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// DOM Ready
$(function () {

var $el, leftPos, newWidth;

/* Add Magic Line markup via JavaScript, because it ain't gonna work without */
$("#magicLine").append("<li id='magic-line'></li>");

/* Cache it */
var $magicLine = $("#magic-line");

.css("left", $(".selectednav a").position().left)
.data("origLeft", $magicLine.position().left)
.data("origWidth", $magicLine.width());

$("#magicLine > li").children("a").hover(function () {
$el = $(this);
leftPos = $el.position().left;
1 hour later…
1 message moved from JavaScript
1 hour later…
@Leena but i won't fallow @jeet advised
1 message moved from Room for Bhurdada and ihungry
1 message moved from Room for Bhurdada and ihungry
2 hours later…
@RajeshRajaram dai nee enna appadi thoonkura!!!
@MoorthyTheBoss Night late aagiduchi thoogaradhuku adhanaala dhaan.
1 message moved from [ Tamil mobile app developers ](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/8818/tamil-mobile-app-developers)
1 message moved from [ Tamil mobile app developers ](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/8818/tamil-mobile-app-developers)
1 hour later…
1 message moved from Room for Bhurdada and ihungry
10 mins ago, by vignesh4303
announcement those make my teacher to say lol will be rewarded with brand new audi car
1 message moved from Room for Bhurdada and ihungry
2 hours later…
1 message moved from Android
@CapDroid i didn't read your location..
3 messages moved from Android A to Z
@CapDroid ok... whats ur Fb id
3 messages moved from Android A to Z
@HJV jo gand maru hamna
1 message moved from igroup
@blue hahaha @R.j. @jeet tum dono age ke piche ladte rho @blue ne to step age bhi le liya
48 secs ago, by blue
r u in @vigu's friend list ? @learner
2 messages moved from Room for Bhurdada and ihungry
@MoorthyTheBoss u know she is @Vignesh's senior n i doubted her frst lik she n him are same.
1 message moved from Room for Bhurdada and ihungry
8 hours later…
Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594879 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded

:6594898 `"SyntaxError: Illegal return statement"`
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
╬>myalert("hello kyle!");
`"ReferenceError: myalert is not defined"`
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded

:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
:6594865 Maximum execution time exceeded
3 hours later…
10 messages moved from Sandbox

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