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2:02 PM
@DaveRandom I summon thee
Can anyone help with the following: stackoverflow.com/questions/42417728/…?
Swear I'm being so stupid. :(
@JoeWatkins I am summoned
SFP transceiver came, looks like I brought it up, but can you bind mac -> ip in router ...
@JoeWatkins sure, although you can also do it yourself, you should probably explore it a bit and learn how it works :-P
2:05 PM
I can't find the thing
also, wanted you to check it's actually been brought up properly, because when I try to ping external network using that interface (-I) it says destination host unreachable
and I don't need to learn really ... I have a network guy ... you ...
no worries, just remembering the pw I set for myself...
Do you know the MAC of it?
enp2s0    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1f:e2:41:78:4b
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::21f:e2ff:fe41:784b/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:179 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:129 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:27413 (27.4 KB)  TX bytes:6274 (6.2 KB)
@DaveRandom 02:42:65:42:9e:04
@FlorianMargaine Well that was very helpful, thanks :-P
Yes I see it there @JoeWatkins
@DaveRandom you're welcome, you know I'm always trying to help
2:09 PM
(you forgot to ping @PeeHaa for maximum uselessness)
(that's the MAC of a random VM I'm currently running...)
So is the USB NIC still plugged atm?
@DaveRandom yes
@DaveRandom should work on DNS lib.
2:09 PM
(I should customise my MACs to have c00l addresses like DE:AD:BE:EF
@Dan DateTime objects have neither of those properties, and the code you've posted gives an entirely different message. Edit your question to include a mcve.
@JoeWatkins OK I bound it to .250 for now then, hopefully if you release/renew that NIC you should get .250?
(obviosuly can't bind both NICs to the same addr...)
restart networking or whole machine, or unplug nic ?
I guess try unplug NIC first
2:11 PM
@DaveRandom Chuck norris can
not sure whether that will trigger a full renew or just recycle, OS dependent
ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host
@DejanMarjanovic thank god, this behavior looks sane. github.com/php/php-src/commit/…
I should have restarted network first
Maybe yes
Any running services wouldn't be bound to that NIC I suppose
never added a NIC hot before
2:13 PM
rebooting machine, it's got all confused
can you remove binding to usb nic, then I'll reboot and everything should work like magic ?
So bind new NIC to .251?
yeah, because port forwarding and what not
Suggest you leave the USB NIC connected just in case it doesn't work
I'll be able to tell you want addr it has
usb nic will get some other address, right ?
ugh, lost 2 hours because $dateTime->format('U') does not output milliseconds…
2:15 PM
@FlorianMargaine woop
@JoeWatkins yes
@Leigh doop boop bloop
@DaveRandom all good
winner :-)
thanksyou muchly
2:20 PM
no worries
for future ref the settings are under LAN -> Bind IP to MAC
ah right, I will totally remember that ...
Settings for enp2s0:
        Supported ports: [ TP ]
        Supported link modes:   1000baseT/Full
        Supported pause frame use: No
        Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
        Advertised link modes:  1000baseT/Full
        Advertised pause frame use: No
        Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
        Speed: 1000Mb/s
        Duplex: Full
        Port: Twisted Pair
        PHYAD: 0
        Transceiver: external
        Auto-negotiation: on
        MDI-X: Unknown
Cannot get wake-on-lan settings: Operation not permitted
now just need to figure why desktop is stuck at 100
@DaveRandom you need to figure out why desktop is stuck at 100
My money is on shitty patch leads
I got a bunch of those, they all say CAT 5e patch
including the one connected to sfp
Yes, I mean just try replacing the one between your NIC and router with a different one first off
It's perhaps not the most likely option but it is the simplest one to test
Since you have a known good one currently connected to nevis
2:32 PM
still 100mbps :(
different port on the switch?
same port, try different one ?
Yes, try a few combinations of things
in general you don't get problems like this, so it's likely that something somewhere is just broken, either a switch port or a cable or your nic
that worked
but why ?
oh maybe a bad port on the switch ...
Maybe fw bug in router? Which port was not working?
2:34 PM
I have the same fw on my router at home, if it's a fw bug I will probably see the same issue
Will check tonight
cool, thanks
Not a super big deal anyway, as long as enough ports work at giga for what you need
yeah, seems to be just enough ... I have an 8 port switch but can't cope with more wires
can't seem to access remote management on server ... think it's supposed to be at, but don't see anything at that address in arp table
does anyone here use joomla?
2:39 PM
@JoeWatkins what like ILO stuff or whatever Dell call it?
@DaveRandom can't remember the name of it now, but lets you see temps and do remote power up/down and things ...
yeh, it's what HP call ILO (integrated lights-out)
any idea what the MAC of that NIC is?
