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03:00 - 10:0010:00 - 14:00

dont create same question many time :)
check here
another link. Someone told it is fixed in mapV2. You can try that @Takeshi
4:15 AM
G<><>D Morning...
Good morning @Yul I have login page. when click EditText username keyboard is shown. when type username already click Next on keyboard. it goes to EditText password. when I type password already. i click Done on keyboard but it doesn't login. it just close keyboard. I want to click Done to login. I don't want to click signin button on my page anymore.
4:50 AM
@Yul I solved it
good morning
@Good Morning Every One :)
5:19 AM
A: How to avoid reverse engineering of .apk file

RobinHood How can I completely avoid reverse engineering of an Android APK? Is this possible? That is impossible How can I protect all the app's resources, assets and source code so that hackers can't hack the APK file in any way? Developers can take steps such as using tools like ProGuard to ob...

Good Morning:)
No Internet Connection on Emulator in windows with Eclipse juno any body have solution plz give me thanx in advance
How you come to know that there is not internet connection?
browser not open
and any app like UniversalImage Loader which are use Internet Not work
Good Morning
HI,anyone know how to convert a javascript object to jave bean.jersey
5:29 AM
@shivang your emulator shows symbol of 3G?
I am studying the jersey.and I can use @PathParam or @QueryParam.but can't deal with like{city:"NY",street:"123"} to a javabean
@AnoopKumar do you have any idea how to scale the bitmap? because right now, i can already redraw the image when the device is rotated, but it will not adjust when the size of the canvas has changed to portrait.
@SheSmile there is a atrribute scaleType
@kongkea: good. What is the solution. I was in meeting :)
Hello all
please help
Q: Searching of messages from inbox is not successful

user1726619I want to get the information about the messages from the inbox on the basis of a particular number.I am using following code for achieving the goal but it is not working in the expected way: public void SendTheSmsToTheFolder(String NameOfContact,String Number,String FolderAddress,long TimeLimit...

5:37 AM
@all Good Morning.
very good morning
@xff1874 yah..but how will i set that on bitmap? in Drawing in canvas? im confused :(
@robinHood -dns-server, i set in target Device it works
5:43 AM
@user1726619: Can you elaborate what information do you want? What is input and output result.
@xff1874 ok, i'll take a look at this..thanks ;)
@SheSmile another solution.may be you can use a nine patch image.It will stretch about the content.
nine patch image? not familiar about that approach
by the way do you know how to transform paths from lanscape to portrait? and vice versa?
@SheSmile when android change lanscepe to portriat .or vice versa,it will destory the activity and call oncreate ->onstart->onresume again.
@SheSmile so,if you want to keep something.there is a method onsaveinstance(may be).can be use.you can search about activity lifecycle
@xff1874 yah ive done that already, i manage to save the data before it restarted and redraw it, but the drawing did not adjust to the portrait mode, it's still in landscape shape.
5:56 AM
@SheSmile or may be you can judge the orientation .and use other data
@Yul i use this setOnEditorActionListener
hi gud morn to all..
any one tell me....how to compair two image...
in android
6:14 AM
anyone worked in rss feeds android?
@Lenka Hi there?
6:45 AM
Hi all....good morning
i want help from you guys
i did an app...the problem is when i click an app icon, its taking more than 10 secs to open it....
my app contains lot of layout in 1 activity...the apps works fine but when clicking app icon its taking time.....can anyone suggest for this
plz help guys
i want apps works in fraction of secs...
check your launcher activity
do you do heavy work in onCreate?
i m taking lot of classes in 1 activity...
paste your code to pastie or pastebin so everyone can view
its long.....sorry i cant paste it....just suggets me how to do bcoz i am new to this works.....
dont mistake me @yul
dont do heavy work on UIthread :)
without code i can only suggest that
6:59 AM
some friends told me to use thread over it...in this code i didnt use thread or multithread...is it works by using threads to that activity?
this are some sites which show you apps what i am doing it
this site is familiar with my apps...but there wil be settings options on top....
hi all is ter any reference for rss feeds with image,title, description and date of this type..cdn3.pcadvisor.co.uk/cmsdata/reviews/3280494/… ?
7:11 AM
i don't get your idea. :)@sam786
@Yul hey
@Yul ...i mean that i am doing students apps
@chintankhetiya: hi :)
@Yul how are you ?
so i have created an apps which 1st activity shows that all apps in different categories....so i m using lot of layout in laucher activity
7:16 AM
Thanks i'm fine. Struggling learning MVC with zero exp c#
so your app list all apps are useful for student, right?@sam786
HI guys
i ma new to andoid dev
i ma facing an problem need help
i need help in twitter integartion in android app
what layout do you use. I think a gridview is efficient
Q: Activity URL callback not working in 4.0.3 ICS

