviously some information won't be available (such as who cast a vote). But there's a lot of data you can mine from the DE.
There are not many sites that allow you to do that.
SO is really cool.
Heck, they still haven't closed the loophole that allows you to query for suspended users.
That's supposed to be mod-only info.
The guy who made Data.SE left SE.
@Mysticial O_O
@BoltClock I made a meta post about it. Nobody seemed to care. :)
@Mysticial Hahahahah oh wow
Some really familiar names there
I'm assuming we're looking at the same result set
I didn't run it this week. But when I refreshed, it auto-loaded the cached results from (presumably) your run just now.
That query works by basically doing a full rep recalc on all users with 1 rep.
And then listing it in descending order of the recalced rep.
The UI we have for viewing suspended users is - for the lack of a better word - crap
A crap UI for crap users seems appropriate.
Heh. At least we can tell at a glance what happened as well as see the crazy shit they write back to us
Fun for the whole family
(not really)
You mean it's fun for the partial family?
Q: What is the value of the following expression ? I = 1; I = (I<<= 1 % 2) (a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 0 (d) syntax error

user2465532What is the value of the following expression ? I = 1; I = (I<<= 1 % 2) Choose from the following: (a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 0 (d) syntax error

@aaronman Nice notpology there, that insults me for no reason (nothing I have said here is "crazy") and just illustrates that you're an ignorant anti-intellectual buffoon. I will say it again: your claim, whether using humorous terms or not, is wrong ... the C99 std imposes no such requirements on the outputs of programs — Jim Balter 6 mins ago
"notpology", never seen that word before
@BoltClock Kinda cute. Too bad he's ruined it by acting like an even more complete jerk than the people toward whom he's making accusations.
Oh wow, I come out of the shower, and that question has become... a mess. :)
But indeed I will walk away from all you assholes by deleting all my comments. — Jim Balter 21 secs ago
Well... someone's having a bad hair day...
Don't tell him, but that was his only warning
@Mysticial Yeah -- Jim showed he was just wrong about the basic technical question, so now he's spent the last 20 minutes trying to prove that he knows all, sees all and understands all. Looks like he's realize that won't work either, so he's trying to hide the evidence...
> @BoltClock You can stop singling me out when I was insulted by both Jerry Coffin (saying I have no sense of humor) and aaronman (calling me crazy).
I saw that
And what Mysticial quoted
@BoltClock I haven't refreshed the page yet. So I still see that. :)
Won't onebox anymore though. Hate it when that happens
Heh he voted to close the question
> closed as not a real question by Rob Kennedy, Dancrumb, Blastfurnace, William Pursell, Jim Balter 18 secs ago
@Mysticial Yeah you should dry your hair right after getting out of the shower.
@LucDanton My hair's not long enough for it to matter. :)
@BoltClock Closing as a duplicate might make sense, but NaRQ makes no sense to me (and most of the possible dupes aren't very good either -- you need to know the answer before the duplication is at all apparent).
appended_ranges as the public member of append_range? In the Andrei version that operation is called chain, so chained_ranges would be cromulent there... I do like append(a, b, c, d) as a variadic version of a ++ b ++ c ++ d though.
@ScottW Hi.
@ScottW Hmm...that doesn't sound entirely good.
indices<sizeof...(Indices) - Indices - 1...>
Editor is highlighting 1. as double literal :(
@LucDanton I think that's how a compiler should probably lex it as well.
@ScottW You got up at 1 AM?
That's really early. Such discipline.
Wooo, easiest append_range ever.
> If all input ranges offer random access and length, Chain offers them as well.
Guess I'm not implementing random-access append until I take a stance regarding length :v
Damn, I'm only missing slice among the big ones. I'll do reverse first though, haven't had anything for breakfast.
Anyone know how to add a horzontal separator in a Win32 GUI?
@SpicyWeenie Do you mean in a menu, or what exactly?
@JerryCoffin in a menu.
