Conversation started Sep 1, 2014 at 5:05.
Sep 1, 2014 05:05
I can't wait till Selectors level 4 reaches implementation stages
Right now everything's just "you can't do this" "you can't do that" "there is :-moz-any() and :-webkit-any() but they are prefixed so it's pointless to use them in public code"
And tons of misconceptions about the parent selector
I doubt the parent selector will be implemented.
Not in CSS anyway
But we don't know yet for sure. We'll have to see what implementers can come up with
Right now the draft says it's not in the fast profile, but that can change
This is why I specifically said implementation stages
I hope they DO implement that
I hope they implement it too. I love selectors.
@JoshCrozier I see you
Sep 1, 2014 05:12
@JoshCrozier how about the selector subject identifier?
@WesleyCrushed That was replaced with :has()
in css? :|
In the Selectors standard
ah, didn't know that
Functions exactly the same way, except the subject of the selector is always the rightmost. The :has() acts as a pseudo so it can be specified on any compound selector
Let me see if I can come up with an example
Sep 1, 2014 05:15
@BoltClock Yea; prior to this week, I hadn't answered any questions on here in a couple months. My current goal is to reach the top CSS users list.
@JoshCrozier I see you've been busy settling into your new gig. Welcome back
Thanks ;)
OK probably not a great example. If I want to style header differently when footer is present then I could just do article > header:has(+footer)
Which would be analogous to article > !header + footer
I'm trying to think of a scenario where :has() would be more flexible than !
OK let's just say you have a .container and you want to style some descendant .desc1 differently when .desc2 exists. And these two descendants are not directly related to each other - they simply both appear somewhere in .container
.container:has(.desc2) .desc1
I have no idea how to express this using the subject indicator
i see
Yeah, that's definitely a good example.
Sep 1, 2014 05:24
I remember seeing something like .container:matches(! .desc2) .desc1 in some discussions. But it was never specified whether :matches() accepted ! and so on - it was just pseudo-code
:has() is so much simpler and doesn't require completely changing the selector syntax
Just have selector-list allow complex/relative selectors or something
It's kind of boring geeking out about something that's not yet implemented tbh
i'm not sure if i will ever like this pseudo all the things thing
for example this is not possible:
:any(article > header, section > footer)
:any is pretty cool. I've seen it used in the Chrome developer tool. I think some of the default declarations use it.
@WesleyCrushed It looks like they removed the restriction on :matches() and now it can accept complex selectors in any profile
So it is possible - if you rename :any to :matches
Sep 1, 2014 05:30
and instead of :has i'd have preferred something like:

html body .container .desc1 @then@ html body .container .desc2 {}

using your previous example @BoltClock
"E @then@ F" matches F only if E?
That requires evaluating two complex selectors
Horrible performance-wise
I think they could figure out a way to evaluate only parts of selectors using :has, but I'm not sure
don't think it's that heavy
How does jQuery do it?
Blasted jQuery
Y u so gud
Sep 1, 2014 05:33
What does jQuery use sizzle for?
DOM Selection?
I think
@JoshCrozier Yeah the only places Chrome and Firefox use :any is in their vendor-specific code, for obvious reasons
a @then@ b @then@ c {}
But it's neat when you find them
Just don't expect to use them in public-facing code
there are cases that can't be covered with :has() as well
i guess
Sep 1, 2014 05:35
@WesleyCrushed True. If a, b and c aren't related at all
I guess :has() does imply some sort of relationship between elements
The whole tenet of Selectors is relationships between elements
also that would be less confusing for calculating specificity
for example it could be that each condition is valued 1xxx
Maybe I'm just too damn good at selectors, because I have no trouble calculating specificity for :matches()
.class :matches(type, #id) is either .class type or .class #id depending on what is matched
that would also be a solution for this:
people makes fun of that, but that's actually a problem
Sep 1, 2014 05:39
I know
I run into it all the time
Conversation ended Sep 1, 2014 at 5:39.