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@Mikey Never heard of it, but that's probably a good thing ;) I don't get out much, so I've only "heard" of the big names.
haha it's a specific shop in Sydney, Australia
3 hours later…
 @UTC 02:51
  1. Andrew Barber        [ 4051] ( 21k rep, 9329 helpful flags)
  2. Flexo                [ 3137] ( 28k rep, 7390 helpful flags)
  3. minitech             [ 2529] ( 58k rep, 3216 helpful flags)
  4. animuson             [ 2231] ( 14k rep, 1601 helpful flags)
  5. Gordon               [ 2136] (111k rep,  563 helpful flags)
  6. ChrisF               [ 1858] ( 60k rep,  494 helpful flags)
  7. Lord Torgamus        [ 1694] (  7k rep,  573 helpful flags)
  8. bluefeet             [ 1569] ( 56k rep, 1331 helpful flags)
2 hours later…
 @UTC 04:57
  1. Andrew Barber        [ 4068] ( 21k rep, 9329 helpful flags)
  2. Flexo                [ 3151] ( 28k rep, 7390 helpful flags)
  3. minitech             [ 2535] ( 58k rep, 3216 helpful flags)
  4. animuson             [ 2238] ( 14k rep, 1602 helpful flags)
  5. Gordon               [ 2145] (111k rep,  563 helpful flags)
  6. ChrisF               [ 1865] ( 60k rep,  494 helpful flags)
  7. Lord Torgamus        [ 1706] (  7k rep,  573 helpful flags)
  8. bluefeet             [ 1578] ( 56k rep, 1364 helpful flags)
It's definitely slowed down a lot.
As is usually the case with such things...
I really need to find a small screwdriver so I can fix my other PS3 controller...
Hahahaha reply from site's dev team: "Thanks for the report, we'll get this fixed right away. By the way, did you draw all of that manually?"
Is there an SEO chat here?
That moment when you actually get told a bad edit was an audit, and you realise the fifty other bad edits you've reviewed were actual, real edits...
Not much change in the order I guess
5 hours later…
@user2026796222222222 Try webmasters.SE?
In other news, if I get the majority of my morning's flagging approved I'll get the Marshal badge - just in time for the election proper :)
Q: Provide a link from completed election pages to InstantSTV

AakashMAfter an election ends, the election page has a section that looks something like this: But what is this silliness about downloading some desktop app and installing it? It's 2013 and this is the internet; we can do better than this! What we can do is point people at https://instantstv.appspot...

What's this: provide the link and it's https, It's 2013 and we are not surfing https nor downloading the staff that is not open source.
@RomanC: what?
Who will be elected?
@RomanC We'll find out on Monday after the election proper ends.
Starting at 8:00 pm UTC you'll be able to cast real votes. Rank your top three candidates.
@ChrisF I have only two.
@RomanC Two candidates you want to vote for? Then just use your 1st and 2nd choice votes. You don't have to use all three.
@ChrisF I've already voted them up. How do I star here?
@RomanC But they're not actual election votes. You use your real votes on this page:
Q: Can a candidate vote for election in primary phase?

AzikAny community member with at least 150 reputation may vote. Does this include election candidates? If yes means, Can they vote for themselves? (Since, the voting type in primary phase looks as same as the voting for questions or answers where we can't vote for own posts.) Need clarifications ...

