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I'm confused about using template argument lists and templates in general with classes. I put
template <typename T>
above each member function in the .cpp file, and a <T> after each occurrence of the class name there, so it looks like this on each function in the .cpp file:

template <typename T>
void SomeClass<T>::someFunct(){
That's about as far as I've understood them, I don't understand why nor what else has to be in there or in the header-file.
I know the basics of templates, they can be used to make a function able to use various types of objects depending on what T is when the function is used.
But I don't understand, for example, why it has to be declared for each and every member function when T isn't always used.

And I don't know where it needs to be placed in the header-file except above the
"class SomeClass{
I accidentally solved all errors in my code, but uhh.. I'd still like to know how this works.
Been reading through these earlier:

I didn't really get the answer in any of them.
2 hours later…
I need to extract Fixed 10 byte field from the incoming stream of packet
what datatype shall I use in c++ to represent that field data
3 hours later…
@Geetha std::array<char, 10> is a decent candidate
@JackOfBlades You probably don't need to template each member function, it should be enough to only template the class once if you have something like a vector.
@JackOfBlades Maybe you should get a book. Accidentally solving errors tends to not work so well in C++ because it compiles all kinds of garbage.
Hello all.
I'm creating a stack for an assignment, and im currently attempting to write methods to change the stack's size and also 'delete' the stack. At the moment im deleting the stack which basically resets the stack back to the default size and resets the stack's array. The gist can be found here: gist.github.com/ryankshah/92480c0b99d95cdf0728ab5806c3c88a - however i'm getting subscripted value is neither array nor pointer nor vector
Lines 17-23
If it were up to me, i wouldnt write it this way, but lecturer wants it like this so im buggered haha
I feel you...
...why stdbool.h?
@rshah I don't understand most of that code. Why are you using malloc when the goal is to delete the stack? Also newArr is just an int while malloc gives you a pointer, so not sure what you are doing there.
basically: you can't free what you havn't malloced.
Oh hmm
Well i still want to keep the array there with size, just remove the elements in it prior
you can't grow such an array.
Doesn't stackTop = arr; basically delete the stack elements already?
well if i did that, there would still be elements there in the rest of the array wont there?
the program i have might not necessarily see it but itll still be there
int is a POD type so it won't be an issue
@rshah the elements will always be there, from start of the program until it exits
Re: question - pastebin.com/JXk8VQEk
yeah but they will be 'null' (0)
should be*
malloc everytime
you can set them all to 0 inside deleteStack, not sure what that accomplishes though
But then we also have to create an efficient program, so its probably more effective to just set top back to arr[1] and then just use push and pop as normal? because pushing will overwrite elements in arr[index] etc.
you're overcomplicating stuff
@rshah exactly, thats why it doesn't matter if it is 0
the first time, you malloc your default size. if it grows, you realloc
@Ven we can't use malloc to start with, we can only use malloc when we use setStackSize
I'm sorry your teacher is retarded.
@nwp *stackTop = &arr[1] sounds about right then for that method, now on to setStackSize
Then you'll have to go for a hybrid approach.
Yeah I know @Ven
setStackSize(size) will malloc size - DEFAULT_SIZE (if that's > 0)
For setStackSize I have to check the number of elements in the stack that have been set, and then if less I can reduce the size, but if the size i want to change is less than number of elements i throw an error, because i cant lose elements in stack
and then you need to dispatch your "set" operation based on the index...
I still have no idea how i would go about setStackSize, definitely not how i would write this stack anyways
well, setStackSize is just curPos = newStackSize; if (newStackSize > staticArraySize) malloc here
arr should be a normal pointer that gets malloced, then on setStackSize you can realloc
But the array has to start static - dont ask, i've asked plenty of times..
@Ven is the way to find the number of elements used in my case 'stackTop - min'?
no. keep track of the current index you're at.
yeah which is stackTop
static int staticStack[SIZE];
int cur;
void push(int value) {
  int newIdx = cur++;
  if (newIdx < SIZE) staticStack[newIdx] = value;
  else /* malloc stuff if needed */
we have to use pointers or it would be an easier assignment
i.e. in the code i provided *(stackTop + 1) = value;
*(a + 1) is a[1].
whichever you use doesn't change anything
I've already got push and pop so i dont have trouble with that, its all working
I've got to use the pointers i've got to keep track of the current amount of elements, so I assume that my *stackTop and *min pointers I can do stackTop - min, to find the number of elements?
why would you do that instead of just keeping the current index...
well how would i find how many elements from the start i've got?
just keep an int count instead of int* top
but the assignment stupidly requires me to use *stackTop = arr;
so i've got to stick with that
@rshah I think it is a bit more complicated after all. If you used setStackSize you have to use stackTop = &newArr[1]; or something like that so it points to the start of the dynamic array.
	while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), file)) {
        len = strlen(line);
        if (len > 0 && line[len-1] == '\n')
        line[len-1] = '\0';
			temp = line[0] - '0';
		if(temp != UserID)

