I think my wrapper around it seems to have a bug. But I've found that my userland parser is more or less equivalent with the pecl version I've created (speed-wise) so I'm doing away with it.
So you won't need pecl/http going forward with aerys.
I'm going to commit a couple of lines of changes that will fix the bug (I've already tested it on your box).
I'll ping you after I push those so you can pull them in.
I've been working without pecl/http on my local dev box for awhile now so I never noticed the issue.
And in any case, if I ever use a compiled http parser it will be one I write myself. So the pecl thing isn't very useful. When you throw in that it's not significantly faster than my userland version it doesn't make a ton of sense to maintain it and add complexity to the repo or tell people to pull in another pecl extension.