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Nov 7, 2014 07:12
$resultString = str_replace("'","''",$source_string);
Nov 7, 2014 06:37
@DRAJI in my case i use replace..str.replace(/'/g,'"')
Aug 23, 2014 06:07
guys... If you want simple pagination for your html table, use one simple table paging plugin.
Jun 2, 2014 05:05
posted on June 02, 2014 by CJ Ramki

NR Narayana Murthy, who steps down as Infosys chairman on August 20, is a role model for not just what he achieved but also how he did it. Here are 30 lessons from Murthy, one for each year he spent at company. 1-Seize Your Gandhi Moment Murthy, a self proclaimed socialist in the mid '70s was jailed for 72 hours in Bulgaria. The experience taught him that entrepreneurship and job creation

May 29, 2014 05:15
posted on May 29, 2014 by CJ Ramki

@ has been around since the days of @import in CSS1, although it's arguably becoming increasingly common in the recent @media (CSS2, CSS3) and @font-face (CSS3) constructs. The @ syntax itself, though, is not new. These are all known in CSS as at-rules (@). They're special instructions for the browser, not directly related to styling of (X)HTML/XML elements in Web documents using rules

Sep 16, 2014 11:18
remove //@
Aug 22, 2014 06:48
Aug 18, 2014 11:55
posted on August 18, 2014 by CJ Ramki

The Javascript's naturalWidth and naturalHeight properties will return original width and height of an image.For an example, If we are using an image with 350px original width and 225px original height, It will return the same height and width even we made changes in DOM's height and width property. The following DEMO will make you understand more what I'm saying. 

Aug 5, 2014 06:09
Jul 16, 2014 05:19
Jun 24, 2014 12:29
posted on June 24, 2014 by CJ Ramki

To get all dates in given month and year, we need to know how many days in that given month and year. to do that we are going to use PHP's date() and mktime() functions. Syntax : date(format,timestamp) mktime(hour,minute,second,month,day,year,is_dst); Function: the following function will return dates in array format for given month and year in Y-m-d format. Parameters: $month &nb

Jun 23, 2014 07:13
posted on June 23, 2014 by drajipacific

$arg_attribute = ‘color’;  // for example color attribute which is drop down field $arg_value = ‘Red’; //whatever you want to get value of which color $attribute_color = Mage::getModel(‘eav/config’)->getAttribute(‘catalog_product’, $arg_attribute); $allOptions_color = $attribute_color->getSource()->getAllOptions(true, true); foreach ($

Jun 18, 2014 06:08
ithoda template file wp-includes/comment-template.php
Jun 17, 2014 07:31
posted on June 17, 2014 by drajipacific

We can use the following snippet for create category in magento $category = Mage::getModel(‘catalog/category’);                 $category->setName($category_name);  // set Name of category                                  $category->setIsActive(1);                 $category->setDisplayMode(‘PRODUCTS’);    … Continue reading →

Jun 14, 2014 09:11
posted on June 14, 2014 by CJ Ramki

வெற்றியை நோக்கி பற ! பறக்க முடியாவிட்டால் ஓடு ! ஓட முடியாவிட்டால் நட ! நடக்கவும் முடியாவிட்டால் ஊர்ந்து செல். ஆனால், எப்படியாவது நகர்ந்து கொண்டே இரு. English Version:  Fly to Victory! If you can't fly, then run ! If you can't run, then Walk ! If you are unable to walk, then Crawl. But, Somehow, Keep Moving...

Jun 13, 2014 11:12
posted on June 13, 2014 by drajipacific

I have fetched data from database. Now i wanna report those data in an excel sheet. I have hunted a lot about “How to write data into an excel sheet?” I found an solution from here “Zend Developer Zone“. I … Continue reading →

Jun 12, 2014 02:38
posted on June 12, 2014 by CJ Ramki

In this post we are going to see how to compare two array elements? and do something, when the element is matched. This below prototype method will do that trick. Array.prototype.diff = function(arr2) { this.sort(); arr2.sort(); for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) { if(arr2.indexOf( this[i] ) > -1){ arr2.splice(arr2.indexOf( this[i] ), 1); }

Jun 5, 2014 12:36
@CJRamki bro intha linka click pannunga
Jun 5, 2014 06:40
posted on June 05, 2014 by CJ Ramki

Problem  This issue is arise with only RSS feed not in ATOM feed.  Example I'm going to show my blogger blog feed as an example in this post. RSS Feed This below URL is my blog post feed URL which will return my RSS feed data of posts. creates the JSON data empty blog author name and [email protected](author name). I jus

Jun 3, 2014 10:34
posted on June 03, 2014 by drajipacific

My PM assigned a  task like create order programmatically. Before came to me this task, most of the works already had done. Now Just i need to save the custom options. I thought, It will be simple and can do … Continue reading →

