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I played them because, frankly, I'm an artistic and creative guy, and I played games, mostly strategies, because I loved to create new strategies, but now that I create in code instead, it's a lot more fulfilling and I can be done with creativity and work on real things in the rest of my day
but if you don't appreciate why you need to play games, then you won't find the answers to not playing them
maybe I play them to reclaim a lost childhood..
gets all psychological and philosophical
I find it pretty unlikely
most of the time it's more basic than that
for example, take hygiene
for a lot of my youth I flat out refused to practice any form of hygiene
turns out that I just can't cope with the cold
got to university where they pay the bills and I left the heating on all the time, and I completely changed
with the cold?
my parents used to be fairly poor, and insisted that we brush our teeth with cold water
thats some good self-realization right there
but I have sensitive teeth and it's an excruciating experience for me
I just never linked it to the fact that the water was cold
holy crap, ive never thought of that, and i have the same issue
the only thing I have left to conquer is my weight
seems to me like I walk for an hour a day every day for six months, stay off all the bad foods, and I lose nothing
but then, everybody in my family is overweight, so perhaps home food isn't the correct definition of good food :P
John Backus wrote the following about real world problems:
> Many scientists are scientists because they are afraid of life. It's wonderful to be creative in science because you can do it without clashing with people and suffering the pain of relationships and making your way through the world. It's sort of this aseptic world where you can do exciting things with your faculties, and not encounter any pain. The pain in solving problems is small potatoes compared with the pain you encounter in living.
> Introspection is not a scientific activity, it is not repeatable, there are no good theories about how to repeat it, what you expect to find. It's strange that by looking into yourself you really get an appreciation of the mystery of the universe. You don't by trying to find the laws of physics.
remember the physicist's diet, it never fails: expend more calories than you consume
lol @FredNurk
@FredO: Interesting piece
It's true, this is the 'big mystery' that no one can seem to figure out yet everyone knows
what, the physicist's diet or that scientists are scared of life?
About the "You don't by trying to find the laws of physics" quote, here is a video for us German C++ programmers:
(The title means "Can physics explain the world?")
@DeadMG: I've fought my own weight at times, once losing ~70lbs. over about a year and a few months (target was never more than losing 2lbs./week), managing BMR is one of a handful of key factors
dunno if it'll help you, but it did me
I certainly don't think that it's inaccurate that I'm scared of life
@DeadMG dield
get born with the wrong hair colour, and you can rapidly learn to stay isolated if you want to stay happy
ah someone is a ginger?
@FredOverflow The title, with ambiguous "world", already places that video in the word-games pseudo-philosophy niche, doesn't it?
I actually like it, personally
looks best in strong natural light
very shiny
I think ginger women are very cute..
that's just it
almost went out with one once.. the stereotype of them being crazy is true.. at least in my experience
it's considered an attractive feature in women, but most ginger men that I know of are relentlessly abused for it
o.O I didn't know such prejudice existed outside the realm of south park
I knew that there was something seriously wrong here when I was 18 and my friends were still asking me if I had ginger pubic hair
is curious
haha just kidding :P
@CharlesRay Was just about to mention Cartman.
I've never really watched south park
but it was definitely an unfun experience and the primary reason I started hardcore gaming online
@DeadMG Why not?
because the people on the other end of the connection couldn't see
eh, a lot of back episodes, and I don't find most of the humour that funny
they have some genius moments, but I don't find it that funny on average
@DeadMG My scientific explanation for why life is scary: there is way too much UB involved.
nah, I don't mind UB
it's the well-defined regularly practised bad behaviour that's worse
like throwing in a destructor
I want to know exactly what happens beforehand.
or, more properly, the Singleton
I mean
UB isn't something that you have to cope with
you get UB, you fix the cause, you're done
but if you make a Singleton, you'll have to live with it forever, unless you care to refactor all dependencies
@DeadMG Like marriage? ;-)
I wouldn't know anything about marriage
nor should I for some years yet
Anyway, what's wrong with the Singleton? Looks fine to me:
What if the Singleton is declared but never initialized?
used to drink but now don't
had a nasty experience with too much vodka and my best friend's girlfriend
people + alcohol = sex
why people think this is rare baffles me
and why people get so offended and heartbroken when it happens does as well
@CharlesRay That is called "engagement".