You should get a notification in your inbox to go and vote.
@ChrisF this page is empty yet, it's in the primary phase.
@RomanC Yes - that's by design. It will be populated after 8:00 pm UTC today when the election phase starts.
And I'm not a candidate..
great, I'm consecutive on the SO so will the for sure
but I'm not satisfied with the primary score, my candidates loose, what should I do?
@RomanC Start campaigning for them more?
Alternatively, threatening to move to Canada if your favorite candidate loses seems to be popular and effective.
How the Canada may help with it, and why it's effective?
@ChrisF "
You should get a notification in your inbox to go and vote." I didn't get it when nomination phase changed. Not sure about election.
@RomanC Ah. I can't remember whether I did or not.
@ChrisF I thought that I'm missing the phase and I came in, the same will be with the election phase. They like that ppl missing any phase.
@RomanC The notice at the top right of the site will be updated.
There are plenty of notices that go out to get people to vote.
@ChrisF Right when the phase is starting, never when it closing.
my vote is goes for satthya
Who summons me and takes me away from listening to the smooth styles of JT & Jay-Z?
@SIVAKUMAR.J Unfortunately it doesn't look like Sathya's in the top 10 - which is a shame because he'd make a great addition to team - and only the top 10 candidates go through to the election proper.
@RomanC I'm not in a position to influence when the notices go out. However you will have four days to vote so you should be able to find the time at some point.
how do i put my vote in primary phase?
@SIVAKUMAR.J Just vote up the candidates you think would make a good moderator in the same way you'd vote for a post.
upvote/downvote the nomination like you'd do with a question/answer
in which screen i do it up/down for voting primary
@SIVAKUMAR.J There's a tab for "primary"
I want my candidate up but I don't want to downvote other highvoted ones what can I do?
or the primary phase is just a play?
@RomanC Voting is anonymous, there's no reason you can't downvote a candidate if you want to.,
then just upvote your favourite candidates and don't downvote others if you don't want
could my lowervoted candidates be elected in the final phase?
however, if you want to support a candidate that is not in the top10 you might want to downvote the current candidate on position 10
everyone who's not in the top10 will not be in the candidate list for election
@RomanC If they make it past the primary.
@RomanC Possibly. As the election is run under a single transferable vote system the votes for the lowest scoring candidate are redistributed and that candidate removed. This repeats until the number of available posts are filled. To get elected you have to have more than a certain percentage of votes.
So this means that someone in 6th place after the first round could jump to 4th in subsequent rounds if they are the second (or third) choice of anyone knocked out.
Q: Candidates not surviving primaries not displayed in "primary" tab anymore for past elections

ThiefMasterhttp://stackoverflow.com/election/3?tab=primary There are 18 candidates but only the 10 candidates who survived the primaries are listed there. I think the other candidates should also be shown in this tab - they were part of the primary voting after all.

