Conversation started May 30, 2017 at 18:29.
May 30, 2017 18:29
> Should we remove the link, keeping only the user name (to track stalkers) from the cv-pls user-script?
no need to, IMO
I'm more towards meh here, doesn't make a huge difference.
If we're going to keep the user name, I'm not sure there's a good reason to remove the link
Assuming we are all sane let's not remove the link
May 30, 2017 18:30
What's the reason for having the name there?
@rene Let's remove it then?
@rene thats a big assumption ;)
what if we remove the name entirely?
@JonClements To catch people who for the same user multiple times
@JonClements for detection of user targetting by posting multiple requests
May 30, 2017 18:31
@JonClements To prevent user-hunting
@JonClements Part of the reason is to track if people are singling out a user
> I'm against removing at least the user name. We do not allow cv-pls requests for multiple posts from the same user. Having the user name there is an easy way to identify when people are doing that. The link to the profile is probably unnecessary.
I'm not sure this has ever been abused, but it does help prevent abuse. 1. You spot targeting 2. You can spot patters more easily (think Smokey)
let's all ping the mod ...
Yeah, there's no don't ping mods rule here
May 30, 2017 18:31
what if we turn a blind eye to user-hunting, then if someone does it and meta strikes back, the room isn't to blame?
Ahhh.... Can't closey track that and issue a message to the user which will get noticed by the room?
@BhargavRao hurriedly reaches out to pen and paper
@JanDvorak does it work that way, you think?
Worth trying
we can always ask for forgiveness
@JanDvorak After careful consideration, no.
May 30, 2017 18:32
@JanDvorak It's difficult to rebuild our reputation
that ^
@JonClements we have RO tools that already do this, just not public for reasons...
@NobodyNada if we try to keep in the shades, then yes, it's hard to get people like us while not knowing about us
Phew, fashionably late, but hadn't missed the whole thing.
SOCVR would benefit from making itself more visible
May 30, 2017 18:34
Welcome Madara and Petter.
@JanDvorak ... By getting Meta strikes?
@JanDvorak I'm not sure I understand how that relates to user stalking?
I'm just reading so far.
@πάνταῥεῖ lurker
@BhargavRao That.
May 30, 2017 18:35
@rene ahhh okies... So isn't this a catch 22... Someone using the script keeps mentioning the same user from the outside looks like targeting but it's only there for the room to pick up on targeting and warn against it....
At best, the links seem unnecessary. They are not particularly harmful. The overall reaction seems to be "Meh". So let's not do anything about it until a PR removes it and we're like "Eh, sure"?
@JanDvorak well, yes and no. But I don't want to risk being known over user targeting.
@JonClements yes
They can't blame you for it if you had no way to fight it
@JanDvorak Yes, they can.
this is why SE doesn't track copyright violations after all
May 30, 2017 18:36
@JanDvorak But we do have a way to fight it.
yes, but only if we break the "don't mention people" semi-rule
anyways, the conclusion seems to be to keep status quo, which is fine with me
@JanDvorak SO doesn't track copyright violations because it's not worth the trouble.
If someone files a DMCA claim, SO staff will take care of it.
> Note, we only have 2 minutes left for this topic. Please make any final arguments. We need to get some resolution soon to keep on track.
@MadaraUchiha I mean, mods routinely decline flags about copyright violations
Concluding: so we keep the username and the link and maybe consider posting an automatic warning if a user is being targetted
May 30, 2017 18:38
no need to write a bot for what a human can do
@rene Is targeting 2+, or 3+ requests?
@JanDvorak You have it the other way around
No need to do something a bot could.
@Makyen 2+ at least that is when the RO's are informed
May 30, 2017 18:39
@MadaraUchiha ... Rofl.
@rene I've done 2 without knowing it, just going through new questions in a tag.
It's not targeting if the same guy posts two pieces of junk in quick succession
plus, it's common to cv-pls self-dupe, then cv-pls the original
@JanDvorak In which case we ignore the warning.
@Makyen yes, that is why we have a human RO validate the warnings before we take action
@Jan The point isn't that we're actually targeting; it's that we don't want to look like we're targeting.
May 30, 2017 18:40
Issuing warnings that should be ignored is confusing
@JanDvorak Ah, but you have it wrong. It may not be targetting, but it certainly looks like it is
@NobodyNada Don't actually target either though, please.
@JanDvorak hence why it's RO job =p
@rene As long as we keep a human in the loop, it's good.
May 30, 2017 18:41
So... posting CV-requests is becoming a minefield. I can't just post valid requests. I also have to check if they're not by the same person as the previous one.
Do we no longer cv-pls dupe originals then?
@JanDvorak Not a minefield, but you most certainly have to be careful.
@Makyen I will discuss with the other RO's to appoint a human then...
@JanDvorak This is partially my concern. I don't want to even look at the user's name wrt. if the content is good/bad.
@JanDvorak Sure you can. Maybe explain it quickly, too
Wrapping up
Yeah, be faster than the ROs, otherwise you'll get scorned. I think I'll avoid contributing instead.
May 30, 2017 18:43
All points have been presented and I'm drawing a conclusion. Moving on.
Is it our fault if users fequently ask bad questions?
plus, how far back do we monitor accidental double-cvs?
@JanDvorak or just delete your request if you trip the automatic warning by accident
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Conversation ended May 30, 2017 at 18:44.