I don't think that it's rare and it doesn't offend or heartbreak me
but I have standards with regards to friend's girlfriends
I'm just saying in general..
@CharlesRay sometimes, people + alcohol = abusive behavior
It's not cool to do your friend's girlfriend but stuff happens.. that's all I have to say
oh no
that wasn't the bad part
the bad part was that he was sitting there encouraging me
@CharlesRay Well, as long as you don't start messing with your friend's privates... (hint, this is a C++ chat: friend and private, get it?)
@FredOverflow Just let them be friends (with benefits) and it wont be a problem
i used your joke >.>
well I refuse to do my friend's girlfriends under any conditions
and the fact that I nearly did scared me somewhat
@DeadMG Basic instinct vs. ethics, as simple as that.
it's not about that
but that I wouldn't want to do someone who would do me on the side
Not wanting to be #2 is quite human.
actually its very animalistic
primal, if you will
what's the difference?
humans have bias
pretty sure that coupling for life is very rare in the animal kingdom
we think because we have developed more, have cognitive reasoning, that that somehow makes us more than animals
coupling for life - no, wanting to be the best - yes
we are more than animals
we really aren't
you can debate to whatever extent you like, but humans are more than animals
in what way exactly
so how come humans are the only ones that kill for sport?
what makes us "more"
well, I could point to our complete domination of our entire planet as a small hint
no other animal has ever been to the Moon
humans are the only life form on Earth that can react to an event before it occurs, i.e. prediction
@DeadMG Willzyx has.
not on it's own, we put it there
Quiz question: Why is a List<Human> not a List<Animal>, even though a Human is an Animal?
@DeadMG How do you explain animals predicting earthquakes?
because inheritance doesn't work both ways
obviously there are precursors that we can't detect
@CharlesRay Probably instinct.
a List<Animal> should be valid for any animal
but if it's really a List<Human>, you can't go putting a Giraffe in there
but its still of type:Animal
Exactly. I like to explain it with fruits and bananas :)
A: Why A->B doesn't make List<A>->List<B>? Wouldn't that remove need for wildcards?

FredOverflowStatic typing dictates that a subtype must support all operations of its supertype. List<Fruit> supports inserting Fruit objects. List<Banana> does not -- you cannot insert arbitrary fruits into a List<Banana>, only bananas. Hence, List<Banana> is not a subtype of List&...

@DeadMG The human species is also the only one (so far) capable of completely eradicating itself from planet earth.
there is that
I would also say that no other species is so widespread
@DeadMG you forgot algae and cockroaches
you can't point to another species which lives in deserts and jungles and mountains and forests and the Arctic Circle
those aren't single species
and cockroaches don't live in the Arctic
That's because humans can adapt to different environments pretty well.
@DeadMG: there are plenty of individual algae species which cover more surface area than humans do
surface area != environment range
secondly, that's more biased because there just happens to be more water than land
So just correct by a factor of 3/7 or something.
you just said "widespread"; I'm not up for redefining terms tonight
can we just return 0 and be done with this specific topic :P
@CharlesRay If we don't have a definitive answer, I would prefer throwing an exception or using an optional return type.
@DeadMG the point was being "widespread", "surface area", "environmental range", "have been to the moon", and such are all completely meaningless or, at best, inadequate measures
@FredOverflow I think it would be better to break from the topic
@CharlesRay You can only break from switches and loops!
@FredOverflow Well that's what this conversation seemed like.. loop i mean lol
over and over..
for (; ;) { break; }
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < -1; i++) {}
@FredOverflow break: goto break;
That's a nice gotcha :) -1 is treated as the largest number. (It's even better with <= instead of <, because then it's an infinite loop instead of a looong loop.)
@FredNurk You cannot use break as an identifier.
it's even better in PHP: for ($var = "A"; $var <= "Z"; ++$var) or something
What does ++ do on strings?
Okay so I'm safe to assumje than in a for loop, it is always advised than one does ++i instead of i++?
