Conversation started Feb 17, 2017 at 10:19.
Feb 17, 2017 10:19
Considering everything before Nougat isn't even Java
Nougat uses the OpenJDK
I am still waiting when Android starts using OpenJDK \o/
@Gemtastic what?!!! source?
not entirely sure what you mean
what does the android version on the device have to do with the programming language in the ide
Because of the lawsuite they went straight on to openJDK
> Google’s Android N Will Move to the OpenJDK
@ItachiUchiha look at the date
Jan 2016
Feb 17, 2017 10:34
Yes and there hasn't been any progress AFAIK
I think Google is silently waiting for the outcome of the Lawsuit
what does it mean to "move to" a JDK?
it means that the core android sdk
will be using APIs from OpenJDK rather than OracleJDK
but If I remember well
what does an SDK have to do with the android version on the device?
the lawsuit ended with proving that Google didn't use any proprietary Oracle JDK API
with the devices, none
it's about the APIs and implementations offered and exposed on each sdk version
Most of the Java APIs used by android is derived from "Apache Harmony"
And since Apache Harmony is not maintained anymore, Google keeps adding the Java APIs to the android SDK
Feb 17, 2017 10:39
would it not make more sense to say that nougat will use the openjre, rather than jdk?
for Android, it would, since they only use the core APIs
No, Android doesn't use either the JRE or the JDK.
On the other hand, it uses a fork of the core Java platform.
And adds API to the platform when it feels the necessity
Once, Android becomes OpenJDK complaint, Google won't have to maintain the platform anymore and the Android SDK will automatically have all the APIs from the OpenJDK platform.
Usually, when the core java platform is packaged for developers use, What does it give?
@MehdiB. No, it doesn't
@TimCastelijns JRE is the runtime environment and Android has its runtime environment - ART. I don't think they are going to change it.
so, the rt.jar contained on the JRE, comes from where?
Feb 17, 2017 10:49
What does rt.jar has to do with Android?
2 mins ago, by Mehdi B.
Usually, when the core java platform is packaged for developers use, What does it give?
@Tavo Figured
Hello guys, i need help regarding jar file
trying to understand, the core java APIs, such as java.util etc..
are packaged from somewhere right?
perhaps they meant to say that the android SDK version 25 (which happens to be named N, for nougat) will use the OpenJDK. It is misleading to say "nougat will use OpenJDK"
Feb 17, 2017 10:51
For Java, these APIs come from rt.jar
Right. And RT is packaged from the core Java source, then later added on the JRE, correct?
so what Android does is that it picks the packages they need from the core java source and package their own and add them on the ART, right?
> Android doesn't use "core java source"
You haven't been paying attention :)
and that's exactly what I don't understand
Feb 17, 2017 10:55
What is there to understand?
Should I use "there" or "their"?
from where do they get the "package java.util;", they didn't recreate it did they?
I have feeling that we're arguing on the naming here :D
..ooO(It's friday already and we're still having our weekly why-android-isnt-java-discussion?)
@MehdiB. Most of the APIs were present in Apache Harmony. They re-wrote most of the new APIs. (At least that is what Google is saying and Oracle doesn't believe it ;) )
there = location, their = possession
Nicktar - we all agree on that, I'm asking more about the packaging and process of pulling the Java code into the android sdk :D
@ItachiUchiha, aaaah, now I see :D so the "Apache Harmony" is the key here :D
Feb 17, 2017 11:00
"Apache Harmony" used to be the key. Not anymore.
now the key is OpenJDK's source
Not yet :)
Android is somewhere in the middle ;)
I'm just sitting here waiting for google to ditch java
Now they are at: Apache Harmony + their own implementations and overrides
trying to entirely move to Open JDK
Conversation ended Feb 17, 2017 at 11:02.