Conversation started Sep 13, 2012 at 21:09.
Sep 13, 2012 21:09
I know the the first thing in char* argv[] is the program name, but is the program name considered a command line argument?
Good evening, you too. Always patient. Always greeting in a friendly manner
No, it's command line debate.
@MohamedAhmedNabil No and No
@MohamedAhmedNabil I... don't think so. But I'm unsure
@sehe 2 things are incorrect?
Sep 13, 2012 21:11
@MohamedAhmedNabil Sort of. When you call excelp (or friends) you pass an argument that will become argv[0] in the executed program -- but I've never heard of a shell that let you enter it on the command line.
"I know the the first thing in char* argv[] is the program name" only sometimes
@MohamedAhmedNabil Yes
Sep 6 at 14:21, by Jerry Coffin
@R.MartinhoFernandes On either Windows or Unix, argv[0] is usually whatever got passed by whatever spawned the program, which may or may not include a path (neither guaranteed nor prohibited on either Windows or Unix).
@MohamedAhmedNabil it can be null
Sep 6 at 14:21, by R. Martinho Fernandes
$ view stuff invokes vim, but passes "view" as argv[0].
It can also be modified for increased hilarity.
Sep 13, 2012 21:12
@sehe i didnt quite understand that
Are we in gallery mode?
I'm confused
no we're not
@JerryCoffin I was under the imprsesions arv[0] was normally the "name" used to launch the program from the command line. Like in Martinho's example that sehe linked.
whoa, why'd the page reload?
Sep 13, 2012 21:13
@MohamedAhmedNabil Try this on POSIX systems: ln -sfvn /usr/bin/sh ./something-else && ./something-else -c 'echo $0'
@CatPlusPlus Stop messing with the room mode :)
@MooingDuck Somehow you were on the requested access list.
So I put on you write access.
I didn't do anything.
@Mysticial As was someone else.
Sep 13, 2012 21:14
@sehe Do i have to understand and learn actual command line arguments? or is it enough to know that argv[0] doesnt have to be the program name
@Mysticial probably from when we were in gallery mode earlier. Apperently name changing clears those rights
@MohamedAhmedNabil You decide. For me, it is okay if you toss the computer out with the garbage and become a Shaolin monk
No, you were cleared by sbi.
@sehe Subtle.
> c:\Program^ Files" (x86)\MinGW\bin\g++.exe"
Program: error: Files (x86)\MinGW\bin\g++.exe: No such file or directory
Program: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.

> _
@sehe Im asking you your opinion :)
Sep 13, 2012 21:16
@MohamedAhmedNabil I gave you mine. Accept it :)
@sehe so that is a yes or no, learn Command line arguments or not
^ I like that utter confusion. :-)
@MooingDuck That makes sense
@MohamedAhmedNabil your question doesn't make sense to me. The first parameter is not dependable, and the rest are whatever you say there are. There's nothing there to learn.
@MohamedAhmedNabil I don't care :)
Sep 13, 2012 21:17
@MohamedAhmedNabil I suppose you should learn what arguments the OS attempts to pass. (I should too come to think of it)
@MooingDuck I meant command line commands, like cd and stuff like that
@MohamedAhmedNabil if you're on linux, yes. If you're on Windows.... maybe.
so the conclusion is that argv[0] is a command line argument or not?
@MooingDuck Depends on the shell -- some pass what you type, but others pass a full path to the executable. There are probably a least a few that still other things.
wtf valgrind!!! arghhh
Sep 13, 2012 21:18
@MohamedAhmedNabil That's something else entirely. Although if you really wanted to understand the answer to your original question, do get acquainted with hardlinks, symlinks, and program invocation on POSIX systems. Then, readup on GetCommandLine and friends and weep.
@JerryCoffin makes sense
@MohamedAhmedNabil It is definitely not. Never has been.
@netcoder what of it?
@MohamedAhmedNabil It is the command executed
@sehe even if argv[0] is the program's name?
@JonathanSeng oh ok
@JonathanSeng Unless you changed it. E.g. for security reasons (don't want to leak privacy-sensitive information through ps or /proc on e.g. shared hosts...)
@MohamedAhmedNabil How would that qualify as an argument? You're shifting definitions
Sep 13, 2012 21:20
@sehe: it's apparently making something send thousands of bytes to a server app though a socket, when I run it on a client app
@sehe Not sure if that was directed at me, but if so, good evening and thanks (and if not, good evening anyway).
@netcoder The processes communicate on stdin/stdout?
@sehe: sockets
@JerryCoffin Erm sorry. No, that wasn't. It was to @MohamedAhmedNabil
hm i can' tmake sense of the duscyssn
Sep 13, 2012 21:22
Well, I have to go pick up kids from school. See you all later.
@netcoder Mmm. That's surprising. I can only guess that you accidentally write to/reopen the wrong filedescriptor (especially #2, usually associated with stderr, which is the default 'valgrind message spew')
@JerryCoffin Cheers
@sehe I say hello and ask permission to ask a question people tell me to ask directly. I dont and people say that i ask questions right away.
@sehe I'm less certain. It seems like the command on the command line is not an argument, but argv.... oh wait. argv is the argument, not the things it points to.
@MohamedAhmedNabil That's because we have a whole website for asking questions on and you really shouldn't be spending all your time in here asking questions.
@MohamedAhmedNabil Well. Don't do both. Why don't you just say hello? That's not asking for permission, is it? Also, perhaps spend 5 seconds or so reading the current discussion before dropping your question on the ground. That's just common sense to me
@DeadMG That too
Sep 13, 2012 21:25
@DeadMG If the question needs a big answer then i ask on
@MohamedAhmedNabil If the question needs any answer, then ask on
@sehe: I have this server app which protocol basically accepts requests in format: STX char, data, ETX char. if data is longer than 1024 bytes, you have to send an ETB char to prevent the server from discarding it.
@MohamedAhmedNabil If a question needs a dozen answers and twice as many second opinions/confirmations on a daily basis...
@sehe: the client test app is written in C++, using the C linux socket API. if I run it without valgrind, server responds "8 bytes received" and processes the request. with valgrind it responds "malformed request, no ETB at byte 1025)", for the same code
Sep 13, 2012 21:27
@sehe I thought my question was a yes no question, but ok :)
I'm really confused atm
@netcoder I read "C linux socket API" and "My code doesn't work" and I think "Well, it's a C API, what did you expect?"
@MohamedAhmedNabil It is. Unless you start fussing ("I don't understand" and asking the same thing 4x over in other words). You got clear answers. From about 5 different people. In < 20 seconds. Read the answers. Come back tomorrow. Tell us if you understood :)
Conversation ended Sep 13, 2012 at 21:28.