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I have my InmemoryUserGateway like this:
(function() {

var UserGateway = {
"johnUser": {
"id": 1,
"username": "johnUser",
"password": "password",
"name": "John",
"role": "user"


var user = {

getUserByUsername: function(username) {

if ((UserGateway.hasOwnProperty(username))){
return UserGateway[username];
} else {
return [];
this.user = user;
yeah correct
@Rahul yes, because she's really mean :P
@Rahul yes
@Rahul wht
@AnamikaRathore you don't know her
without knowing you can't say anything
i don't know you so i'm not saying anything about you just catting with you
:37220017 i have
@AnamikaRathore we can see your deleted messages also
and don't call me nice
@Rahul why? you are :/
@Rahul you have what
@AnamikaRathore just chill!!!!!
@AnamikaRathore (remove)
okay enjoy then :/
for what?
@AnamikaRathore what you thinking i'm not doing that
@Rahul what?
@ishiestar shrug
you shrug a lot xD
@Rahul that is why I said you deserve better xD
(since you're not enjoying)
who told you
@Rahul you told me :/
@AnamikaRathore i mean. what you think, i'm not enjoying my life ?
I don't think you are
you're sleepy xP
then think i can't change people mind
yes because i don't have a tea since morning
then have tea
i eat two times since morning
that also make me sleepy
or ask her for more chocs xP
lots of food :)
@AnamikaRathore btw i don't ask her for chocs
hey @ishiestar send Rahul more chocolates, he's feeling sick xP
@AnamikaRathore btw you are not funny
like i thought
is it okay if I kick her [eyeroll]
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@Rahul @(remove) no I roll my eyes xP
people don't pull your leg for a reason, they pull your leg for fun -_-
@AnamikaRathore you don't get it
@AnamikaRathore that was off the topic
i know that kind of people very well
and your chocolate discussion was not?
i was telling you about food and tea
4 messages moved from Android Talkies
57 messages moved from Android Talkies
12 hours later…
Hey can some please do me a favour with regular expressions? :)
I have a file with many times array access like this, just with different numbers every time:

How would I use regular expressions to replace all of them by:
e.g. just with curly bracket, but the numbers shall stay the same?
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@DavidHeffernan Now I have a question for you , not about coding , Can I ask?
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