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3:00 PM
@MooingRawr I would rather say that they gonna have to work during the weekend to fix it by Monday ;)
@marxin my company doesnt work on Weekends, and what not :D Weekend emails gets open on Monday is the general rule around here...
@WayneWerner suitable father..... wutface
3:05 PM
@WayneWerner must've been a close one
I hope that was in H&I :D
"needs editing"
the reason I put? "This looks like a markov bot"
@MooingRawr I don't know what business you work in but for websites like SO being not available for 10 minutes is not acceptable, not even saying about weekend or so ;)
I work for an HR/ HR tool dev company. We have many "department". I work in the dev department, my code never hits production until half a year to a year later. It's very rare that the dev team gets called because production went down on a weekend. My team leader has been with the company for 11 years (working on the same team) and has never been called once on the weekend for an urgent matter that couldn't wait till Monday :D
3:10 PM
:35715430 :D don't you have that gold badge already ? What happens if you keep flagging?
@MooingRawr Are you aware that flagging is not about badges, but curating content on SO?
is it SO hopes that, in the process of you earning the gold badge for flags, you get addicted to flagging so you have to feel good and thus continue to flag?
look at Bhargav's flag statistics if you're interested
@AndrasDeak Oh I'm aware of that, but you are aware that some people are only in it for the badge
Just wondering where you stand on the scale. (don't mean to insult you or anything)
the only thing that happens is that they make you a mod so that you'll finally stop flagging things:D
3:12 PM
@AndrasDeak Err, there are people with lots more flags than me
I know, like Bot Andy
Pang, Tunaki, bluefeet, etc
All human flaggers
never heard of them
Are they parts of the blue man/woman crew?
@MooingRawr I mostly flag NAA and abusive stuff, but the latter rarely finds me. But after 10k you see abusive flags in chat, and you can decide to counterflag or agree
3:14 PM
@AndrasDeak Check the last line here meta.stackoverflow.com/a/342207/4099593
which is important because a lot of idiots flag messages that they disagree with, or that refuses to spoon-feed them with whatever thing they want
@AndrasDeak sorry, NAA?
@MooingRawr not an answer
@BhargavRao nice, thanks
@BhargavRao good guy Natty leaving comments
3:16 PM
He got a Marshall badge also
@BhargavRao Oh I know what Not an answer is now, just didn't know the abbreviation "NAA". Also holy Pang > 49,445 helpful flags o.o
@MooingRawr Check out Andy and his autoflagging machine :P
everybody needs a hobby
The Andy that comes along in here once awhile ?
let me see if I can dig his username up brb
3:20 PM
If I write
`text = "(2017-02-17 16:52:53) adam080: *file**size:380*{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1504\cocoasubrtf810"`
`arr = text.split(":")`
`length = len(arr[0]) + len(arr[1]) + len(arr[2])+1`
`print "<"+str(text[length:])+">"`
Why wouldn't it print the `<`? I'm using PyCharm and it seems to be pretty weird
> 112,142 helpful flags
and here I thought getting 500 flags was hard .... :(
Q: Can a machine be taught to flag comments automatically?

AndyTL;DR: Yes it can. Background On June 27, 2014 Skynet awoke. It looked at Stack Overflow and thought "Why are all these people being so chatty and talking about obsolete things? I should nuke them all!" Fortunately, Skynet was a baby and only had access to my 100 comment flags a day. Prior ...

@PichiWuana multiline messages can't be code formatted in chat
although you've been here a lot; I'd think you already knew this
edit your message -> click "fixed font" button or ctrl+k instead of backticks
@AndrasDeak I never sent multiline messages
@PichiWuana works on a linux box to console (2.7.x and 3.5.2)
3:22 PM
@MooingRawr What do you mean?
well now you know;)
<0: *file**size:380*{
is what is printed for me
is that what you want?
there's a \r in there, which erases the previous part of the output line
you probably need a raw string on input
3:23 PM
text = r"..."
'<0: *file**size:380*{\rtf1\x07nsi\x07nsicpg1252\\cocoartf1504\\cocoasubrtf810>'
is the repr of that 'string'
@AndrasDeak That helped
Hi all :D
@MooingRawr Weird that the \r didn't affect your print then
I'm glad it did
3:26 PM
I don't know what to tell you, I copy and paste and ran and copy and paste and yeah.... you got your answer.... #__magic__
I'm just wondering
Thank you
Different shells handle escape sequences differently.
