Discussion between Julia Anne Jacobs and charlietfl

Discussion between Julia Anne Jacobs

Imported from a comment discussion on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30154100/passing-params-to-nested-directives-with-isolated-scope/30154471#30154471
3507d ago – satyrwilder

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May 10, 2015 21:27
Charlietfi, I stopped answering questions on stack overflow entirely when linking my gravatar resulted in spates of downvotes and a dead halt in answers being accepted.
May 10, 2015 21:21
I think you'll drive yourself crazy juila... foregt about the conspiracies...just do the work
May 10, 2015 21:17
Well in this case I feel my energy was well spent as I have gathered information I can use to show problems with SO. This will benefit the many female development friends of my of all skill levels and ages who are not able to participate due to the issues I have run into today.
May 10, 2015 21:17
Who are afraid to participate you mean.
May 10, 2015 21:10
what men go through when they stick up for women.
May 10, 2015 21:08
/me checks off "accusations of white-knighting" on his sexism bingo card
May 10, 2015 21:08
@Glyph you're right. Welcome to the role of the "ally".
May 10, 2015 21:08
can check off pompous ^%$*# as well?
May 10, 2015 21:06
So, other than actually putting in the time to offer quality help, I should quit my job, abandon my family and be a fulltime SO equality advocate to convenience people like yourselves there is a problem? Do you think thats realistic?
May 10, 2015 21:05
Julia..there is nothing I can do to tamper with anything you do
May 10, 2015 21:04
Dude, for real?
May 10, 2015 21:04
SO is not a level playing field. Rep points give the power to screw people. Unless I was able to literally make it my full time job to fight trolls and get admins to take screenshots there is no way I could put the hours in.
May 10, 2015 21:02
It' simple....put in the hours...rep will come
May 10, 2015 21:02
what matters to me is making sure SO is a level playing field
May 10, 2015 21:01
@charlietfl: for all I know, you might have a terrible life, but the point is that in this situation you are the high status individual and should behave accordingly
May 10, 2015 21:00
@charlietfl: the "wives and mothers" card has absolutely nothing to do with it. as @JuliaAnneJacobs points out the issue has much more to do with status differential than hatred of women.
May 10, 2015 20:58
@charlietfl: the point is that you have to take into consideration the fact that you are not the only person in the tech industry, or on SO, and there is an existing tone you are contributing to
May 10, 2015 20:57
@charlietfl: Even assuming for the moment that you are not sexist at all (which psychological research shows is almost certainly false unless you are some kind of crazy outlier)…
May 10, 2015 18:19
I gotta call foul on this one purely for the competitive point perspective of SO because you suggested the use of directive inheritance after I spent a considerable amount of time working on that before hand and had already posted it.