May 31, 2014 08:37
posted on May 31, 2014 by Boopathi Rajan

To add an menu items to administration menu then you must do three things: 1. create function for building menu function my_plugin_menu() { add_options_page( 'My Plugin Options', 'My Plugin', 'manage_options', 'my-unique-identifier', 'my_plugin_options' ); } 2. Register the above function using the admin_menu action hook. add_action( 'admin_menu', 'my_plugin_menu' ); 3. Create the HTML output f

May 28, 2014 03:00
posted on May 28, 2014 by CJ Ramki

Syntax   Math.floor(x) , Math.round(x) Definition Math.floor(x) and Math.round(x)  expects floating number as parameter.Math.floor(x) The floor() method rounds a number DOWNWARDS to the nearest integer, and returns the result.If the passed argument is an integer, the value will not be rounded. Math.round(x) The round() method ro

May 27, 2014 05:20
posted on May 27, 2014 by noreply

     In some situation we need at least one user input in check box to submit form. In that case, we should check if at least one check box is checked. So, we can simply check that condition in .click event listener of check box.      Here we are going to enable Submit Form button at least any one of check box is checked. $("input[type='checkbox']").cli

May 19, 2014 12:50
posted on May 19, 2014 by boopathi Rajan

WordPress has added a color picker in the core code from WordPress v3.5.Plugin developers can now take advantage of this and add a color picker easily in their plugin How to Add Color Picker Step 1) Create a java script named as color-script.js and place this code: jQuery(document).ready(function($){ var myOptions = { // you can […]

May 19, 2014 12:34
var pos = str.lastIndexOf('.');
str = str.substring(0,pos) + anychar + str.substring(pos+1)
May 8, 2014 07:09
posted on May 08, 2014 by noreply

Database server storing the values in files data directory. So, if you want to change the storage location for the database, you can just put this data directory in any location in your system and tell that path to MYSQL to manipulate data. In this post I'm going to show some screen shots to do this. Note : I'm using WAMP in this example. First step you should Stop All services Just click

Apr 30, 2014 10:29
posted on April 30, 2014 by drajipacific

I’m sure, most of you faced this error when page loading time and memory exceeds more than time limit and allocated memory. In this situation you can set time limit and memory for that particular file by following   ini_set(‘memory_limit’, ‘-1′);  //It will take unlimited memory usage of server. ini_set(‘max_execution_time’, 300);   //300 sec=5min

Apr 10, 2014 07:20
posted on April 10, 2014 by noreply

Source from James Padolsey.  In this post, I just Created a Demo using his code. $.fn.shuffle = function () { var allElems = this.get(), getRandom = function (max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * max); }, shuffled = $.map(allElems, function () { var random = getRandom(allElems.length), ran

Apr 7, 2014 08:05
posted on April 07, 2014 by noreply

Jake Rocheleau designed a very nice jQuery image rotators with description  plug-in. He missed to instruct how to stop this animation. Here I got the STACKOVERFLOW post. And answered to that question. Question: How to stop jquery imageslider on mouse hover. Simply we need to find the correct selector. And .clearInterval() on .mouseover() event listener. Then reset the slide time in set

Mar 21, 2014 06:37
posted on March 21, 2014 by noreply

In jqGrid they are using .trigger('reloadGrid'); to reload the grid like below, $('#gridID').trigger('reloadGrid'); If you are using Local data, you should mention your Local Json Data in jqGrid's setGridParam property and you can use jqGrid's loadComplete event handler to do this like below, loadComplete: function () { jQuery("#grid1") .jqGrid('setGridParam', { datatype

Mar 20, 2014 10:30
posted on March 20, 2014 by noreply

We can achieve using javascript's setInterval() and setTimeout() method. setInterval(function() { $("#myDiv").hide(); setTimeout(function() { $("#myDiv").show(); },1000);//hide timing },3000); //show timing Here is the DEMO

Feb 21, 2014 06:57
@DRAJI @CJRamki "No Thanks Just Helping Hands"
Hows this slogan?
Feb 18, 2014 12:51
instead of thanks help minimum 1 people
Oct 22, 2013 10:47
@Ajay dont blame any one or tell u r current job is not related to development. . if u love coding just go ahead do codes while u free and learn new one. no one can tell u to stop coding..
Aug 7, 2015 11:17
feeling like college get together
Jan 26, 2015 13:05 @DRAJI @CJRamki
Nov 17, 2014 10:19
install-0.1.0.php and mysql_install...php both are same.
Nov 17, 2014 10:18
what is this section do is, it creates a resource section for a module
Nov 17, 2014 10:17
3.collection model - this is another type of entity class which is used to get a collection of entities/objects at a tiime rather than one entity at a time
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