does anyone have a clue why fputs isnt printing anything on the file?
fprintf Is working
@rshah stackTop - &newArr[1], or whatever the start of the stack is
3 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
@Mr.Toxy you can puts what fputs gets to see what, if any, it should be printing
@nwp I've managed to work it out and works now haha, thanks for the help
if (fid->IsFlagSet(FUNCTION_FLAG_BIND1))
retval = binary_functions[fid->funcidx].second(oparam[0], cparam);
else if (fid->IsFlagSet(FUNCTION_FLAG_BIND2))
retval = binary_functions[fid->funcidx].second(cparam, oparam[1]);
if I change the first retval = binary_func.... to retval = 1;
the efficiency almost doubles
the first if is always false
the second is supposed to be executed and it works... but for some reason editing the "never executed" code of the first if block changes the performance
if (fid->IsFlagSet(FUNCTION_FLAG_BIND1))
retval = binary_functions[fid->funcidx].second(oparam[0], cparam);
else if (fid->IsFlagSet(FUNCTION_FLAG_BIND2))
retval = binary_functions[fid->funcidx].second(cparam, oparam[1]);
the first if is always false
but editing the code inside it alters performNCE
by 100%
what does the profiler say?
what does the fox say?
if (fid->IsFlagSet(FUNCTION_FLAG_BIND1))
retval = binary_functions[fid->funcidx].second(oparam[0], cparam);
else if (fid->IsFlagSet(FUNCTION_FLAG_BIND2))
retval = binary_functions[fid->funcidx].second(cparam, oparam[1]);
the printf never comes
if I remove the line after the printf, effciency doubles
idk how; it makes no sense
how do I run the profiler for a DLL?
the DLL is loaded by another program
@YashasSamaga you'll have to attach to that program
it is inside VM
I will have to attach the VM but that won't give any useful performance analysis
my dev envi is 10
the program works inside a Win 7 VM
you could try logging the calls then to make sure that the first condition is actually false most of the time
I will have to install VS inside the VM :/
I had added a printf inside that if
nothing was ever printed
19 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
ok done
I have the analysis
what kind of troll is this
the if block from where I removed the code isn't executed
but removing the code doubles the performance
what the hell
the code you've written is not the one the CPU is executing
the one it's executed is the resulting machine code
I did not understand
@YashasSamaga branch prediction
I can't think of what optimization the compiler did either
if (fid->IsFlagSet(FUNCTION_FLAG_BIND1))
retval = binary_functions[fid->funcidx].second(oparam[0], cparam); // <----------------- REMOVING THIS DOUBLES PERFORMANCE
else if (fid->IsFlagSet(FUNCTION_FLAG_BIND2))
retval = binary_functions[fid->funcidx].second(cparam, oparam[1]);
how do I solve this now?
don't remove this duh
I won't be removing it because it is needed.
well precisely
correctness trumps performance
but I don't want it to impact the performance of the else if case
I actually tried dirtying the code to fix the performance
but that murders readablity
did you try turning on optimizations?
always on
unless the program starts crashing
I still can't make sense of performance double
even with branch prediction, only one IsFlagSet call will be averted
bool IsFlagSet(int flag)
return (flags & flag);
check the generated assembly
what can that do?
get inlined
a removal of function call would double the performance?
I also have always inline if possible setting marked
and then the optimizer can see the flag test and combine them
also most likely the rest of the program is garbage so whatever
then branch predition
use profiler
@YashasSamaga that can kill your performance
@milleniumbug I am measuring the time take by a function call
code bloat will flush the instruction cache
the performance doubling happened for that functionc
microbenchmarks are a waste of time
just that function or your entire program?
if that function is just 0.0001% of your entire program time then it's literally not worth the time to optimize it
...that wasn't a "yes/no" question
oops I read the question as if the func was the entire program
just that function
performance of just that function doubled
that is the code
I'll repeat: correctness trumps performance
and readable trumps performance unless it's part of the critical path.
finding out whether a function is part of the critical path requires profiling
commenting if (!ExecuteFunctionBC1O2(amx, &fid, *start, func)) return false; makes the function 400 times faster
there is nothing so costly in ExecuteFunction to damage the performance so much
doesn't it execute a function?
yes but the functions are so silly
vector <pair<string, function<cell(cell, cell)>>> binary_functions =
make_pair < string, function<cell(cell, cell)>>("plus", [](cell a, cell b) { return a + b; }),
make_pair < string, function<cell(cell, cell)>>("minus", [](cell a, cell b) { return a - b; }),
make_pair < string, function<cell(cell, cell)>>("multiplies", [](cell a, cell b) { return a * b; }),
make_pair < string, function<cell(cell, cell)>>("divides", [](cell a, cell b) { return a / b; }),
make_pair < string, function<cell(cell, cell)>>("modulus", [](cell a, cell b) { return a % b; }),
the compiler is not inlining call ?ExecuteFunctionBC1O2@@YAHPAUtagAMX@@PAUfunctionID@@HQAH@Z ; ExecuteFunctionBC1O2
style advice: don't call std::make_pair with explicit template arguments
so how should I write it?
either do std::pair<string, function<cell(cell, cell)>>(/* whatever */) or std::make_pair(/* whatever */), but not std::make_pair<string, function<cell(cell, cell)>>(/* whatever */)
there are code which return a bool
but I dont want the make_pair to make a bool(cell, cell)
completely irrelevant
A: c++11 rvalue references in `std::make_pair`