How would you add the r of r"" in something like text = method() to the text?
re.escape maybe?
Is someone able to take a quick look at this gradient descent function: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/7430e42cb07b1337847546c427770064

I'm having a little difficulty understanding the `mini_batches = [training_data[k:mini_batch_size]`
3:29 PM
@PichiWuana You can't. It only works on string literals.
relying on repr(text) is unwise, right?
@dipper nvm you just copy and paste wrong, what are you not understanding about
@Kevin So the \r won't affect?
I dont understand [k:k+mini_batch_size] specifically just the k:k...
3:30 PM
I don't understand whats happening in the code at that point
@PichiWuana I think you're hearing "if you try that, the result won't be what you want", when I am saying "there is no way to even try to do that"
LinkedIn updated their UI
for those interested to check it out
@Pichi either you have a string literal and you can set text = r'...\r...' yourself, or you're reading from input, in which case '\r' and r'\r' are naturally distinguished
@dipper it's breaking the data into mini_batch_size chunks
3:31 PM
@idjaw cbg
cbg Andras
@davidism how's the winter wonderland treating you?
\o cbg David, haven't seen you in about a week
I understand
3:32 PM
@dipper it's not k:k, it's k:(k+mini_batch_size), as in from:to
@idjaw \o cbg Joe.
@AndrasDeak Its behavior is pretty well-defined for built-in types, so it should be fine.
Ahhhh. Thanks both, i'll have to take a look. I understnad the general idea of SGD but wasn't quite sure how the code was working
@Kevin because the only thing I could think of off the top of my head was escaping repr()...
but I suspect an XY problem
@idjaw I am back in sunny San Diego. We almost go snowed in on the way out, drove through a heavy snowstorm.
3:36 PM
also I'm stupid because no need to escape the repr
@davidism were the roads cleared at least? Or were in the thick of it?
Nope, about 4 inches of snow, low visiblity. We just went really slow in 4 wheel drive.
It had just started coming down hard when we left.
Possibly there's a more "correct" way to escape strings than repr but I can't remember how to do it. Maybe some kind of variant of str.encode, idk
15 seconds of googling suggests re.escape but I think that behaves a little differently
>>> s = "pq\rst"
>>> s
>>> re.escape(s)
>>> repr(s)
yeah, that was my first guess but then I got very unsure
Considering that re.escape(s) still has the carriage return character in it, it's probably not the right approach
3:47 PM
@davidism glad you made it back safely!
PYTHON = (P)rogrammers (Y)earning (T)o (H)omestead (O)ur (N)oosphere.
What in the world are we doing with escaping strings? I see a lot of confusing discussion, but it might be that XY problem at work ;)
I honestly don't know, I just wanted to contribute.
My XYometer is reading 90% right now though
The true solution is: the best way to not have mangled data is not to unmangle the data, but to threaten with violence the person sending you mangled data until they stop sending you mangled data
is someone trying to print a string with \r in it and getting confused because the output has an \r in it, e.g.
>>> print('hello\rworld')
cause there's nothing wrong with the data, probably, just the output
if you want to know the actual output.
Unless carriage returns shouldn't be in your binary data.
In which case you should either reject the invalid data or cleanse it, whichever philosophy you want to adhere to.
My interpretation of this is: Pichi is getting a string from... somewhere... and it contains a carriage return when he expects it to contain a backslash character followed by an R character.
3:59 PM
and python 2's confusion of bytes and str might or might not be part of the problem
but considering that Pichi hasn't posted anything in a while, we might be overthinking the problem
Quick everyone, get a badge and see your badges disappear.
that build didn't go as well as it should've?
@davidism When you left ... Oregon? Went over those mountains a couple of years ago in snow - not nice
4:03 PM
finally, proper minimalistic design
@holdenweb Tahoe, Kirkwood specifically
Same kind of deal, I imagine
4:19 PM
time for coffee
Is it good practice to create an executable python file to create instances of other classes?
Executing in PyCharm
what problem are you trying to solve
why are you going down that route?