The MS documentation doesnt give an example
@SpicyWeenie In a typical resource editor, you just pick "separator" from a menu. If you're editing a raw RC file, it'll be something like: MENUITEM SEPARATOR
For example:

    	POPUP "&File"
    		MENUITEM "&New\tCtrl+N",                ID_FILE_NEW
    		MENUITEM "&Open...\tCtrl+O",            ID_FILE_OPEN
    		MENUITEM "&Save\tCtrl+S",               ID_FILE_SAVE
    		MENUITEM "Save &As...",                 ID_FILE_SAVE_AS
Say, is it a lie if range::integers<int>() returns a range over [0, INT_MAX)? I.e. maximum is not reached?
It's just that integers is a shortcut for interval(0, std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) and interval creates a range for the half-open interval of its arguments.
@LucDanton My immediate reaction is that it's not a good thing, but I don't have an immediate suggestion for what would be better either.
@JerryCoffin I got pretty much what you got, but it's not showing
I honestly just realised that :( I wanted the convenience of starting counting from 0 and didn't think much beyond that.
I don't think I can use too many tricks either: something like interval(static_cast<T>(0), static_cast<T>(-1)) might seem clever for unsigned types but it makes the reverse iteration surprising, I would think.
Eh, I'll tag integers as something that is convenient but not principled and maybe I'll take a look at it at some later point.
@LucDanton I'm almost constantly reminded of "The Design of Everyday Things", and how tricky it can be to design even something simple so it works really well.
Um, does it mention the design of things like screws for a doorlock or similar? I may have read about that somewhere.
@LucDanton I don't remember that specifically, but you've probably noticed how erratic my memory is...
I may have, but I think I had forgotten.
Ok I figured it out. durrrrrr
@JerryCoffin it turns out the type_info issue thing is actually quite interesting :D
@JerryCoffin but unfortunately I am not allowed to elaborate...anyway, I put in an error report to cplusplus.com (they fixed it partially, it looks like, but they still have an erroneous code example)
@StephenLin My...imperfect memory is kicking in again. I have some vague recollection of discussing an error on cplusplus.com, but not much more than that, I'm afraid. You had a client who'd assumed their mistake was correct, and it was causing you headaches, or something like that?
Time for groceries and the market.
@JerryCoffin well, i can't comment about anything other than that the issue is a real one...the issue is that cplusplus claimed that type_info hash codes are unique to each type, and still has an example which is based on that assumption
@LucDanton Really? What time zone are you in, anyway? It's still pretty early in the morning in western Europe, isn't it?
the greater issue is that the standard has misleading language which probably led directly to the misconception
@StephenLin Oh, yeah. Now I remember a bit more. Yes, it was/is all about as clear as mud.
well, anyway
whoever wrote code based on that assumption has buggy code
it's basically impossible to detect via static analysis too, which is annoying
without false positives
@JerryCoffin He lives in France.
@Rapptz That was what I thought. It's only now about 0830 in France isn't it?
Maybe he likes to go early.
@Rapptz Yeah, I guess he's an earlier riser than most of us. At least before I was married, I hardly ever got up that early, except to do photography or skiing.
What's wrong about getting up early ?
Well I bought a new laptop with Windows 8 pre-installed. Do I need to buy Windows 7 or 8 Disc separately if in case I wanted to re-install? They didn't give me any discs.
@JerryCoffin Summer time means I go right when it opens at 8:30 am.
@cpx isnt drm great
Also normally markets start at undue hours like 5 or 6 in the morning. That was no normal market though, more of an experiment I think.
@LucDanton Ah, ok.
@JerryCoffin The way I see it I go to bed late. Really, really late.
You stay awake all day?
Eh, depends on the week.
I usually do it every so often too :s
@Rapptz It gets crowded a lot on a Saturday, too. I want to avoid long queues at the register.
Wish I had a way to highlight something and put < in the beginning and it encloses it with >.
Maybe there's a way.
@Rapptz what do you mean?
You know how you can highlight text and type ( and it automatically encloses everything in (...)?