I got the idea. First time in the primary phase ppl can vote up along with intended candidates on the other candidates so to fool the mass and the picture will change significantly on the final phase.
@RomanC I wouldn't go as far as "will change". It's more like "might change".
@ChrisF I'm pretty sure it has more choices first rather them later, the logic is fixed so it's the human nature, that's why I should think "will".
@ChrisF I thought I voted up to be the good candidate on the timezone.
"fool the mass"?
They should really give everyone 4 votes. In the current system, if everyone except one person votes for the 3 best candidates, the 4th person gets elected with 1 vote.
unlikely? yes. doesn't mean it's not a theoretical flaw in the system.
@Wooble Agreed. You need at least as many votes as there are positions to be filled.
1 hour later…
@UTC 15:09
  1. Andrew Barber        [ 4174] ( 21k rep, 9343 helpful flags)
  2. Flexo                [ 3249] ( 28k rep, 7390 helpful flags)
  3. minitech             [ 2616] ( 58k rep, 3221 helpful flags)
  4. animuson             [ 2319] ( 14k rep, 1603 helpful flags)
  5. Gordon               [ 2238] (111k rep,  563 helpful flags)
  6. ChrisF               [ 1910] ( 60k rep,  507 helpful flags)
  7. Lord Torgamus        [ 1767] (  7k rep,  573 helpful flags)
  8. bluefeet             [ 1641] ( 56k rep, 1393 helpful flags)
Since the first hour of voting, the top 10 have remained in the top 10 except for Raghav Sood replacing Madara Uchiha.
I started off 4th but slipped to 6th fairly quickly, but have remained there.
Yeah, you seem to have taken a slight (relative) dip when Asia woke up, in contrast to three candidates who got bumps of varying sizes.
The Town Hall seems to have not made a whit of difference.
It looks like Andrew is certain to get one of the places (and I hope he does). I've no idea who'll get the other three though.
neat, suggested edit audit just told me I passed instead of making me go back to see that.
oh, just made status-completed 7 minutes ago.
2 hours later…
@AndrewBarber By the way, I've been playing whack-a-mole with these guys for the last month. They keep changing the Magento services URL they're spamming, which is annoying.
@BradLarson Ahhh... I was thinking about that; seems they do have a bit of different URLs they are using. It takes me a few clicks often to figure them out.
@AndrewBarber I swear Magento questions attract spam at a higher rate than just about any other tag. That, and questions about video transcoding, password-protected Excel spreadsheets, and SMS services.
Anyone wanna reject some orphaned edits? stackoverflow.com/tags/php-4.2/info
@BradLarson Indeed, yes. And it takes a bit sometimes to figure out what magento-related links are spammy or not. But there is definitely a lot of undisclosed self-promotion there; and I agree about the others, too!
Sad, the first two edits this guy approves are bad edits... Wow...
I can't help but wonder if an automatic flag for when a new user posts the same link in more than one answer would be useful. I don't think it could be worse than the "duplicate posts" one. That would find true spam, as well as the "hey, look at my blogspot.com blog" type of self-promotion.
Indeed; especially in a short period of time. I see so many that get posted back-to-back-to-back.
This isn't specific to Andrew, but why is the edit count on this page, stackoverflow.com/users/237838/…, different than on this page, stackoverflow.com/users?tab=editors&filter=all
@ThinkingStiff Interesting; good question. I wonder if there's maybe a difference between deleted questions between them.
@ThinkingStiff I think the latter might be cached. I know there's a queue for some update operations like this, such as when invalidated votes are applied to questions. It looks like it's not taking into account edits over the last 24 hours, so there might be a little lag there.
@AndrewBarber I considered that, but it seems like with as much as you flag there'd be a bigger difference between the two.
@AndrewBarber I thought that too, but I would have expected the count on the Users page to be higher if that were the case, since the count on the activity page is always just the number of items (AFAIK).
Ooo I'm on the first page for edits :D Cool
Does anybody know when the final phase starts? It's been saying "in 1 hour" for at least the last 30 minutes.
At 20:00:00 UTC
@IronMan84 One hour, seven minutes
@IronMan84 In one hour and a couple minuets
Cool. Thanks!
@RaghavSood D'oh! Beat me to it!
@BradLarson Ah, that makes sense.
Look, up in the sky; it's a bird; it's a plane; it's a @ROCKET!
@AndrewBarber Hey there. Just testing out my new bird and plane transporter rocket.
Seems stable enough for now.
@RocketHazmat Good; now you can add the HazMat!
@AndrewBarber You don't wanna know about that ^^
@RocketHazmat You are correct.
That was a weird offensive chat flag... Did they flag it for the word "hell"? o.o Seems highly unoffensive...
@animuson We're not allowed to say "brainfuck" anymore, so it wouldn't surprise me in the least if somebody flagged "hell"
I'm going to shower and hopefully not daydream enough to be out before the final election starts. :)
@MichaelMrozek Then what do we call the language? brainf*ck?
@animuson have fun
@RocketHazmat brainintercourse
@AnnaLear: Tag request: ...
@AnnaLear Are you sure that's not braintercourse?
@AndrewBarber ooh, clever
@AndrewBarber Well, that got my vote
so, how's everyone's friday been?
Better than a Monday; not as good as a Saturday.
@AndrewBarber It's almost Saturday!
@RocketHazmat OK, so it's almost as good!
@AndrewBarber :)
Silly spammers, thinking they can get past me ;)
@AndrewBarber Good jorb :)
@RocketHazmat Tharnk You! </snark>
Thunderstorms tomorrow, then snow Sunday? This is unacceptable weather behavior!
@IronMan84 Woo hoo!
@animuson Too bad they can't be combined into THUNDERSNOW!
I find myself more excited counting down to the start of the final election than I was counting down to the new year...
@animuson Agreed.
hehe... six minutes!
Then four days of, "oooh! I wonder how I'm doing!!!"
My votes are in!
It still bothers me that the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice buttons are all different widths...
@UTC 20:00:27 (end of primary)
1. Andrew Barber [ 4228] ( 21k rep, 9366 helpful flags)
2. Flexo [ 3291] ( 28k rep, 7390 helpful flags)
3. minitech [ 2645] ( 58k rep, 3221 helpful flags)
