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I need to defined ID number as 4 byte length and the value would be in the format FF:FF:FF:FF. I need to be able to parse indivual byte like FF, FF, FF, FF to compare whether value is the valid value
can someone give me a clue what data type to be used in c++
I need to defined ID number as 4 byte length and the value would be in the format FF:FF:FF:FF. I need to be able to parse indivual byte like FF, FF, FF, FF to compare whether value is the valid value. What datatype can I use to defined ID variable in c++?
@Geetha You could use a uint32_t to store a 4 byte ID and have separate functions for both parsing it from FF:FF:FF:FF and reading it from FF:FF:FF:FF
You can find that in <cstdint>
Is there anything in particular you are having trouble with?
will have a look. Thanks lalaland
The parsing from FF:FF:FF:FF or the printing to FF:FF:FF:FF?
how can I get FF, FF, FF,FF
There are fancy methods, but I would probably just go with the simple approach of manually verifying and parsing.
Like the value for the first byte is (data[0] - '0') *16 + (data[1] - '0') (after verification that the values are in the correct range)
If you want to be more fancy, you could locate all the occurances of ":" and then use en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/string/basic_string/stol to parse each byte.
Could you pls gimme an example pls
hi guys
@Geetha ideone.com/9EbKmp is an example of the manual approach to parsing it.
Not 100% sure that it is better than than using en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/string/basic_string/stol on those individual bytes. I guess people might argue about that.
Hmm... Okay I will try it
how can I upgrade gcc on centOS, I have no yum or sudo
@user3304007 You can compile it from source yourself.
It's sorta a pain. (Although not as much as you would think)
@lala how to do it?
@user3304007 You start by downloading a source release from the gcc website: gcc.gnu.org/install/download.html is the starting page.
mirrors-usa.go-parts.com/gcc/releases/gcc-6.3.0 is a page with some actual downloads.
You then need to unpack the .tar.gz or .tar.bz2
which command should I use on centOS
To do what?
to download the files
You should be able to use tar -xvf to unpack IIRC.
do I need sum files ?
Those files allow you to check that your download was not corrupted. Usually it's not worth bothering.
You can ignore them.
After using tar command, will it be upgraded ?
No, you need to download the libraries for gcc and then build gcc.
got it. so what is the build gcc command ?
You want to cd into the gcc folder you just unpacked and run ./contrib/download_prerequisites
Oh, and gcc.gnu.org/install/index.html has a complete guide.
@user3304007 So, following that guide you would need to run ./configure and then make
Note that you probably want to use the --prefix command so that it installs in one of your local directories
(Otherwise it will try installing globally which won't work because you don't have admin privileges)
oh thats so difficult
if you are new on this
You could also use clang instead, they have a much cleaner process: clang.llvm.org/get_started.html
Well, maybe not cleaner, but nicer documented in some sense.
holy fuck
I just got this popup page
this is the most cancerous popup I've ever had
constantly tries to go fullscreen
fake 'create more dialog buttons'
fake embedded page
autoplaying sound
and I just realized this is the wrong channel, not the loung...
2 hours later…
4 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
@milleniumbug you probably meant to move that to the bin :P
Do I need to close an ifstream even though it is not opened?
1 message moved from Lounge<C++>
no you don't need to close streams at all
destructor is doing this for you
ifstream file_reader( "numbers.txt" );
if ( ! file_reader.is_open() )
cout << "Can't open file!\n";
// Some stuff happens when ifstream is open
That is what I am trying to describe.
call to .close() is redundant even if the file is open
when file_reader goes out of scope close will be called automatically
(destructor) [virtual] (implicitly declared) destructs the basic_ifstream and the associated buffer, closes the file (en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/io/basic_ifstream)
Well, that does not mean I should not use ifstream::close from now on right?
that's the beauty if RAII
@xersi Yes that does mean this
it's better to just enclose the time you need the ifstream open in a tight scope block so that as soon as you don't need it anymore you exit that scope (which closes the stream) and you can't touch the variable anymore
You mean I just wrap the code above with {} so that I don't need to call ifstream::close?
it's already wrapped
void f()
{ // <------- here
	ifstream file_reader( "numbers.txt" );
	if ( ! file_reader.is_open() )
	cout << "Can't open file!\n";
	// Some stuff happens when ifstream is open
} // <------- and here
Yeah, I think ifstream::close is redundant, unless you are using the same ifstream to open another file right?
I wonder if it is true. So I don't need to call ifstream::close when it is not needed.