I've created a neural network class, now I want to create an object of that class to test. In java I would create an executable file which instantiates objects. Just wondered if thats what youre supposed to do in Python also
4:26 PM
If you're asking "Is it OK to define a class in one file, and create instances of it in another file?", absolutely yes. 90% of the standard library would be useless if you weren't allowed to use their classes.
if that is what you were asking, and Kevin's deciphering is correct. Then yeah, I agree
Yeh, sorry... I did ask very vague
Thanks both
It's been a long day.
If you're asking "is it normal to have several 'non-executable' source files (e.g. which contain only function and class definitions), and one 'executable' source file which imports them?", yes. That's a pretty typical design structure for projects
4:28 PM
Yes @Kevin that's what I was asking
Late morning cabbage.
cabbage DSM
\o cbg DSM, any plans for the long weekend? I heard it was going to get double digits during the weekend.
Double digits? Then might hit the beach!
4:29 PM
I wish I have more time
@AndyK for ?
for work
but then I think about Parkinson's law
and I know my time is just enough
@DSM I use to bike down to my nearest beach because the traffic was kinda bad, and all the parking spaces were always taken. I haven't been to a beach in forever since moving. I kind of miss it I guess..
4:31 PM
and I must know wish for more time at work
@Kevin we need a term for overthinking things like you do, similar to Kevin'd.
Can anyone remember that mojibake-reversing library? I think Martijn was evangelizing for it at one point.
I was just saying yesterday how it's really hard to tell whether a string is mojibake or not. If there's a ready-made library that does exactly that, I'm going to have to eat my words.
okie Idk if it is or it isn't but FIFY is my guess after reading blog.luminoso.com/2015/05/21/…
FTFY not FIFY...
4:46 PM
First In, First Yout
5:09 PM
Thanks, will have a look. A while ago I insisted on UTF-8 across the board for a bunch of stuff, only to have a certain DBA resist my suggestion. We'll see if he figures out the moral of this little tale.
Anyone know a way to monitor threads in a concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor pool? When using threading.Thread I can name threads and check them with threadname.is_alive(). I cant find a way to see if threads are still running in a pool.
@sidnical submitting a job returns a Future object: docs.python.org/dev/library/…
5:25 PM
free pizza in office is the best thing ever
There's a meeting with pizza on my floor. I'm not invited. :-(
oh yes you are
just walk in
take a slice, walk out. No eye contact
be that guy
"man...that DSM....he just walked in and took a slice....he's crazy. I'm not going to mess with him anymore"
I'm not sure I'm ready to be the pizza thief I want to see in the world.
@davidism I missed that in the doc. So i'd just give it a name and check status on that. Thanks
There was a pizza party on my floor once, everyone ate it but me :( Lactose intolerant stinks ...
5:26 PM
take those pills
nom nom the fromage
pray for @MooingRawr
I eat cheese on Fridays so I can suffer on the weekends. I know about those pills but I don't take em, just a stupid reason
It's just me being stupid and refusing to take the pills
That reminds me I should order pizza for lunch.... is it acceptable to get it deliver to the office and ask the delivery person to call me to come down?
or is that generally rude for office settings ?
Also cheese-less pizzas are pretty good...
is cheese less pizza still pizza?
Speaking as a fellow lactically-challenged person, no, they're not
Asking the delivery guy to call on arrival is no different from what he'd need to do at an apartment building. I don't think it's rude.
5:30 PM
extra tomato sauce, some bacon, some pepperoni/ham, and pineapples = <3
I have always eaten pizza without the tomato sauce (when ordering for myself)
When I interned at a place in a high rise office building, we got pizza delivered once a week or so. We'd meet the delivery man in the elevator alcove.
@MooingRawr you sure it wasnt a pancake? :p
@DSM I was worry about front desk and what not too.. don't wanna be like oh he got delivery and what not
"alcove" makes it sound more surreptitious than it was. "You got the stuff?" "That depends, you got my money?"
5:31 PM
DSM getting Kevin'd by Kevin.... typical Kevin..
Kevin gonna Kevin
@MooingRawr: then just ask the front desk what the process is. People usually don't mind other people treating them as knowledgeable as long as it's only occasional.
5:33 PM
Relatedly, how come in Home Alone the parents couldn't get a call through to the house, but Kevin was able to order pizza?
Are pineapple acceptable on your pizza?
Aw, we're going to bring pineapple-hate in here?
@Kevin they were fixing the phone lines and didn't know when it would come back up . Kevin called when it was up but the family didn't know when it was up
I've had pineapple on pizza once. It was fine but I would not go out of my way to try it again.
