Conversation started Feb 11, 2015 at 5:36.
Feb 11, 2015 05:36
hi @SidShah i wanna help
i'm going to implement custom tab bar in iPhone application using autolayout sizes class
so i put one view in botton and put 5 buttons same sizes in it.
i don't know how to set constraints on it. Do you have any steps yeah idea on it ..
for the first one give leading and center Y
and last one with trailing
this is my output
this is my IB
Icon 5 give trail contraint
Otherwise do one thing..
Feb 11, 2015 05:42
yes tell me
select Icon 1 and give the equal width
to superview
there may be some warning
You need to calculate and set multiplier
if icon width is 100 then (100/320) == multiplier
so all the icon width will increase in all device
you got my point
Feb 11, 2015 05:46
yes dude
all the other will have equal width to icon1
i going to implement universal application iPhone and iPad portrait mode
how i set constraints and sizes properties in storyboard nib which help me autosize both iPhone and iPad all iOS device versions
its depends on the Ui.. for the above tabbar....
icon 1 : leading , center y ,equal width su superview
also top and botton
for the height
icon 2 : horizontal space to icon 1 , equal width and height , center Y
Conversation ended Feb 11, 2015 at 5:58.