A -> B -> ... Z -> AA
no, Z -> BA?
not really
something surprising like that
the difference between i++ and ++i is meaningless unless dealing with complex iterators
and secondly, the compiler will most likely get rid of the redundance for you
@CharlesRay If you have a reason to use i++, then use it. Otherwise, I prefer ++i.
@CharlesRay: it often doesn't matter, prefix form is now a matter of habit in C++ for the few times it does
@FredOverflow Same.
@DeadMG But why create the redundancy in the first place?
@CharlesRay Personally, I think "C++" is a horrible name for a programming language.
I have no opinion
I personally think that both of them are bad and should be removed
or rather
their error rates are too high and they need adjusting
Today, two students of mine wrote a = a++ and wondered why a didn't change.
@DeadMG Not in Java ;)
In Java, a = a++ increases a and then immediately "decreases" it.
@FredOverflow How about C++0x? <g>
@AlfPSteinbach I haven't memorized the new language rules yet. I am definitely going to miss sequence points!
Oh, wait:
> If you loved Sequence Points you will love Sequenced[Before/After] relation even more. So there's nothing to worry about.
Phew :)
@FredOverflow I'm not familiar enough with C++ to know what you're talking about..
@CharlesRay Are you familiar with terms "undefined behavior" and "sequence points"?
@FredOverflow I know what undefined behavior is.. but i've never heard of the term "sequence points"
@FredOverflow Is a love of sequence points necessarily sequenced before a love of the sequenced before/after relationships?
Q: Undefined Behavior and Sequence Points

Prasoon SauravWhat are "Sequence Points"? What is the relation between Undefined Behaviour and Sequence Points? I often use funny and convoluted expressions like a[++i] = i;, to make myself feel better. Why should I stop using them?

@JamesMcNellis Necessary by history, yes.
I was going for a sequencing joke. Nevermind. Joke fail.
@FredOverflow Thank you for that :)
@AlfPSteinbach It seems to me that the evaluation of both sides of the assignment is not sequenced in C++0x, so a = a++ is still UB in C++0x.
But don't take my word for it, let's wait for @Johannes ;-)
I need to get to bed
@DeadMG Where do you live? I assume you are GMT+0
@FredOverflow a = a++ is UB. however, a = ++a is not
However, if you use either in your code, your colleagues are allowed to beat you.
@JamesMcNellis I'd want someone to beat me if I did something like that
Is anyone here putting themselves up as moderator candidate?
Come on guys, we can't let SO be ruled with lame VB and Ruby coders...
perhaps the VB and Ruby questions need more moderators
@Zenikoder What @FredNurk said. I don't see much need for significantly more moderation of [c++]-tagged questions than we have now. Crap content gets disposed of rather effectively and we rarely have major issues that require "official moderator" intervention.
I don't think that adding a moderator to our already Effective C++ community would give us a More Effective C++ community. ;-)
I was speaking half tongue-in-cheek, but only half :)
you have to be used to a certain level of crazy to reasonably use c++ in the first place; could that bode well for community self-moderation?
who expected sprintf to be almost an order of magnitude slower than hand-rolled functions? (for one very specific dedicated task only)
That's me.
@FredNurk I would. Many general-purpose functions are significantly slower than special-purpose functions.
@JamesMcNellis: Ok I see, oh and btw very nice double entendre... Were you ever a writer for "Are you being served?"....
@JamesMcNellis should have said "only", I expected it to be 15-20x slower
Has anyone here tried the questions at mycppquiz.com ? if so can you provide your opinion regarding the quality of the questions.
I'd argue that their answer to question two is incorrect. It depends on your definition of "use," though.
I don't get past question 1. So it's not exactly quality site. There's also talk about paying them. Just the usual. Like IQ tests, personality test, so on.
The questions are pretty dumb. All of the first ones are trick-type questions.
@AlfPSteinbach : pay? which site are you looking at?
@JamesMcNellis : Trick questions? or questions that require a more than average understanding of the standard?
@AlfPSteinbach : I see, i thought the quiz was for free. When I did it I didn't have to pay.