5:34 PM
Just need to know who to send some pineapple pizza :D
Pineapples are great for decoration purposes, or for drinking tropical beverages out of.
If pineapple is acceptable in sweet and sour pork, why is it not on pizza (generally curious)?
I'm OK with Hawaiian pizza
and I'm totally OK with sweet and sour pork
Pineapples are great, but on pizza... ehh
@MooingRawr: objection! Assumes facts not in evidence.
5:37 PM
Another random question, if I may, as a man without a beard, do people shampoo or soap their beard? ( assuming you have two different products for for your body and hair )
@MooingRawr they use straighteners
@MooingRawr I know one guy who uses shampoo
The soundtrack for PixelJunk Shooter is so good. I want to go back and play it now.
The last time I had more than a quarter inch of beard, I'd use regular hair shampoo on it maybe once a week. Not as a set routine, just because each day there was a 14% chance that I'd find it amusing to do
5:42 PM
Don't grow a beard, I don't imagine you with a beard at all.
Does anyone know what the input format is for a single digit from the MNIST dataset?
I enjoy Emi Evans' voice for the original Nier game, can't wait to see what Automata provides.
Oops I used a mutable object as a dictionary key and now the world is burning down around me
best practice question I am not sure of. Is it OK to change the name of an argument when implemented abc method? i.e. abc has 'foo' as argument, but implementation would have 'bar'. I feel like it breaks some kind of consistency or 'explanation' in the code
I'm leaning towards not changing it. It seems like the better option
I'm inclined to say that the existing argument names are part of the interface, so you shouldn't change them.
If only because a user might try to do abc(foo=23) and it doesn't work because you changed foo to bar
5:56 PM
the last bit of the argument my mind slipped to grab
If you want to have another that offers the same thing, I guess that's okay. But keep the old one too for compatibility. interfaces are open for extension, but not modification
that's enough for me to stick with no modifications.
thanks guys
@Kevin shouldn't have made it hashable
Well it's an object representing a row of the database WIDGETS table. It needs to be mutable because how else am I going to update the database, and it needs to be hashable because how else am I going to create a Dictionary<Widget, bool> that represents the frobbability of each widget
It's very important that I know whether I can frob any particular widget.
I was going to suggest adding it to a Set<Widget> of frobbables, but then you're exactly in the same place...
can't the object itself have a .frobbable property?
6:09 PM
Possibly. I like to avoid adding things to the ORM classes if I can avoid it. But I might not be able to avoid it here.
it might be the lesser of two evils
6:29 PM
@MYGz I'm only a fellow user like you, so only take this as general feedback, but I find that quite distracting
I meant the oneboxed high-five/wave icon, not the message:D
(see also the directed reply)
w00t :P. Why distracting?
Man, and here I am struggling to ensure the images I post don't cause epileptic fits in the viewers.
"not distracting" is a goal on the distant horizon
6:42 PM
@MYGz because "annoying" or "obnoxious" don't sound diplomatic enough
@Kevin you should flash huge red texts warning for epilepsy triggers before your gifs
preferably fast
"Warning! If this flashing red message is triggering your epilepsy, then the image I'm about to post will probably trigger your epilepsy"
and as for your concerns: your images should never stop being distracting; they're amazing to ogle for minutes
@AndrasDeak wasn't it yourself who helped me the other day when trying to print an image array? Turned out that the issue was the colour channels?
as Andras' lawyer, I advise him to not answer this question unless payment is made in salmiakki
because he looooooves salmiakki
6:51 PM
isn't that right Andras?
1 shroot buck.
Can these be exchanged for beets?
@dipper yup
@Programmer xD
and don't believe my lawyer, he'll from now on get paid in high-fructose-corn-syrup-based fake maple syrup
6:55 PM
I've asked a question on stack, are you able to just look at the end 'Updated' section? I've posted a picture of my output after using OpenCV's resize function, not sure if the same is happening again. stackoverflow.com/questions/42304885/…
@dipper sopython.com/chatroom please read the rules
Well i'm glad we cleared that up
(and your structure is fine, but lines are being wrapped)
but what Mooing said
Oops sorry.
6:56 PM
not to be rude or anything :\
you can try plotting your array with something like matplotlib.pyplot.imshow
I should of read the rules, my bad
The reason why these rules are there is that whoever is interested will see your question on main, and parallel discussion here and there will only lead to fragmentation.
hi, how is everyone doing?
