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Hello, I am trying to find out a solution for my problem.
<p>replace text here<p>
Here I want to replace text inside <p> tags withing <code></code> without effecting the <p> tags outside <code>
How can I achieve this?
1 message moved from [JavaScript: Types ](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/17/javascript-types)
Hello, I am trying to find out a solution for my problem.
<p>replace text here<p>
Here I want to replace text inside <p> tags withing <code></code> without effecting the <p> tags outside <code>
How can I achieve this?
1 message moved from [JavaScript: Types ](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/17/javascript-types)
3 hours later…
oh @DaveRandom, you're not allowed to work on dns stuff until @PeeHaa fixes the session docs.. new rule
1 message moved from PHP
3 hours later…
5 hours later…
I was trying something like this:

function changeVariable (variable,value) {
return variable = value
1 message moved from [JavaScript: Types ](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/17/javascript-types)
Class MyMum{
isFat= true;
1 message moved from [JavaScript: Types ](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/17/javascript-types)
getEvents() Observable<IEvent[]>{
let subject=new Subject<IEvent[]>();
setTimeout(()=> {subject.next(EVENTS);subject.complete();})
return subject;
1 message moved from [JavaScript: Types ](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/17/javascript-types)
1 hour later…
Hi, @SteveG!
@shepmaster hello
@SteveG What brings you to the Rust world?
needed a low populated sandbox, rust was my first click
Oh, thats not as exciting then :-p
How about the fucking Sandbox then
nah, this worked great
and was higher on the list == less scrolling
fuck you too then
Ah, that's reasonably rude then.
@набиячлэвэли stackoverflow rules still apply here. Please check yourself sir
[x] nab
@Shepmaster just thought it was relatively dead, no insults intended
14 messages moved from Rust

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