Haskell (and other functional languages)
Haskell (and other functional languages)
Welcome! To optimize for timely discussion, don't ask to ask, just ask! First time? Tell us what you're working on! Links: https://chat.stackoverflow.com/faq - https://www.haskell.org/tutorial/ Try it: https://repl.it/languages/haskell or https://code.world/haskell Search: https://www.haskell.org/hoogle/
1303d ago – Aaron Hall
Next scheduled event:
“Saturday is the Haskelliest Time of the Week!”
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Room schedule
Saturday is the Haskelliest Time of the Week! export
Starts in 6 days, lasts 720 minutes. This is a regular event, happening every 7 days.
75 users have registered for this event.