\o cbg
6:59 PM
Also, I'm not on main right now because I shouldn't be slacking off; but it's not your fault but mine that I'm slacking off here :)
@FaisalJulaidan hello
@FaisalJulaidan doing well
BTW Andras, how did you solve that number hyphen issue ?
guys can you help me in something
Is the wrapping just to preserve space in the console?
@FaisalJulaidan sopython.com/chatroom read the rules, just ask the question if u have one
7:01 PM
2 days ago, by Andras Deak
haha, haHAHAHA M̵WAHAĂ̶̮H̶̲́A̸̝͒Ą̷̱̥̤̍͛̉̂̅͊̆̆͠A̸̝̣͑̈́͝H̷̨͉̠͖̜̯̦̝͍͖͚̹̗̋͜ͅH̴̡͍̹̘̣͇̠̼̭̲͇̹̆A̷͍͓̐̊͘‌​̻̺̼̺̯͍̺͜ͅ they left a "...and other notes" free-to-edit field on the web page with the phone numbers. In your face, evil slash incompetent webdev!
thanks for asking
am looking for help i am trying to figure out the best design for simplest traffic light system using OOP, and by simplest i mean no need to consider pedestrian or cars just the sequence of the lights in the junction.

if you just can help to build the object design model for the system i will be thnakful
ahh I must have missed that message, glad to see you got your result
ok i will tell you how i am going to structure it. These are the classes >> 1.Light 2. TrafficLight 3.Road might implement right direction interface 4. trafficLightController. 5.RoadIntersection Enums 1.Colors 2. Shapes (LEFT_ARROW...)
Note that it's generally considered bad form to ask the same thing in multiple chat rooms in parallel. I don't have strong feelings about this right now, just be aware of this.
Can you pay shrootbucks
7:04 PM
@AndrasDeak corn syrup...that's a declaration of war
Send your moose across the big pond, I dare you
the big pond?
I'm coming at you, bro
wait for it. The Meese are coming
The great atlantic pond of the world
Our Meese can cross it. That's our real navy
I only have dried deer-based treats for them when you arrive...it might be in bad taste to serve them that. Let me know when you're coming and I'll buy some apples
USA have the navy seals, we have the navy moose!
btw Estonian red deer are eating again :P
7:21 PM
Look like elk to me.. :-P (Obscure historical reference to my hometown getting its name because the newcomers were confused about the difference between elk and red deer..)
I can't even tell a red deer from a non-red one, especially in night vision, so anything's possible:P
I also don't know the difference between various sorts of deer-like game in Hungarian
7:45 PM
Is tkinter a built-in module?
import _tkinter
any reason for the underscore? all examples online use Tkinter
If you're thinking "then how come I'm getting ImportError: No module named 'tkinter' on one of my computers but not the other?", it's because they changed the capitalization of the name in between versions.
You should not be importing anything with a leading underscore.
Is there a reason? Or is it just wrong? xD
7:48 PM
I'm confused as to where you're seeing that code. You couldn't have gotten it from online, because you said that all examples online use Tkinter. If you wrote it yourself, you wouldn't be asking why it is the way it is, because presumably you would already know why you wrote the code you wrote.
That's the compiled c module that backs it. Use the non-underscore version.
It was auto suggested by PyCharm @Kevin
One day i'll do something right the first time... just you watch
Oh, ok
[PSF meeting] "How could we make the jump to py3 subtly more confusing?" :P
7:55 PM
I assumed it was about how Tk is written. But it turns out that Tkinter was the one following Tk's name
I'm not sure I agree with the call on this one, especially considering other nests of casing chaos in the stdlib
OK, not in module names, but still
I would have been more in favor of it if they had simultaneously fixed every module name with weird casing. Rip off the band-aid quickly.
yeah, that would've been a Greater Good
First, there would only be a single relatively short period of chaos. Secondly, it would superlinearly increase public awareness of the change, reducing the frequency of people being completely clueless about why their code doesn't work any more.
ooh, even stuff like curses are stdlib, sounds like fun
7:59 PM
"Why am I getting ImportError on import Tkinter? Oh yeah, I read on Reddit yesterday about the Great Python Module Renaming, that's probably it"
@Kevin yup, I wholeheartedly agree

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