4. animuson [ 2359] ( 14k rep, 1604 helpful flags)
5. Gordon [ 2278] (111k rep, 563 helpful flags)
6. ChrisF [ 1934] ( 60k rep, 507 helpful flags)
7. Lord Torgamus [ 1789] ( 7k rep, 573 helpful flags)
8. bluefeet [ 1668] ( 56k rep, 1393 helpful flags)
hmm... I hadn't noticed that... they are!
I'm out
Good luck to all remaining candidates!
@MadaraUchiha Sorry :P
13th place. Not bad for my 1st time nominitating myself :)
Lol. The recent badges list on the homepage consists entirely of constituent badges :P
And then someone came and screwed it up with a Good Question >.<
How dare they! Get the pitchforks!
What a jerk! That's not what Stack Overflow is about! (comment embargoed until after end of election voting)
it bothers me that having 3 votes makes the election a prisoner's dilemma.
If I vote for the 3 best candidates and nearly everyone else does too, the 4th person elected will be bad. But if I don't vote for the best candidate and everyone else thinks like me, he'll lose horribly.
@AndrewBarber you've got my second vote :P
@MadaraUchiha Woot! Thank you!
@Wooble I sort of agree, but I think it'll work out OK.
@AndrewBarber I voted for you first. remember that when moderating horrible dispute between me and @MadaraUchiha.
@AndrewBarber It almost certainly will, but it seems like the system was designed by someone who heard of STV once and didn't understand it, but implemented it anyway.
@Wooble Mate, no one gets into a dispute with me and lives. Nothing personal, I have a Uchiha reputation to keep.
@Wooble Bwahahaha! lol
You can bet if the math stack needed to elect 4 moderators you'd see a detailed proof of this :)
@Wooble Yeah, the silver lining is that even if the worst candidate does win a diamond, the worst of those ten best is still not too bad. (And I'll do my best to live up to it, thanks!)
Awww, someone posted a link to a thing about Miracle Whip vs Mayo and said I should be glad I'm not running on seasoned advice, and I liked it! That's a delightful taste. cough
Good luck to every one :)
Oh, wait; that was on a Meta post, not here! Do'h!
@AndrewBarber Whip? Whip? And I voted for you, you bastard! This base betrayal will not stand, I say!....Oh well, at least you're not the next mod on Seasoned Advice. Also, this. — mikeTheLiar 3 mins ago
I'll need a lot of spam to get those 633 more helpful flags I need to reach 10k helpful flags by the election's end. I'd be happy not to reach it, if that's the criterion.
I haven't decided who'll get my third vote, and I'm open to bribery.
@animuson WTF? I haven't seen a post that bad in a long time >.>
@Yannis I'll give you, ummm, a pony if you don't vote for anyone! :O
@Yannis Don't you get anything for the first two votes ? there is the more money :)
Feels harder this year than it was in past years.
@Yannis are you so confident that one of your first and second choices are going to win?
@AndrewBarber as promised, you've got my first vote. Hope you don't get Brad Larsoned! (Although "barbered" would be a less awkward verb for that.)
@LordTorgamus I think I am going to change my name to Andrew Hairdresser.
Brad Larson is a verb?
@kush Yes. However confident != correct.
Brad is top 0.11% overall. o.O
I just cast my votes. Shame I didn't make it, but I did a LOT better than I thought I would and I learned a lot so I can have a better shot next year ;)
@Kolink This is my third try running. :-)
@AndrewBarber You'll get it this time
People who are religiously against closing questions won't be voting for me if they see my Review history.
@Wooble have you seen the video of that gameshow contestant?
voted for @gordon, @andrew and @flexo, good luck guys.
wait, that doesnt link? lame
I believe it only auto-imagifies links that look like an image (have the proper extension).
I wonder if we can make it imagify things which aren't images then
I believe you can still use the ![]() syntax to manually do it. I know I've seen it done before, somehow.
@Hiroto You can also stick #.jpg to the end of the URL to fool the oneboxer:
aha! foolish robots.
I am also irritated that I can only pick three. I picked a top four, but the last elimination was essential a coin toss.
@animuson You just put a ! at the beginning of the URL
That isn't my screenshot, it's Hiroto's, I was just demonstrating how the oneboxing works.
(removed) -- :) How many voters do we have so far?
I may or may not have voted for one or more of the candidates in that screenshot. :P
@kush Hmm, if only somebody had made note of the number of caucus badges before the voting started.
We could ask someone to run a query...
Would the knowledge of turnout affect the result?
about 900
900 voters already?
948 so far
@animuson How can you tell?
Badge tracking?
Just go to the Constituent badge page, find what page there is a massive gap between awards, then (#-pages * 60 - overflow)
It's currently on page 16.
948? then the election statistics mods have is pretty heavily cached. still shows 844 for me (which was my "about 900" from earlier)
It's up to 980 now
It's going to be a really long weekend if you guys are just going to sit here refreshing that page every 5 minutes, seeing how many people have voted but still not seeing the results... :-P
We need exit polling
How can you tell how many voted?
@animuson Where do you see that?
37 mins ago, by animuson
Just go to the Constituent badge page, find what page there is a massive gap between awards, then (#-pages * 60 - overflow)
Shog9 on March 08, 2013

It’s time once again to cast your vote for the next Stack Overflow moderators. The primaries have just ended, and the top ten candidates can be found here: http://stackoverflow.com/election.

We’re running the election now (rather than a year from the last election in June) because veteran moderator Tim Post is stepping down in order to work with us as a Community Manager! While we’re extremely lucky to have his hard-working brilliance brought to bear on the problems we face managing all these sites, his transition does create an immediate need for a replacement on the SO mod team. …

> We’re running the election now (rather than a year from the last election in June) because veteran moderator Tim Post is stepping down in order to work with us as a Community Manager!
Tim Post is going to work as a community manager? Awesome
What does a "Community Manager" do, exactly?
Manages the community! <-- useless explantion

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