Android4JI am using OAUTH in a twitter app which sends you to the twitter page within the app where you then sign in and are redirected back to the app where the tokens are handled. This works perfectly in android 2.0.x and 3.0.x but in 4.0 I get "Web page not available" when I try to redirect back to my ...

any solution for this
7:21 AM
@Yul ..i used relative,listview,linear layout, table layout.....
@Yul.. in single launcher activity
so you create for example 5 apps with 5 layout to display app infor(name, image)?
hi @Yul
so you create for example 5 apps with 5 layout to display app infor(name, image)?
hi :)
@chintankhetiya @Yul Hey, how is it going?
@yul..i used 1 layout for settings option on top...then in middle i used another layout which appear apps icon and apps name...
7:26 AM
@Yul i need your help .. i have custom listview in a single list i showed 5 textview and a delete button .. now i want to add delete functionality on click
@ManojPal What's your issue with it? The control is not coming into the button click?
@yul... for example...if that app is game then it will appear in game category
@AdityaKamath Welcome.
give me a screenshot :)
@Appu grate.
7:29 AM
actually i have initialize layout id in adapter ..and i iam using getter setter class to store all text ..now i donot know how i remove that perticular list from list view
i have one problem...
i m uploading image using notification helper i mean i am uploading it frm background in statusbar not what i want is when i cancel in between it should stop uploading i am not able to do that anyone have used this same?
@yul...check example of this site...spedk12.com/spEdPad.html........(spedpad=therapy pad
spedpad example
404 - File or directory not found.
@Appu what about you ?
anyone ter pls..
7:32 AM
u can get an idea
@chintankhetiya Hmm.. Not going well. Seeking help in php and mysql very badly due to time factor.
@Appu are you there ?
@jeet there?
What about yours? Did you get that output?
7:33 AM
@Appu thanks for replay. can you tell me if u use gird then its show me 3 images in row and i want if i change in landscape then it could be 4 or accorind to size but not want 3 again
are you using layout-land @chintankhetiya
@yul....if u get idea plz help me
@chintankhetiya then don't use numColumns.
@victor no simple
i can't open your link
404 - File or directory not found.
7:36 AM
@Appu okay i just wait i test it
@Appu no its shows me only one
@Yul @victor what you say about this
@chintankhetiya i use layout-land for that purpose
@victor so if you see in portrait it could be 3 and in land-scap it will be 4 is it
that's the solution :)
@Yul i am just talking about simple grid ?
@chintankhetiya yeah
@chintankhetiya yes for simple grid
7:44 AM
@victor okay for that what i have to change in grid code in xml
create new folder in raw as layout-land
copy your xml files over ther
@victor just it ? nothing more
change vertical to landscape in those xml file
@victor i just do this way res > raw > main.xml so i have to change the name for that
no. res > layout-land:
7:51 AM
@chintankhetiya as yul said
when you change to landscape and dont use config in manifest or override configchange. Your activity'll be destroy
and use layout from layout-land
and use layout from layout-land
@Yul i just follow same but not get it. wait i just try again
@Yul i have add in manifest also
my network is poor now :)
android:numColumns="auto_fit" you can fix it to 3 in port and 4 in landscape :)
when you change orientation, android will find right layout file
@Yul if i do that like 3 for port and 4 for land then it always take as 4 .
really? i check that.
8:07 AM
@Yul its show me first time as 3 in port and 4 in land. now when i back land to port its same in port as 4. just check it
@chintankhetiya was away for lunch. Tell me what do you need?
@Appu i need a 3 images in row for portrait view and 4 as landsacpe view. but its not working
@Appu its in grid
You want only 3 when in portrait rather than android:numColumns="auto_fit" and 4 in landscape. Right?
@chintankhetiya pastie.org/5525335
i use like that
8:11 AM
create layout-land folder and in that, put numcolumns 4 in that xml file. Names should match.
@Appu i have all do that stuff. set 3 in port and 4 in land. put that xml file in layout-land . its working only once when i come back land to port its again shows me 4 not 3.
It's probably impossible. You might have gone wrong somewhere. post your code. @chintankhetiya
@Appu Hi ..Can you please help me with that callback url
i am having an issue in ICS only
pre ICS its working fine
the error m getting from the browser is "protocol not supported"
8:26 AM
@victor: pastie.org/5525471 i think it's simple like this...
you can learn use cursor adapter with async query handler.
@yul...are u there
@chintankhetiya Remove this line android:configChanges="orientation" and check.
@AdityaKamath Sorry, never worked with twitter. But there must be someone here who worked on twitter integration, but don't remember.
@Appu you are too good . its work
thanks all @Appu @Yul @victor :)
@Appu you expert in drawing in canvas?
@Appu thanks anyways :)
8:32 AM
@chintankhetiya Glad you have got it. BTW why did you keep that line?
@AdityaKamath Welcome :)
@SheSmile Not an expert but worked on it long back only once. Fire your question, will check whether I could help.
@Appu @Yul @victor told me try it
@Appu because im currently working on redrawing the image in the canvas when device is rotated since the activity restarts, but when i redraw it, the path is still for landscape, i want to adjust the drawing based on the orientation
@chintankhetiya if you specify configchanges, it means that you are indicating that you handle yourself the configchanges, rather than having the system to handle it.
but actually you are not at present.
@Appu thanks man :)
yeah i told you :D
46 mins ago, by Yul
when you change to landscape and dont use config in manifest or override configchange. Your activity'll be destroy
config in manifest:D
8:38 AM
@SheSmile You draw everything in the onDraw() method. So that every time the orientation is changed, the onDraw() method is also called. What's your issue with it?
@chintankhetiya :)
i can't open your link @sam786. And my internet connection is very poor at this time so maybe i can disconnect from here
@Appu yes, i manage to draw again the data(drawing image) after it's rotated, I used paths and paints to do it, but the paths saved are for landscape size
how i can paste an image over here
8:41 AM
there is upload right of send button :)
@Appu, my idea is to rescale the bitmap after its drawn based on the orientation, but i can't seem to make it work.
@SheSmile Are you hard-coding anything? either in onSizeChanged() or in onDraw()?
@Appu, no im not