I just want to do the same with < for templates.
oh, within some editor you mean
Select, c<<Esc>pea>
I don't use Vim.
Was that Vim ? I don't recognize
Looks like it.
To select everything in < > I would have used: <c-v>i<
<C-]> is preferred over <Esc> I think but meh.
Or did I get the goal wrong ?
@LucDanton It is?
I much prefer a single keystroke.
Or is that jump to definition? Anyway, some terminal stuff.
> <Esc> escape CTRL-[ 27 escape <Esc>
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think I forgot in what context entirely.
int *(*x)(int *)
@LucDanton Might be about people that have a need for Caps Lock.
(Sometimes I forget Esc is hard to reach)
Haha yeah that rings a bell.
@R.MartinhoFernandes You forgot to comment on the question - "What have you tried?"...
Don't see that as often anymore.
@ScottW no
Because it got automatically removed.
Robot overlords.
Meta decided to ban it
The picture says - "How almost every SO question looks to me"...
It doesn't say what every SO question is...
I hate when you write mistakes in commit messages :(
I wonder if I can fix those when I convert my repo from Hg to git...
any hoops
off to Dublin for me!
> Bitbucket reaches 1,000,000 users
> To celebrate, one lucky Bitbucket user will win a seven-day trip to San Francisco, including a day of hacking and hanging out with the Bitbucket team. Invite a friend to Bitbucket for a chance to win.
damn Markdown.
@thecoshman Dublin. Mmm. Smoked salmon for breakfast and lines of Guinness behind the bar, slowly settling...
Oh um, not sure what type index(r) should zip the range with. I used to use the difference type, but I don't have that anymore. Eh, let's pick std::ptrdiff_t as a default.
Alright, let's do slicing!
Not quite @Martin
Oh, I'm not sure I can actually. I can only compute the slice if I have a length (or I suppose if I know the range is infinite).
@R.MartinhoFernandes I notice there is no complexity guarantee for the length operation of ranges in D. I'm assuming the design philosophy is to be tolerant, and leave the caller to figure out if the result is useful at all?
Maybe I should try to enjoy my Saturday more :v
I honestly become a bit too engrossed in my code this morning. Was unusually fun.
Yeah, that's what I thought. Eh, I'll close the editor and laze around.
I may be behind the times. I use my crummy phone as a portable music player of sorts, but it can store 70MB tops worth of songs.
@thecoshman Oh - you're going for work :(
Seriously guys, how do you self-motivate to do this hobby stuff?
Every time I sit down to code it tends to end shortly afterward with "meh, I have no requirements"
I have an idea and then go around implementing it.
Not sit down, think of an idea, then implement it. The idea usually just springs up randomly and then I think "Hey, that'd be cool to write" or something.
@TomW I like to start as small as possible (with the idea first, as pointed out). If the idea is worth expanding, the it'll grow naturally. (It's okay to keep some things small though!)
Well, I suppose my issue is lack of compelling ideas. Stuff that I'm sufficiently interested in to override the various distractions of sitting at home are few and far between
I think I should just give up on SFINAE.
@Rapptz It may help to stick to some patterns.
E.g. if you write template<typename T, EnableIf<foo<T>>...> void blarg(T thingy); the only SFINAE that can ever happen is entirely in your control inside foo.
alright, I'm gone
Have fun.
Woah the ghastly silence
that's a bad excuse :P
what are you doing?
oh nice
ohhhh features
is that Android?
ah ok
It's 5:30 AM and I'm working with templates :(
listening to Smooth Criminal - Mj
@TonyTheLion recently saw the clip of black or white again. it's cool :)
Mine did too last time I tried
@StackedCrooked watching Billie Jean now.
I wonder how frustum culling is done
Or clipping or whatever it's called where only the stuff inside is drawn
Yeah. I'm just thinking about how the vertices are stored though
I feel like it would be inefficient to just loop through them all
I wonder if it uses an octree or something such internally
Man, I need a bike.

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