yes, only if you plan to open another file you need to close first
but then you can simply use another instance \o/
Well then, thanks for your help. But does redundancy in this case mean bad practice?
redundant code is redundant
redundant code is bad because you're repeating yourself + it wastes other people's time wondering why are you doing something twice
for example, reading your code I'd probably waste like 20s wondering why are you explicitly closing the file, and then come to a conclusion that the person who wrote this code didn't know that destructor closes the file for you
Thanks, I will keep that in mind.
I think there is a drawback : If I leave the ifstream open like that, that will prevent the file from being deleted if I suddenly want to delete the file.
in which case you can close() the file explicitly, but this still doesn't mean that it's needed
then you delete the file outside the scope of the ifstream or close explicitly
void f()
		ifstream file_reader( "numbers.txt" );
		if ( ! file_reader.is_open() )
			cout << "Can't open file!\n";
			// Some stuff happens when ifstream is open
	} // <---- here file_reader is closed
^ to clarify - here's what ratchet freak is referring to
What a convenient way to wrap it, I got it.
If an object of a unique_ptr<T> like class is a static member of some class and the destructor of T accesses another static member of some third class. This is problematic because of the static initialization order fiasco, isn't it?
yes, in general when you access a global object from a constructor or destructor of a different global object, you're subject to SIOF
These are both class members
static data members aren't different from global variables except for name lookup
ok, thanks :)
avoid static data members and globals in general
there are workarounds for SIOF, but none of them are perfect
so you can't count on them to work in every case
like setting the custom deleter of the static unique_ptr field with a do-nothing function
then ~T never gets called on that object
you are in program shutdown anyway
let the OS collect the garbage
don't use std::unique_ptr then
4 hours later…
can someone help me, pointer problems
i have 3 structures, object, particle, and position. object contains a particle, and particle points to a position. position has two members, x and y. how do I change the value of x or y?
object.particle.position->x = new_value; gives me a seg fault
> particle points to a position
does it really though
i.e. is it actually initialized, and points to a live object
i created an object, but didn't initialize the position x or y , so that is a problem then?
possibly, but it's unlikely that's the direct cause for the segfault
most likely you haven't initialized your pointers and/or you've screwed up pointer usage
also: std::shared_ptr and std::unique_ptr
this is in C
gee thanks for not mentioning it beforehand I guess
disregard the std::shared_ptr advice then
ok i think that solved it thanks @milleniumbug
float int2float(int){
if i have #define factor 10.0, then in a function i have x (which is an int) * factor, should it return a float?
if you have x * y where one is a float and the other is int, then it evaluates to a float, yes
except 10.0 is not a float
it's a double
10.0 is a double and 10.0f is a float
the same applies though: an_int * a_double evaluates to a double
@nwp so many performance bugs related to this misunderstanding and the fact that compiler can't convert it to float because of numerics issues
ok thanks, that helped
for printf, do i use %f for a double too?
A: Correct format specifier for double in printf

Jerry Coffin"%f" is the (or at least one) correct format for a double. There is no format for a float, because if you attempt to pass a float to printf, it'll be promoted to double before printf receives it1. "%lf" is also acceptable under the current standard -- the l is specified as having no effect if fol...

ah, i have a structure that contains pointers to variables. I created an init function to help me initialize this structure. Init creates the variables, then makes the structure members point to these variables. However, when I return from init() back to main, those variables are now probably cleaned up right? Even though the structure that contains pointers to those variables still exist. Correct?
@SethFoster why do you need pointers to variables?
that just makes your lifetime management that much harder
the variables are also other structures
@SethFoster not saying there isn't a valid reason, but consider that since you're in C and not C++ you have a much tricker lifetime management mess to sort out
yeah I see the problems, i should really switch to c++ haha
but, I really wanted to build a c only app
it's a basic 2d physics api
[closed captioning for the humor impaired: it's a joke son!]
Why? Are you stupid, or insane?
When you start writing init functions for your structs in C you realize that you may as well use a constructor in C++.
@JerryCoffin worse, I'm a novice ;D
@SethFoster All the more reason to stay as far away from C as possible.

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