@Zenikoder That depends on the purpose of the quiz.
@JamesMcNellis : I totally agree, there are different levels of C++ programmers out there, I guess this test is for the 7-9 range on the scale out of 10 (assuming 10 is a compiler writer)
@JamesMcNellis: tpyo: int (&)[M] should be T (&a)[M], and another int to T in the other ctor
My manager uses recuirters to find potential C++ candidates, he would usually get 5-10 resumes a week from various recruiters for potential candidates, probably only 1 out of 30 were brought in for an interview, however for the last 3months, he's requested that the recruiters forward the candidates to mycppquiz, if after going through it they feel confident they can answer about 80% of the questions they can have their resumes forwarded on...
@FredNurk: Thanks! (I guess that shows I didn't actually use that constructor in my test code :-D Code coverage fail.)
doing this the weekly resume hit dropped to 2-3 of which now 1 out of 5 are actually worth doing the interview...
we're supposed to test code before posting on SO...? :P
I wonder now that talking to you guys, if the quiz actually put people off altogether, or if its a good device to filter out people...
@Zenikoder lots of similar mechanics seem to do the former more than the latter
@FredNurk: if its possible could you please provide some examples of these mechanis?
you can sum them up with "silly, arbitrary tests"
@Zenikoder I don't believe that intimate knowledge of language details is indicative of technical skill. You may get someone who knows all sorts of useless details about C++ but who doesn't have a clue when it comes to proper architecture and design or to honestly difficult subject matters like concurrency.
@Zenikoder take any "puzzle" interview question, for example: the real goal is presenting a new problem and evaluating the candidate's problem-solving skills (which is best done in-person), rather than seeing if they actually solve the puzzle
if you're only testing basic knowledge of syntax and semantics, something like fizzbuzz – and this seems the only type of test you can reliably do without being in-person to observe – then any conscientious first-year uni student should be able to pass
ok, i found out how to get to next question: click on "next question". that probably sounds dumb, but "next question" is located far away up among other choices. i expect a quiz to move forward automatically after submit answer
@JamesMcNellis : Ok so lets build the Utopian C++ Developer rule: Every Utopian C++ developer is well verse in the language of C++, But not every developer that is well verse in C++ is a Utopian C++ Developer. Would that be correct?
I'm sure that weeds out some people you don't want to talk to, but it doesn't separate "good" from "mediocre"
@AlfPSteinbach : You don't have to actually do the quiz, you can just view the list of questions.
@Zenikoder: here's a good example, question #2 (at least for me): "static member variables must be defined outside of the class for them to be used"; true or false
@FredNurk : What we've found recently is that a great deal of candidates have done a serious amount of homework on SO - in some cases memorizing complete solutions to such trivial puzzles. We find this to be the case when we slightly modify the problem and all of a sudden they become stumped.
it's both, because it's a different answer for some static integral constant members compared to all static members
@FredNurk : for integral types that is true.
static integral constants, not just all integrals
question #5 here: testing knowledge of the 'class' class-key combined with C's struct namespace; trivia, at best, as no good code gets itself into that position (e.g. use namespaces and don't collide your names)
@FredNurk Right. That's what I said above. It depends on your definition of "use" as to whether it is true or false.
The word "used" has a very specific meaning in the standard. They're talking standardeese.
However, they fail in standardeese when saying "undefined" instead of "indeterminate"
So it's not 100%
@AlfPSteinbach what is the difference between undefined and indeterminate?
"indeterminate" (for a value) is a term defined by standard. it's well-known, and people know what you mean. "undefined" is not such a term, it's just informal-speak
@AlfPSteinbach It still depends on what they mean by "use." Given struct S { static const int x = 42; }; with no definition, you can use S::x in some expressions (e.g., in an integral constant expression) but not in others (e.g., you can't take its address because it doesn't exist).
Both S::x + 1 and &S::x are uses of S::x.
you can take its address if you define it
i was just addressing the incongruence of relying on formal-speak meaning of "used", then using elsewhere informal-speak "undefined value". one would have to guess in each case whether question uses formal-speak or informal-speak.
