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I'm adding two geom_point() to a single plot and I would like to have one set of points solid, and other set non-solid. Is that Q clear or do I need to make a small example?
Unfortunately I can't map "solidness" to a variable.
3 hours later…
@RomanLuštrik If you've got the space and can do it in a way that reveals more, might as well use actual values also
that's the intuition behind the rug plot, outliers on boxplots, etc.
I should mention that I've solved my dilemma with solid/non-solid points.
The trick is to map shape and fill to the same variable and play with manual scales.
anyone have any clever tricks for golfing character-by-character manipulations? strsplit(,collapse="") kills me: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/9127/3163
4 hours later…
@AriB.Friedman, you can remove a few more characters with paste(rev(strsplit(x,"")[[1]]),collapse=""). It's the paste(, collapse="") which I find extremely taxing, anyone knows a shorter way to concatenate strings?
For the purposes of code golf using cat( ,sep="") should suffice
But to be honest I think @AriB.Friedman is cheating a little with their current answer since they start with the number as a string but it seems like the question is saying that the number should start as an actual integer type
What about the Russian Roulette? I find one in 32: "I survived!"[6*runif(1)>4||q()]
should that be >5 instead of >4? And I would think you would need to make q() into q('n') or something similar because otherwise it doesn't exit immediately (depending on the defaults...)
yes, that should be 5, I thought runif(1) was returning on (-1,1) for a moment... "n" is the gun's safety check...
@Dason I plead the classic cheater's excuse, "but everyone else is doing it!"
if need be, I can coerce to character with paste(), which is a little shorter than as.character
but I'm surprised strsplit doesn't coerce itself
1 hour later…
Are people supporting using attach( ) or not, Dirk?
Just wow:
Q: cannot compile RcppArmadillo in R

user1851710I have a problem to compile RcppArmadillo. This is the result when I try to install the package: g++: error: Welcome: No such file or directory g++: error: at: No such file or directory g++: error: Sun: No such file or directory g++: error: Dec: No such file or directory g++: error: 2: No such f...

@Dualinity attach() is evil. Avoid.
@DirkEddelbuettel Thought it might be something in .Rprofile, but I can't come close to replicating.
1 hour later…
@DirkEddelbuettel Actually, it looks like there's a spurious ' in Hmisc/R/AFirst.lib.s
I e-mailed the maintainer. there's an unmatched single quote in the packageStartupMessage
True (just checked src of the Debian package) but irrelevant as inside of "".
The OP was an idiot, and you told him in more polite words.

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