milleniumbugThe point of std::make_pair is to deduce type of your arguments for you. Otherwise you could just write: auto p = std::pair<int, double>(42, -1.5); Instead, you write auto p = std::make_pair(42, -1.5);

the whole point of std::make_pair is to deduce arguments, if you don't want to deduce arguments, don't use std::make_pair
The __inline keyword tells the compiler to substitute the code within the function definition for every instance of a function call. However, substitution occurs only at the compiler's discretion. For example, the compiler does not inline a function if its address is taken or if it is too large to inline.
it does not inline when I am calling it only once
I feel like shouting at the compiler and forcing it to inline
the compilers are ignoring inline because most people have no clue when to inline a function
I used __forceinline
and the performance doubled
@milleniumbug it was and remains a suggestion, one usually only listened to when PGO is on
4 hours later…
what is the use of that algorithm?
> Move range of elements
but that is less efficient
oh interesting
so that's the difference
> After this operation the elements in the moved-from range will still contain valid values of the appropriate type, but not necessarily the same values as before the move.
(depending on what you are moving, for int it doesn't matter, for big std::vectors it matters a lot)
@milleniumbug I understand that but why should I use move instead of copy?
IOW it's possibly faster, with the caveat that you don't care about the source values
I am going to benchmark
can you check both the implementations?
I think move is slower
template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator copy (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result)
while (first!=last) {
*result = *first;
++result; ++first;
return result;
template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator move (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result)
while (first!=last) {
*result = std::move(*first);
++result; ++first;
return result;
huh nvm
3 hours later…
Been googling around for a while to find some kind of solution to an urgent problem;
I'm trying to make a copy-constructor and make the assignment operator for a doubly linked, circular list(which has a private nested Node-class), and I ran into a sort of dilemma
because the requirement is to make the members Node* last, Node* first, Node* current as well as the class private, which means I can't directly use them from the parameter object when makign the deep copy in the assignment operator and copy-constr
so I tried making a function which returns a pointer to the "Node* first", but that didn't work either for some reason
the access control applies to class, not the object
what does that mean?
IOW MyClass::operator=(const MyClass& other) can access privates of both *this and other because they're both of type MyClass
Then the errors must be out of some other reason
they do point to that part though, maybe I need to dereference other? "*other.first;"?
SSCCE please
Ah, one minute
Strange, it disappeared when I switched computer. My old one is dying so i salvaged what I had and put it onto a borrowed comptuer in the meantime.
I suppose that part is solved then
But the other issue is:
I need to cycle through that parameter's nodes to copy the value of each one, however this changes the "current"-pointer in that object, which means a change happened, which is not allowed for a const parameter
why are you changing the object
read only operations can be done perfectly fine without modifying the other list
I'm changing the "current" pointer of "other" after each loop
so don't
how would I access any of the nodes then?
how do you iterate over it
do you actually modify the list on every read
yes, the current-pointer of the list changes with each loop so that I can use a member function called "getElementAt()" (which is one of the required functions in the assignment),
and then put the returned value into a new Node-object, which is weaved into the new list I'm copying to
your code is broken
access to the list can be done by getting the pointer to the "head", and traversing through the ->next pointer until you reach the "head" again
facepalm but of course
I'mma try that, if it works
I should probably switch major
I think it did work, but I've got unrelated errors I'm working on and I'm redoing the tests in the main.cpp so it'll take a while
Thank you yet again though
@JackOfBlades I don't recommend this approach; write some code, get it to compilable state, and only then make more changes