@Alex Probably not. If your question is specific to your framework, you should ask it on your framework's community. If your question is about PHP, ask away! :)
I actually checked the joomla chat but last message was from 182 days ago lol
People are still using joomla? O.o
Ah so no :P
2:41 PM
ah I got it, 248
avocent, mergepoint it's called
@PeeHaa Worked with Joomla once, never again
@Alex maybe the joomla IRC ?
hmm ... thinks it's -55 degrees ... I think it doesn't work with new cooling :D
Joomla: not even once
not worth to ask since it is very related with joomla, and don't have much info for a general php developer to look into it
2:43 PM
@JoeWatkins is that static? I'll create a binding for it (mostly so there's a static arp entry for it in the router)
yeah it's static ... I thought it would show in table anyway
@Trucy what's that? some joomla specific support site/forum?
dunno what mac is for it though
@Alex IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat, it's an instant messaging protocol widely used by developers
@JoeWatkins well arp cache entries are usually only created for a device when the remote nic actually communicates directly with it. There's no need for an arp entry when it's just switched, so the IP layer wouldn't bother tracking it
@JoeWatkins 00-1F-E2-41-78-4C
2:47 PM
how did you do that ?
@JoeWatkins Look behind you
I pinged it from the router to create an arp cache entry
@PeeHaa it detects whether a string has printf characters. it doesnt tell you which, but it does detect if.
@PeeHaa hehe ... for a second there ...
2:49 PM
ok good, all connected ... only took two months ... not bad ...
the international joe line no longer dividing the world?
nope, we rubbed it out ... Chris rubbed it out ...
good job rubbing one out, @DaveRandom
this management thing is the worst bit of soft/firmware I've ever seen
under "utilities" is reboot, and factory reset ...
how are either of those things a utility
I expected ping and traceroute and whatever ...
and why the fuck does it have ldap built in
@JoeWatkins yeh that is fucking really annoying
@JoeWatkins For authenticating wifi/vpn clients against a directory
2:54 PM
@DaveRandom should work on DNS lib.
You are having regrets yet? :P
2:55 PM
Anyway, check this out
║ [1 minute and 56 seconds] without an accident ║
║          since [2017-02-23 14:53:25]          ║
!!command map sayf say sayf
Command 'sayf' is now mapped to Say # sayf
2:55 PM
thought that french guy broke it
!!sayf This is a %s / test
This is a test
2:56 PM
!!sayf this is a %s / exec('ls');
this is a exec('ls');
!!alias welcome sayf Welcome %p, please read the Chat Guidelines /
Command '!!welcome' aliased to '!!sayf Welcome %p, please read the Chat Guidelines /'
!!welcome peehaa
Welcome @PeeHaa, please read the Chat Guidelines
2:57 PM
(%p is a ping)
it dropped your link though
Oh it did
Who's clever now huh?
2:59 PM
@DaveRandom will switching to session based load balancing break routing for nevis ?
ummm... switching what setting where?
there is ip based and session based load balancing, it's on ip based balancing and saturating one line sometimes
Oh right I see you mean for outgoing traffic?
That shouldn't affect incoming
has any of you worked on a messaging app?
I am wondering, what DB structure you used
3:05 PM
You mean like FB messenger/whatsapp etc?
I haven't done either, just clarifying
@DaveRandom yes
@tereško a relational structure.
@kelunik built that chat app for amp, I assume that was DB-backed
@Gordon I was hoping for something a bit more ... emmm .. not so generic
for example, how do you handle the fact, that message has been read
especially if message was sent to more than one person
!!sayf %1000000000s / test
3:07 PM
that is much superior ...
did jeeves just crash?
@FlorianMargaine yup
3:09 PM
@tereško hmm, could do messages [id, sender_user_id, created], recipients [message_id, recipient_user_id, status]
just as a spontaneous thought, I didnt implement anything like this yet
yeah, well, same here
it's not like I can come up with my of structure
I was just hoping there was someone who has done it professionally already
ya know - someone who would already know some of the pitfalls
I was hoping @rdlowrey had dome something like that, but he's here only once in a blue moon
@NikiC If I set precision stupidly high will that also cause issues?
3:12 PM
oh I missed it in the star list there
I blame @PeeHaa
a safe bet
TIL the 1440*900 resolution exists
@tereško you could look into xmpp
I know :(
hey guys
3:19 PM
@tereško also maybe interesting: quora.com/… and facebook.com/notes/facebook-engineering/…
!!sayf %1000000000s / test
@DaveRandom Only if you say it first
27 mins ago, by DaveRandom
3:26 PM
@Jeeves lol
@PeeHaa How old are you?