i think
@Appu can you check my code?
@JayThakkar hi
@SheSmile okay.
8:45 AM
can u resolve my query?
Which i posted before
can u help me out
@JayThakkar I will try, let me know your problem
yes actually m uploading image to server
so for that there is a method called execute request
do you know how can i get the value for red color fo android:textColor=""
8:48 AM
so i have to stop it anyhow when i cancel upload so how can i do that
did u get my point
@JayThakkar are you using asynctask for that
@sara check this
@Yul..there is no upload button near send button
@Appu thanks do i get the RGB CODE or HEX #
@sara android:textColor="#9932cc". Replace the number with what ever color you want. Yeah. Hex code.
@jeet @Appu thanks
hi everyone
i need help :(
how can i show hospitals, schools or etc on mapview android?
8:54 AM
@Appu redraw() function is being used after activity restarted
@Appu i use it but it seem there is an error android:textColor="ff0000"
use #
@mertaydin use google data api
where you are using this?
@mertaydin: i think you can use Google Place API
8:55 AM
@mertaydin you can overlay on map...
Yes yes, i know that i must use google place api
but I' trying the get locations but i can't
@mertaydin location for what?
@jeet yes
8:57 AM
for Turkey
@mertaydin you want current location ?
doesn't matter, i can give location map to show there
@Appu ? :(
@SheSmile Your code is too lengthy to check line by line. But as I had a glance over it, I guess it's the problem with your image.
then i will click a button and i will see hospitals, schools, etc.
8:59 AM
@mertaydin so you have lat-lon for that place to show on map ?
please wait a moment i will send you an url
canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap, 0, 0, mBitmapPaint) at this line you mentioned it to start drawing bitmap from (0,0), but does you image have enough width and height to cover your screen?
@JayThakkar okay, async task class has one method named cancel()
invoke it
it will cancel the task
hello guys, having a problem with android dialog, can anyone help
@mertaydin plz ping user with name
@SureshC proceed
9:01 AM
@CapDroid https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/nearbysearch/json?location=41.099932,29.002657&radius=500&types=food&name=harbour&sensor=false&key=AddYourOwnKeyHere#jsonNav_l

this url... I'm putting my api key but can't see the places
Okay let me try
@jeet thanks
@mertaydin i have posted my question link, can u please go thru it,?
@mertaydin key=AddYourOwnKeyHere
may ne you have to pass your key here instead of text
9:02 AM
@chintankhetiya ;)
@SureshC ok thanks I'm lookin.
@Capdroid if i put my api key, it doesn't matter, don't showing
@Appu in the redraw() function, i want to rescale the bitmap so that it will adjust based on the screen size or resolution