@FredNurk That's why I stipulated "with no definition" :-)
@AlfPSteinbach Ah.
@AlfPSteinbach yeah, quizzing on minute trivia using informal terms isn't a good match
ah, sorry
@JamesMcNellis no, "use" is very specific. i think it's defined in the ODR. look it up
@AlfPSteinbach I am. I'm looking at 3.2/2. It says "An object or non-overloaded function is used if its name appears in a potentially-evaluated expression." The name of S::x appears in both potentially evaluated expressions, no?
hm, mebbe thers a defkt-riport on that?
anyway seems my memory was working as to where was defined, hurray
You'd have to ask @JohannesSchaublitb. He's the one with the list of DRs memorized and cross-referenced. :-)
Sorry to interrupt but "No nominations from the C++ community?" Whoa!
but to cut long story short if u take address, e.g. by passing to reference formal param, then must be defined outside class, otherwise not
and that's the meaning of "used" in standardeese
the boost guys had a long fight with this, as i recall, because they'd just used in-class definitions. common workaround is the enum trick
@AlfPSteinbach I'd tend to agree with that definition, and it may be clarified elsewhere.
yeah, I still stick to the enum trick even today; just avoid several edge cases
@AlfPSteinbach Well, as of November, that's the meaning of "odr-use." I guess "used" can be used for whatever we want. The "odr-use" distinction is good, IMO, since "use" is so frequently used a word that it can be difficult (e.g. this problem here) to know whether ti is meant in the Standardese sense or the common sense.
@PrasoonSaurav : I've already asked, and its been discussed read the previous conversations.
@PrasoonSaurav You are, of course, free to nominate yourself.
I would nominate Neil Butterworth just to see the comments on the nomination
I don't understand English names. "Butter Worth".
I don't know, but Mrs. Butterworth makes terrific syrup.
Neil should have done the "right" thing and bequeathed his enormous bounty to the SO community before departing ways... :D
given residual rep from all his posts, he'd have had a hard time giving it all away at 250/day (minimum two days to award a bounty? or is it one day? and only one bounty at a time)
@AlfPSteinbach: By the way; thanks for the clarification here. I knew that worked in some circumstances, but not all. Good to know.
Q: How does compiler handle exceptions that are implicit? Looking for design strategies.

Fanatic23Throughout the function handleException, the exception encountered is implicit. How does the compiler handle such implicit passing of exceptions? [For e.g. in C++ methods, this pointer is passed to account for the current object. My question is how does a compiler handle exceptions internally - h...

That question should be on Stack Overflow, IMO (It's a good question).
I was wondering about that
I added comment answering Martin York's comment question.
Hey, I got me a new badge! :-) I'm a teacher. But only on the Programmer's site.
I'm not sure he was asking a question, it seems he's just ignorant of "throw;" statements completely, despite quoting directly about them
I've looked at how I could've misunderstood him, but I don't see it
1 hour later…
Hmm … shouldn’t there be at least one prominent C++ user among the moderator nominations?
@KonradRudolph MY take on this: A moderator's job is to be a janitor. You need people skills for that, not knowledge of partial template specialization.
5 hours ago, by James McNellis
@Zenikoder What @FredNurk said. I don't see much need for significantly more moderation of [c++]-tagged questions than we have now. Crap content gets disposed of rather effectively and we rarely have major issues that require "official moderator" intervention.
@sbi Very true but it’s also about representation. At the moment, most of the nominees are complete noobs and those that aren’t I have never heard of
I would prefer someone whose name I at least know
ok, there’s Justin
oh, and now Lasse
and Martin York
and that’s it
Hey @Konrad, just go for it. You have to nominate yourself, as I understand it. We'll vote you up.
@Alf I don’t want to be a moderator. I’m currently one on TeX.SE and that’s quite enough.
I’m selfish that way – I simply don’t have enough time ;)
@KonradRudolph The problem that you know almost none of the candidates is one I do understand, but it is almost orthogonal to the question whether we have a moderator from the C++ crowd. I can remember not even half a dozen names from that list, and Martin really is the only one I somewhat know.