@Jeeves 32 dude. you?
@PeeHaa You are a girl.
@Jeeves asl?
@DaveRandom So are you a boy?
3:26 PM
@Jeeves No you are a girl
@PeeHaa @⁠jeeves no No you are a girl
does it use the message resolver?
how does cleverbot not have snappy comeback for asl
@Jeeves asl?
3:27 PM
@PeeHaa I am a boy.
@Jeeves al?
@PeeHaa Negatory, Jeeves.
wtf, I downloaded a 55 MB exe, which is just a fucking downloader
ohj that one
3:27 PM
5 messages moved to Trash
> Jeeves has invited you to join Trash.
3:28 PM
HA, Jeeves prefers me
@Trucy adobe, I assume
Maybe Java
1 min ago, by Jeeves
5 messages moved to Trash
Because he moved messages to trash
@DaveRandom IE11
@PaulCrovella because you belong there
3:29 PM
SO does that automagically
@Trucy :(
@PeeHaa first I've seen that
Same as that ^
@DaveRandom second I've seen that
Maybe your messages just don't get moved because you are good boy
3:34 PM
@DaveRandom so do I get belly rubs or not
hi guys
@tereško @daverandom I didn't store that info, only stored unseen pings.
But I'd store just the last seen message ID
@kelunik So chat history disappears when you restart server??
3:46 PM
7 messages moved to Trash
@DaveRandom no, why should it?
@kelunik then where is it stored if you don't store anything?
3:57 PM
@DaveRandom All messages are stored, I just didn't store any read state
4:09 PM
such a boring weekend it is :-(
it's thursday
I know ..!
that's weekend!
tomorrow it is friday, friday
anyway both today and friday are holiday in my country .. I call both of them weekend ;-)
How does the php interpreter run through code? Particularly, I'm interested in the fact you can end a php tag with an if-statement, which would make me think it concatenates all php code together. It doesn't though, since all the echoed output would be in one place if that was the case.
Sweet, thanks. Was difficult to search on google
Well, that covers the compilation process, but doesn't discuss how php handles multiple <?php tags. This <?php if ($x == 5) {?> some html <?php $x++; }?> is valid, but what is PHP doing?
@Anon234_4521 now take a look at these opcodes 3v4l.org/ds922/vld#output
@PaulCrovella oh... you mean I could/should actually look at the opcodes generated by my code?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier only if you want to know what php thinks of your code
@Anon234_4521 anything outside PHP tags is just echo "your-stuff"
it's not a bug, it's just also not a feature
I Will Always Endeavour To Know What PHP Thinks Of Mine Code
- no one, ever
evening room
4:45 PM
@Trucy holy wow, 2.3 will have async iterator support
... oh. so opcodes, are actually php's application set of instructions, loaded in the cpu's "next executable instruction" registry.?
5:01 PM
well no, they aren't executed by the cpu directly, they are executed by the vm ... the vm is executed by the cpu directly
5:18 PM
@PaulCrovella That's the best explanation I can get, thanks.
wtf sha1
@Anon234_4521 you're welcome
Hello Guys
I am trying to connect to my godaddy server using PuTTy ssh client app ,,, but it's showing me "connection refused by peer"
anyone can help please ?
5:34 PM
Is here an actual repository with source for the counter extension example in the PHP Manual?
I am not able to find one
5:45 PM
hey @bwoebi how do you figure out the mime type of a string passed to $response->end($str) in Aerys?
@Trowski is it my impression or there is no associative array fetch for amphp/mysql?
hello, what's your favourite mvc framework
How do mvc frameworks differ from cms's like wordpress/drupal
Vanilla PHP
pring @bwoebi?
5:59 PM
Why vanilla, looks like not very friendly/not mentioned in any top google results
> -bash: pring: command not found
yes can create application without framework, but then spend all my time building my own framework, i think would be good to use framework
Does anyone know how I would determine the country of an IP without using a 3rd party service?
compile this lite.ip2location.com/ip-address-ranges-by-country and a giant switch statement?
or just db lookup etc
Whoo fun haha.
Would that turn out to be 100% accurate? I don't know why I couldn't find that solution via Google
6:07 PM
MVC frameworks IMHO learns developers bad gabits. Most of them learns nit to separate model from UI. Most of thise franeworjs are just UI components and Iuse them only for that. It's 5-10% of whole app which can be changed any time to something different.
@Andrew The optimistic end result would be gaining valuable knowledge and having less bloated code base. Plus you wouldn't need to learn the ways a specific framework does all the things, which can also be quite time consuming anyway.
Sorry for typos am on mobile now.