if you're modifying two things at once, then, if something breaks, you can never be 100% sure which change broke things
if you're modifying one thing, it's obvious
Sounds good, I'll do that
Everything works now except one tiny little, weird problem
I can use the list-objects to call-by-reference in functions in main.cpp, but not call-by-value
void printList(CircularDoubleDirectedList<T>& list){...} //This works
void test(CircularDoubleDirectedList<T> list){...} //This makes the program crash
your copy constructor is broken
also use a debugger
When referring to c style string (in interviews) does it mean it's an array of characters with the last one having a value of \0?
How do you iterate over such array? How do you check for an end of a string?
Just like any other array I take it?
@RawN yes
@RawN C standard (7.1.1) says "A string is a contiguous sequence of characters terminated by and including the first null character."
@RawN there is strlen
@RawN you iterate until you find '\0'
@nwp Damn, right you are, totally forgot there are those specific functions
incidentally, this is literally what strlen does - iterates until it finds '\0', and counts characters along the way
I see.
So one must know c to a certain degree.
Is there a macro that can construct a c style string or is it only a matter of using those yucky malloc / realloc functions?
assuming the C function only needs to read it
Thank you all.
if it takes ownership, then you need to follow its protocol for allocating memory, if it writes to the buffer, you need a writeable buffer
@RawN What exactly do you mean by construct? You would generally use string literals such as const char *cstring = "Foobar";.
@nwp I see. I thought one must use mallocs.
passing the address of a first character of an already .resized std::string is perfectly fine C++11, but very problematic C++03. Otherwise you must use std::vector<char> and ensure it's null terminated after the call
Awesome, all clear now.
also, string functions from <cstring> are total garbage
avoid them wherever you can
heck, I'd say, avoid them even when writing C
Will do.
What is the proper way to initialize a default parameter of type T?(both strings and ints will be used)
don't do default parameters
in general, don't assume stuff
but if you really need a default value, then assuming the type is default constructible, you can declare a variable with a default value with T whatever{}; (the term is "value initialized")
(assuming C++11)
Isn't it a good idea to make sure all potential gaps are filled in though? Or why would it be bad?
Or is it for when something goes awry, it is harder to detect when there's no gap for the computer to complain about?
sorry, but I really don't understand what do you mean
If somebody doesn't have all the necessary parameters to pass in when making an instance, and they leave them out, wouldn't it be handier to just have them default?
not necessarily
the initial value needs to be what the user expects, which is why guessing what does the user needs is often catastrophically wrong
default value of zero? baaaad
because the default isn't suitable when want to calculate the product of all the values in an array, for example
Ah okay.
some languages provide a default value for all types, and if you don't assign it, you get a "null value", and any operation on it will abort the program
this is terrible because this results in people chasing why is the program accessing a "null value"
OTOH if a language required all initializations to be done, people would assign some value, which is also problematic because it can result in garbage results
Does anyone here know to add an external DLL or LIB file to a Visual Studio project? I'm really like Visual Studio now that I have a computer that can run it. However, I would like to know this so I can use things like RakNet
Also I am using VS 2017 Community
The way I usually come across it is when I want to make a more versatile default constructor, so I don't have to make one which initializes all members with null or zero and another which initializes them with parameters.
I used to think that as little code as possible doing as much as possible is necessarily better.
@MarfGamer it's not yet a thing
unless you're using a Release Candidate
Really? That's strange
in which case have fun with chasing compiler bugs
Is there any reason as to why?
because you're using a beta version?
oh, didn't think about that
@MarfGamer there should be plenty of tutorials on how to add libs to VS, possibly even specifically for RakNet

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