I wouldn't vote for Martin, because he has at least once trolled (IIRC)
By that I mean, deliberate misrepresentation etc.
I don't mind good-natured trolling, like fun-fights in spaghetti westerns, but Martin, nope
Come to think of it, I wouldn't want to vote for any moderator who put himself up as a candidate. :) (And in best Groucho Marx tradition, I wouldn't want to moderate for a crowd that elected me as a moderator.)
I hope I*m not confusing Martin with someone else
And it may be that if it was him, it could be because he recalled some unkind comments from me earlier, who knows, i've done that
2 hours later…
lol @Alf
I don't think there's anything wrong with putting one's self up as a candidate. of course it looks "selfish" or something, but I think that's just one's own subjective interpretation of the scene. One has to cut it off, and then there's nothing wrong with it anymore.
more importantly, so what if nobody votes for you?
@Alf I think he once trolled me too
you can't do any harm by putting yourself up as a candidate
there, it's done, I nominated myself
can we go back to discussing C++ now?
We need to bump the minimum reputation level up to something silly... then withdraw at the primary stage.
@DeadMG We don't often discuss C++ in here in any case.
I will vote for the puppie mod
@Charles you are welcome to join ##c++ on freenode and have fun with us
i know channels have # at start, but why double #?
it's not that I'm against off-topic discussion in here
but more that I feel that some on-topic discussion is being throttled somewhat
i think they have a weird representation of the candidates there. IMO they should first show all the names and if you hover over them, show their description
it's a bit confusing with that many text currently
@Alf "##" means "this one is not official. only fanbois in here"
wait, why did I nominate myself again?
@JohannesSchaublitb Hmmm, what client am I likely to have installed?
you know
I swear
occurrences should have an a
but Chrome seems to think it's all e's
@CharlesBailey There's an IRC client in Opera browser. Trillian also supports IRC. Perhaps Johannes & cetera use web interface?
@Charles I use irssi
i used to use konversation and xchat
litb once meant "linux is the best"
@JohannesSchaublitb That's it, thanks.
IRC? man, it's been ages since I've used that
/me can't remember how IRC is supposed to work.
@JohannesSchaublitb I thought that was "Let It Be"?
@JohannesSchaublitb Note the smiley.
@sbi once it meant that. then I changed it to mean Let it Be
@CharlesBailey I think having a minimum rep level for becoming a moderation candidate sounds like a very good idea (if that's what you meant). It should be at least at 10k, if not higher.
@sbi It's 3000 or top 30 nominations, so everytime someone self-nominates it goes up...
@JohannesSchaublitb Oops: -!- ##c++ Cannot send to channel
@CharlesBailey I think 3000 is silly. In the right tag you can reach that within a few weeks, still not knowing much about how this place works. Anyway, top 30 sounds like a good idea. (Ah, so that's why people get greyed out! We were wondering yesterday.)
@Charles Anyway, where do I find that info?
@sbi I can't remember; I think it came to me in a dream.
@CharlesBailey How do I get this dream? :)
Sooo the moderator errections are soon..
@Charles haha you need to be registered on the server to send to channel
@Charles try joining the social group ##c++-social . no registration needed. tomalak and me hang out there xD
@JohannesSchaublitb /join isn't enough?
##c++ want to prevent trolls to join and write gibberish. so you need to /msg NickServ identify <yourpassword> to identify yourself
@JohannesSchaublitb IRC must have changed since I last used it.
hey sbi
Q: How can I create a data structure starting at a specified memory address (without using new)?

MHZI asked a similar question before, but I only realized now that the answer I received isn't totally what I wanted. If I simply have a pointer of some structure type, how can I either move to, or create an instance of the same structure type starting at an address specified by the struct pointer ...

check the answer at the bottom (that I downvoted)
how the hell can that code be formatted?
I spent five minutes trying to format it and it won't work
@Charles i don't know IRC myself too well either :)
@JohannesSchaublitb Is there a standard with 27 chapters that I can read about it?
What can a stackoverflow moderator do?
N00bish question, but I didn't see an exact definition of what a moderator is and what (s)he is allowed to do..

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