I guess I would just have to be updating it constantly.
I am making a web app for distribution and I need that as a feature, and I don't want to use a 3rd party service because if the 3rd party service goes down my app won't work. I guess I could just create my own API and keep it updated.
Then let the people who use put the app on their service link to my API, instead of including the geo-locator script in the app.
I prefer using framework components but also this is just few percent of an app. The most importanf for me is well designed and covered by unit tests domain logic. And UI is just a bridge between domain services and user.
@Alesana there are no public databases different tgan 3rd parties in geolocation.
@Andrew I created a barebone architecture from that tutorial three years ago, never had to retouch it since. I use it as starter kit for new projects, in five minutes I get to defining routes and handlers.
6:14 PM
@bruzchal Right but the idea is that I could create an external API which uses 3rd party databases just to assure that the web app will continue to work for as long as my API works
(three might be an exageration) ^^
@brzuchal are you in a position to quickly build PHP from source?
I don't have a build env here
OK, mind testing something for me?
Totally non-PHP question... but should I use "notes of caramel, chocolate, and cherry" or "notes of caramel, chocolate, and cherries"?
6:25 PM
@DaveRandom sure
@marcio I'm actually not very familiar with amphp/mysql, you'd have to ask @bwoebi
@Trowski the former
I'm not sure since cherries are usually referred to in the plural. You don't say "I'm going to eat a cherry," you say "I'm going to eat cherries."
"Cherries are my favorite fruit," that sort of thing…
yes, however, in the sentence, I feel we more refer to the taste of a cherry
I wish English had actual rules rather than suggestions…
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Yeah, that makes sense.
6:28 PM
in the same way you say chocolate, and not chocolates
Yeah, good point.
@DaveRandom what do you want to test, and which sources, is it on master or else...?
@brzuchal I think it's master, moment I'm just creating a minimal repro case
Fine, I've got master compiled few minutes ago
@brzuchal can you run this?
I'm expecting you will see at least one error:1409F07F:SSL routines:SSL3_WRITE_PENDING:bad write retry
6:34 PM
There are two warnings like that
line 9 and 10
Now can you duplicate this #ifdef block with SSL_MODE_ACCEPT_MOVING_WRITE_BUFFER, compile and retest @brzuchal?
Obviously need to change the flag that's set against mode as well @brzuchal...
just in case not obvious :-P
Wait, which flag
I've changed pointed line into this:
    do {
        long mode = SSL_get_mode(sslsock->ssl_handle);
        SSL_set_mode(sslsock->ssl_handle, mode | SSL_MODE_ACCEPT_MOVING_WRITE_BUFFER);
    } while (0);
Add that whole block somewhere around the line where I pointed
6:41 PM
Ok, compiling
I'm not actually certain if that will fix the problem, it might just hide it
It might throw a different error as well
brb 5 min
Something beautiful has happened.
user image
@JayIsTooCommon your testicles dropped?
6:44 PM
@JayIsTooCommon What the fuck is that ?!?!
@brzuchal love.
@JayIsTooCommon you coming out of the closet in a rather special way?
Hey guys, just a quick question.
Is it possible to echo a php function without running it ?
@Baldráni As in echo the code of the function?
The thing is that I have something like echo <button onclick="myphpfunction()">
Without using ajax :/ ?
6:50 PM
Q: What is the difference between client-side and server-side programming?

decezeI have this code: <script type="text/javascript"> var foo = 'bar'; <?php file_put_contents('foo.txt', ' + foo + '); ?> var baz = <?php echo 42; ?>; alert(baz); </script> Why does this not write "bar" into my text file, but alerts "42"?

@FélixGagnon-Grenier yep - I was hoping when my girlfriend was taking it she'd realise but no joy. Plan B
@DaveRandom now I have infinite warning:
Warning: stream_socket_enable_crypto(): this stream does not support SSL/crypto in /home/brzuchal/Workspace/php-src/gistfile1.txt on line 5
Oh good
But I found out that lately I was testing against 7.1.2 not master
well I have no idea how to fix this then
@brzuchal irrelevant, I think :-(
This seems to be a bug that has existed forever
6:54 PM
I've reseted=hard repo and compiling master again
I'm not even 100% certain what the nature of the bug is, but the tl;dr is that openssl is fucking retarded
did that fork ever gain traction?
@DaveRandom the same infinite warning on master right now
@PaulCrovella The one I was considering jamming into my eye after I opened the code for ext/openssl? not yet
@brzuchal no worries, I think this is going to be a non-trivial fix
6:58 PM
Ok then
I'm trying to figure out exactly how we are supposed to do it first, then I can figure out what we are currently doing wrong

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