regarding the canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap, 0, 0, mBitmapPaint) i am uncertain on how to add the bitmap and paint, i just followed the code given online for that part
@SureshC At least could you open your link by yourself that you pinged over here?
@mertaydin ok let me check bro..
@CapDroid ok thanks, I'm waiting...
9:05 AM
@Appu nothing :)
@Appu sorry, i dint get u.?
too much traffic
@mertaydin I dont have valid key, so I can't check.
@jeet hey, what's up!
@mertaydin you can see google api
9:08 AM
@SureshC I was talking about your link.
@CapDroid i found a link that is giving a console for apis i will try it now and i will give you news of it
@Appu nothing, just confused, about so much questions
its okay, you carry on
@mertaydin okey
@Appu ya i know, but wat u mean by At least could you open your link by yourself that you pinged over here?
@CapDroid Thanks a lot bro, i got my new key for place api and succesfully got the nearby places :)
9:10 AM
@mertaydin great bro..
@Capdroid the link that i used : code.google.com/apis/console maybe someone need this link. : )
@jeet Even I am confused with my task ya and finally ending up doing nothing and came over here. Are you able to open his(suresh's) link?
which link?
@mertaydin great.. link.. thanks for that
@SheSmile Be cool and debug your code line by line. Check the things even when orientation changes.
9:16 AM
@Appu i think u guys are unable to open my link, i am posting my link again, please help. stackoverflow.com/questions/13873053/…
@jeet This is what I was talking. He pasted previously as a matter rather than as a link. Anyways, do you have idea on php and mysqli?
@Appu nope
@jeet Okay. :(
@Appu sorry, actually der was no space after the text, so u wer not able to find the link.
@SureshC your question is not very clear to me
you want all the checkboxes should be checked on checkAll button
9:21 AM
@jeet exactly jeet.
but when you uncheck this button again, it should clear the effect of check all button, means checking only the choices which had been checked before checkall button
but what will happen, when I select checkAll button
make some choices unchecked
and again click on check all button
@jeet Actually the issue is like this, the user will select ALL checkbox if he wants all categories,
but he can also select individual check box
when selecting ALL, the below check boxes should automaticall be checked,
@jeet did u understand wat i want.?
@SureshC yes, upto now, I am all along with you
9:27 AM
@jeet thanks brother,
@jeet actually ALL is just for convinience, instead of checking all the list items individually, the user can check ALL, which checks all the below checkboxes
hmm, thats fine
thats all functionality you want?
@jeet yes, i want thet to happen in the current dialog,
and in what functionality you are facing isse
@jeet i mean once ALL is selected all the below items should be checked immediately on the same dialog.
@jeet I tried some code posted by others to my question, but i am unable to do dat in the same dialog
you are loading choices from an array
9:38 AM
can you show me the code you are defining listview in the dialog
@jeet public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
int title = getArguments().getInt("title");

View view = getActivity().getLayoutInflater().inflate(
R.layout.dialog_categories_title, null);

final AlertDialog d= new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity())

.setMultiChoiceItems(_categories, _selections,
new DialogSelectionClickHandler())

new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
@jeet i am not using a separate list view from layout,
and where is the adapter for the listview?
i hve a progressbar for upload can it be possible i want to show same progress in a dialog
9:43 AM
@JayThakkar yes
How can i know
@jeet i am just using setMultiChoiceItems
hi all
@SureshC you can do by defining your own adapter
@jeet can u post some links or sample code, about how doing that,?
9:47 AM
@SureshC where are you setting data for the list
Can anybody know about this ?
@jeet actually, i am getting the functionality what i am expecting, but that is only when i close and reopen the dialog
@SureshC yes, I know, do one thing, just for a quick try,
for (int i = 0; i < _selections.length; i++) {
_selections[i] = isChecked;

@jeet _categories has data, _selections is boolean array
ListView lv=(ListView)view;
9:53 AM
@jeet am gettin this error: java.lang.ClassCastException: android.widget.LinearLayout cannot be cast to android.widget.ListView
@SureshC okay, find list view from this view
by using view.findViewById method
@jeet i am confused jeet, wer is this list view coming from wen am not at all using it.?
i have not defined any layouts with list view
@SureshC so this list of checkboxes are not a listview
I am sorry, I didnt get your problem yet
@jeet no, there are from setMultiChoiceItems from onCreateDioalog method
i ll paste my oncreateDialog once again
hello all
03:00 - 10:0010:00 - 14:00

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